Vegetation in the early 15th century?

Possibly, but most probably a luxuary that not everyone would be able to afford.

I seem to remember something from history lessons long time ago about the Swedish people growing garden turnips and such. And a lot of porridge.

Maybe important for the look of the fields in the game: three-field (crop) rotation.
Wikipedia: “The three-field system is a regime of crop rotation in use in medieval and early-modern Europe from around the time of Charlemagne. Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of dissimilar/different types of crops in the same area in sequential seasons.Under this system, the arable land of an estate or village was divided into three parts: one was planted in the autumn with winter wheat or rye; the second was planted with other crops (summer crop) or peas, lentils, beans; and the third was left fallow, in order to allow the soil of that field to regain its nutrients (Anm.: Or used as pasture for cattle). With each rotation, the field would be used differently, so that a field would be planted for two out of the three years used, whilst one year it “rested”. This allowed farmers to plant more crops and therefore to increase production.” (Same sources as above).


Even within Denmark. (and thats the current Denmark, and not the medieval Danish empire than was a lot bigger)
a number of different rotation systems was in uses. Very regional depending on the soil.

So I think you would have to get info about how it was in the local area.

Last week our design team went out for some research. The region of Litoměřice in the north of Czech Republic is known for its various plants which also can be found in the early 15th century. Therefore we went out to make pictures of flowers, trees, textures and the early summer setting. Do you want to sneak a peek behind the scenes? Here you go!


I just love this attention to details.

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I really like that your putting effort in this research! Thats what I was hoping for
And I created a thread about this some weeks ago too. There you can find additional information:

I think it’s important to consider advances in agricultural practices since the middle ages. They didn’t have any genetic engineering or pesticides back then, at least not nearly to an extent as we have now, so wouldn’t it stand to reason that any farm fields you see would have crops a tad less majestic than you would find nowadays? Apples and corn wouldn’t be nearly as shiny or richly colored as you would find in a modern grocery store, and there would be more genetic diversity leading to more varied colors, shapes, and sizes as opposed to the uniformity in produce we are accustomed to.

Why would apples and corn be less colored or shiny? :wink: There would be a lot of different breeds of the food we know today though, I definately agree. A little off topic, but the diversity also was bigger amongst the people, regarding archeology.

Actually pesticides are hardly needed if the soil and the plant is “healthy”. Unfortunately this is not the case in modern agriculture with its excessive use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. These kill most of the micro organisms and earthworms in the soil. This leads to a far reduced capacity of water and mineral storage and a far slower metabolism - giving way to parasites, soil erosion and leaching. So there are actually more long term penalties than short term gains on modern agriculture. Organic for the win :wink:

Kind Regards!

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From what I’ve seen, I think you have to many spruce trees. The Norway spruce (picea abies) naturally grows only in the northern regions of Europe or in high altitudes. I’m no archeobotanist, but I don’t think there were any spruce monocultures, so I think it should be rather uncommon to encounter this species.
Also, it might be interesting to include some agricultural crops that are rarely seen today, but might have been of great importance in the middle ages, like buckwheat, poppy or flax (linen).


At least around Stribrna Skalice there should be less trees because it was a mining region. I read about it in the last days and it said that they needed lots of timber back then. Not only for building cooking and heating. Mining required woods nearby or rivers for timber transport. For mine construction, getting ore with fire starting and of course the smelting process.
They know it better than me. Lets see what the do about it.

