What Mods Should There Be?

Anyone played Namalsk mod for Arma 2? I would like to have it here as well! Some post-apocalyptic world would be definitely interesting :smiley:

Generally, I’m not interested in warfare mods, and I’d rather appreciate some building, exploration or medieval life mods. Just to mention a few:
a) Mods from Bohemian history:

  • 0 A.D. scenario regarding Boii, Raetii, Marcomanni and Roman history north of Danube;
  • Prague, 1403. As a low rank noble from elsewhere, you just came to imperial capital to start a new period in your life / seek revenge for your murdered relative / whatever…;
  • 2015 real world scenario :smiley:
    b) Mods from other interesting places during roughly the same timeframe:
  • 1492 scenario (americas / india exploration, diplomacy and settlers mod;
  • before 1453, last years and days of Constantinople (Byzantium)
    c) Other:
  • celtic Britannia (roughly Brythenwalda mod for MB);
  • Sienkiewicz’s book Krzyżacy (Crusaders)

A medieval farming mod with quests such as.

Plowshares to swords
Survive a famine
My wife is hoeing in the field
Nurture sick cow
Help my village is being burned down by looting soldiers.


Farming Simulator 1403


LOL Harvest Moon 1400 complete with milk the cow mini game. that actually would be fun.

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being able to create your character appereance.
dialogs in first person, herb picking in first person

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This is one that would bring the thief gameplay to a new level.

(merchants selling every item from the game)
(Longer Days and nights with real dark nights)
(You can continue the game with the miller’s daughter)
The Female Mod needs many changes and other modified gameplay features.
(A realistic historical high quality texture pack to have real colors for Food etc.)
(You can fight with every tool of peasants) :smile:
Or i will recreate my own town, as it was in medieval times.
So god thank you Warhorse that you’ve used CryEngine for KCD.
It is easy to build new landscapes with the editor.
Can’t wait to create my own virtual medieval story.
How the Rataj family came into the Prignitz. :blush:

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Well, I hope this will be in the original.

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30 Years War mod could be nice too, lots of Famous battles on that war.

Realistic disease mod. Every second of the game a master script will determine the chance of a contraction.
Good food? .3% chance of Dysentery.
Bad Food? 30% chance of Dysentery + 3% chance of Typhoid fever with 15% mortality.
Scratch from a rusty sword? .5% Tetanus.
That nice looking inn keeper? 10% chance of Gonorrhea which gives temporary stamina penalty and further 1% chance of infertility. :smiley:


sounds a rip off of hannibal lecter.

Really? You want a Fallout 3 mod?

Hell, if that happens, might as well release it as Fallout 4. XD

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Having a mod set slightly earlier, in the 12th or 13th century would be nice. Lots of possibilities with regards to crusades and the accompanying change of environment and characters it brings.

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Crusades will start in 1420, so hopefully in Act 2…

I am downloading killable children as soon as it is available.

Theres probably not going to be children in the game.

Not just probably. Definitely (concerning Act 1, for other acts - anything can change, eh?)

I Would like to see some Albion Swords implemented either in the actual game or atleast as a Mod, maybe they could even have better stats then the other weapons ignore 'cause you know, Albion makes some of the best (european) swords, so the stats should be made accordingly.
Another thing which would be really amazing is Paintable armour, which is also historically accurate
(see here)

As far as I know Warhorse has a cooperation with Kovex-ars for the swords and shields included in higher pledge tiers. Compared to other blacksmiths Albion seems to be overpriced, if you are looking for a realistic medival sword.
Also a company should not be the source of historical weapons. To create an accurate weaponry of the 15th century you should rather visit a museum. Many cities in central europe have museums containing exhibitions of historic weapons from the local area.

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It’s probably a 100 posts too late for this joke but: how about a mod that adds a katana with race restirction troll.