We are famous guys :)

Yes. They had mwdieval bongs and they held freestyling comoetitions in da hood

Bongs inda lad.


I said something ones too! I require my name to be accepted to the wall of credentials for I am not very but still a little important.

Wow, thats really cool.

We can be there together, y’know. :smirk:

Well sit down lad, because I’m about to tell you a story.

In the beginning of the forum a foul creature by the name of Madras plagued this form. He was the queer lord of Bohemia, and he would not rest until KC:D became a gay dating simulator. He made a new thread about homosexuality on this forum every month, only slightly changing the title.

Naturally his threads devolved into flame wars, and were closed by @TobiTobsen, who was the main moderator at the time back when @DrFusselpulli was just a peasant like us. Madaras was upset at this and decided to make a thread personally attacking Tobi, and calling the moderators abusive.

So myself, @TheDivineInfidel, @snejdarek, and @McWonderBeast decided we should rid the forum of his cancer, and we started flaming his cancerous threads before they could properly grow, till eventually, he complained about us, saying he did not feel “safe” with me and TheDivineInfidel around, and he left. The forum finally was at peace.

After that we were all sent to an undisclosed location, so we could continue our antics without derailing the forum. But every once and while we could not help venturing out to go fishing. I mainly pretended to be a weeaboo in order to bait people, and it’s still successful to this day.

I managed to get @TheJackinati275 to type five paragraph essays on why i was wrong. :smile:

After that, i would generally just troll threads that would be closed eventually, like the dime a dozen “can we own a castle and be a lord”, or “will there be black transexuals”.

All this said, i still contributed, (and still do) to a lot of serious threads, so it can’t be said that my only purpose here is trolling.

I think the real reason i was added to that list is because i helped occupy DrFusselpulli free time, by arguing about petty bullshit for hours on end. :wink: This forum really is alive because of shit posters and trolls, (and very relaxed and forgiving mods, like Blacksmith, ProkyBrambora, and DrFusselpulli of course) people like @213, @RailBalco, @Wicker, @TheKnightinBlack and all the people i listed above (hope I’m not missing anyone I reached the @ limit). When this game was in deep development, and not a lot of info on the game was coming out we all kept the forum going, and for a while there were probably only a dozen people posting here. We managed to have fun, but were also capable of writing a ten paragraph essay on medieval carrots, which is why this forum is so unique. The last probably 3-4 years of my life, ive visited this forum everyday, and have had a great time and experience, and i think most of the other people i tagged can say the same.

It’s almost surreal that in 7 days we’ll be able to play the game we all waited so long for, and all this is possible thanks to Warhorse, so thank you everyone at Warhorse for making this game, and allowing the forum to be such a great place.


Amen. I wish to be in the same line with you someday, Sir.


And a minute of silence for everyone, who died in “Warriant’s wars”.


Aaaaaahhhhh Madras… good ol’ times!


Thank you Warhorse, for this honor and glory! <3


Welcome to immortality. :wink:

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We should have just one queer knight in the game as a tribute “Sir Madras of Spain”


You’re damn right I did… And It was fun. :wink:

You have my axe!

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@DrFusselpulli summed it up pretty well, thanks Chris! :blush:
So you ain’t entirely wrong @Flarius.
I wish I would’ve been more active in here too, but sadly I didn’t had the time for that.

Well, it’s an absolute honor to appear in the credits of this beautiful piece of art and in the near future I’m looking forward to some fine conversations about the game!
To the whole Studios: Thanks for everything you’ve done so far and just keep up the awesome work!
I will always support you! :+1:


"Someday in the future, we will gather together in Prague, and remember the good, old days. How we fought in “Warriant’s wars”. How the valiant soldiers of the forums were in the chronicles of WH and other cool memories.

We will never forget those who have not been able to live up to these days with us… But, they will remain in our hearts and they will be watching us on the other side of the sky. "

Sirius de Liberi - 2018 A.D

I’m crying. :cry:


What a beautiful thought… :heart:


Thank you. :heart:

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Standing up to evil isn’t the same as sowing its seeds. You did what was right.

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Uh-h-h, Vavra’s vibes. I need to rewatch. :relieved:

That was beautiful. Hard to believe it’s been four years with you glorious lot.