They have already said somewhere that they are aware of that spruce monocultures shouldn’t be there. Forrests won’t look like that in the final game. I guess they just don’t have proper tree models right now. :smiley:

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Ahoj, doporučuji rozhodně prostudovat tohle: pokud vím, vyšlo to i v českém překladu, ještě nedávno se nechalo koupit v levných knihách. Prosím hlavně se vyvarujte takových věcí jako brambory, kukuřice, kafe, absinty a podobný věci,co vám tu už někdo doporučoval. Taky lesy vypadaly trochu jinak - spíš doubravy a listnáče celkově než dnešní smrkový monokultury. Jestli by bylo potřeba ještě něco více detailně, doporučuji obrátit se na Laboratoř archeobotaniky a paleoekologie při Jihočeské univerzitě, která se dlouhodobě zabývá výzkumem vegetace v minulých obdobích jinak přeji moc úspěchů a kdyby byl s čímkoli problém, jako archeolog a historik jsem ochotná vyštrachat i další detaily :wink:

O bramborách a rajčatech jsem psal já. Asi jsem měl přidat /irony, aby to některé tolik neděsilo :smiley:

Really good that they worry about vegetation,if they will make a lot of flowers,trees and other vegetation , which you can use,it will be great!

I’m sure people grown patatoes and tomatoes!
Apples(Hildegard of Bingen prescribed raw apples as a tonic for healthy people and cooked apples as the first treatment for any sickness.)
Valerian (Ancient physicians recommended valerian as a diuretic, antidote to poisons, for pain relief and as a decongestant. Hildegard of Bingen prescribed it as a tranquilizer and sleeping aid)

Its been said a lot of times but potatoes and tomatoes werent known in this time.
They came from South America and especially potatoes took long to be eaten by the people.
It took till the 18th century for potatoes to be grown in a more or less big scale

For healing plants and other stuff I’ve created the thread that I posted above, there are lots of plants that grew in that area in that specitic time :slight_smile:


Maybe worth considering would be the choice of the acreage around the villages. These were directed by the transport paths and the transport length, depending on perishableness of the transported goods. Recorded in detail for the first time has, I think, a certain Thünges (or so) in 1800, known as the “Thüngschen Rings”. But I am sure that was at all times careful to get as much crop loss on the plate.

Looks interesting. I had pretty much no idea how in depth this was getting (From a community perspective especially)

Wait, stop! :slight_smile:
Now I am not sure (and too lazy to check back) what century the game is again, exactly. But most likely before 14th century, so: Potatoes and tomatoes were brought in to Europe not before the 16th century! So some of the plants are so common to us that we might think “oh they must have been there forever” but in fact they were brought in just a few centuries ago and the medieval people didn’t even know them yet! :slight_smile:

Tomatoes: definitely not before 1530 (probably around 1540 via Italy to Northern Europe)
Potatoes: As a food, “discovered” in the 18th century, introduced in Prussia by Frederick the Great as folk and troops food.
Most grains (varieties of grasses) were known, especially the millet as a widespread staple food. Emmer, spelled, oats, rye, and especially barley (for beer! :slight_smile: ) Were cultivated for several thousand years.
Corn, however, came only in 1520 through Spain to Europe (origin South America)
Peppers as a vegetable plant / pot plant is likely to have only gained in importance in 1540, as a spice negotiated Portuguese and Venetians already before 1500 so. Just as corn was peppers, known as “Capsicum” 1515 in Spain
grown on a large scale.

Tomaten : definitiv nicht vor 1530 (vermutlich um 1540 über Italien nach Nordeuropa)
Kartoffeln : Als Nahrungsmittel erst im 18. Jh. “entdeckt”, in Preußen durch Friedrich den Großen als Volks- und Truppennahrungsmittel eingeführt.
Die meisten Getreidesorten (Züchtungen aus Süßgräsern) waren bekannt, vor allem die Rispenhirse als weit verbreitetes Grundnahrungsmittel. Emmer, Dinkel, Hafer, Roggen und vor allem Gerste (für Bier !!! :slight_smile: ) wurden seit mehreren tausend Jahren angebaut.
Mais hingegen gelangte erst um 1520 über Spanien nach Europa (Ursprung Südamerika)
Paprika als Gemüsepflanze/Topfpflanze dürfte erst um 1540 an Bedeutung gewonnen haben, als Gewürz handelten Portugiesen und Venezianer bereits vor 1500 damit. Ebenso wie Mais wurde Paprika, bekannt als “Spanischer Pfeffer”, um 1515 in Spanien in größerem Stil angebaut.