What do you want NOT to see in Kingdome Come: Deliverance?

I don’t want to see quest marker, they are simply destroying the atmosphere of any game. Instead I’d like to have the good old quest log entries or even riddles.


An optional quest marker would be nice - kind of what Dishonored did. And design the game around the idea that player might have quest marker off.

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@Brutos08 I believe they already confirmed no quest markers either.

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What I DO NOT want to see is that devteam miss this topic. There is many good thoughts in it.

I suppose that quest markers are useless only if the game gives the chance to put map markers on the game map, so please map markers for everyone!

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I would like to also now add RELIGION

No multiplayer in mainstory world, !NO Mass Effect dialogs style! (I want see exactly what I say when i choose answer, for example how was in SW KotOR etc.), no Boss fights (when you must kill him 10 000x) and no pushing buttons in cutscenes. :slight_smile:


I agree about ignoring signs or what somebody told you how to get there. In general I think that @warhorse should focus on different kind of difficulty. Difficulty should be set up as not how hard is to die/survive (number of bullets/arrows kills you), but how hard is the solving quests, finding places, making decisions. Also game should be playable if you decide not using map.

That would be very unpleasant.


Quest hints and waypoints that remove any incentive to explore and track down objectives the real way.

No Pay to Win, Half-naked women (or men!), Historical Innacuracy, Shitty Combat, Random Encounters (at least no like Pokémon! :smiley:), Myth and Magic stuff, and above ALL, NO SHITTY STORYLINE!

mate, you are the opposite type of player than me. When playing Skyrim, for exemple, I aways mod the game so any compass, indicative arrow or HUD in general don’t ever appear. You have a map, sense of direction, reference points and a destination. I assume you can’t drive without a GPS IRL, right?

In that matter, I even think that a woman wearing, for example, a plate mail that has breasts shaped in the metal makes absolutely no sense. Dealing with two protuberancies made of metal will definetly restrict some of your potential arm movement. In fact, if a woman is to wear any armor, the breasts should be squashed inside a fairly normal plate armor.


Yapp, DLCs are awful

Using Chrome without problems. But when using safari in my iOS it is quite glitchy.

I agree 1000%. I hope they don’t go down the road of some mega-studios that have implemented this pay for features nonsense. If you’ve already paid for the game nothing should be locked out; that’s just my opinion.

Of course, DLC mods that add another 20 hours worth of quests and that kind of thing are a different matter.

Don’t wanna see dragons, unrealistic things

I want to see all that Warhorse promised their game will be. Hardcore, 1st person realistic medieval RPG, made for PC - this is what I backed.
Dan Vavra is a genius and he is Czech. Not some ignorant American who knows nothing of European history. To put a lot of dragons in a game just to compensate the lack of talent (yes, I mean Skyrim) is not an option here. So to speak, Mr. Vavra will make sure that his game is as realistic as possible in term of historical accuracy.
No naked women on the streets and no knights in shiny armor overloads.

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NO DLC’s, no DRM and absolutely NO FAST TRAVELS!!!


My fast travel is on horse!