Update on Steam

Ha I know that one :smiley:

I just came to realising that translating the games title would be…interesting.
Reich komme: Erlösung
Sounds…well…you know… not that smooth

Translating english to german can be very difficult, I don’t know why, but it almost always sounds so awkward - like all german words must be extralong and sound quirky.

So now we’re getting very Offtopic, sorry for that.

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Ach… Offtopic… it helped :smiley:
Now I have changed the missing text and exchanged the wrong ones seen in the screen.
But I think we don´t will see it till the next update.

Does anyone notice other changes? Some bugfixes? I am curious. :smiley:

And maybe I can find time to go on an errorhunt - for more funny german translations!

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Some little errors…

not translated

General: menue

Maybe upper case…?

Main menue: zurück



verwunderter–> verwundeter (verletzter) Soldat

Testpfeile (not Testbogen)

Check: Füge das Johanneskraut in den Kessel hinzu, aber lasse es nicht kühlen.

Orginal: Drop the St. Johns wort in the cauldron, but do not boil.
Translation should be:…, aber koche es nicht.

But there is also an information lost (last phrase):Warm it for one turn and it is done.

–> Erwärme es für eine Runde und es ist fertig.

General Problem:
German words are too long!

Maybe Warhorse can change the font size…
Or they must re-design some text fields.

Some languages have longer words (and phrases) than english.


Beginne mit der Alchemie (–> Alchemie)


Unser kleines Haus in Kuttenberg
CRAFTING–>BAUEN??? maybe: …Fertigkeiten?..Verbesserungen?

Only for improvement of KCD… :relaxed: