Why the bow sway is unrealistic

I would like to point out first, that the devs are doing a great job and the alpha is amazing. I know our opinions matter to you and I am just pointing out something that you could maybe change. This bow sway, which everyone seems to think is realistic, is not. Anyone who has spent any time shooting knows this. When you shoot a bow, you draw to anchor (the edge of your mouth) and lock your bow arm at the elbow by rolling your elbow inwards, thus locking your bow arm in place to prevent this very problem. Just figured i could point out WHY is unrealistic, i know there are other threads about it, and i dont think it would be that difficult to change that, but i am not a programmer so i have about as much idea about it as a newborn child. Its something i think would take getting used to and if you find the time to fix it that would make, at least me, happy.


possibly modeled as a skill. he may lack the strength and technique to steady it.

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perhaps, as long as there is a way to get rid of it fairly soon into the gameplay,like you win the contest and then the archer teaches you the technique to steady your arm or something. I dont know, it would bother me more if i knew it wouldn’t at least be dumbed down.

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I think you talk about the technique in combination with animation…
But you shoot with self-made-bow too?
I mean like from 13 century or little bit later.
I think it is different to the sport-bows or similiar

Dan talked about it during the yesterday stream. First of all they want to make accurate shooting a bow ingame rather hard because the bow would be overpowered otherwise. But he admits it’s hard to actually hit something now. Secondly the movement of the drawed bow is determined by levelling the skills.

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i do not shoot a sports bow, it offends me you even consider that archery, i do, of course, believe you are speaking about compounds. I shoot Longbows and Recurves, mainly longbow, and yes i have a few self bows that i shoot, not often because im still learning how to make them right and they tend to break if not made by someone with experience.
And the sway is just downright un believable. when you lock the bow in place, there is not a whole lot of movement. the inaccuracy is usually in as a bad or jerky release.

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then thats fine, just as long as there is a way to ger rid of the sway eventually, that will give you a goal to aim for, lol get it?

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How wwould you portray the “bad release” issue in the game? For me it was indeed the main issue while shooting a bow.

Perhaps they would reconsider after reading your argumentation. Who knows.

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Im not sure, im being alittle nit picky and these things arent that important, but perhaps a callas skill? because jerky releases are usually due to your fingers hurting and when you release you pull away instead of just letting your fingers go relaxed, or perhaps a glove available? And there is alot to a good bow shot, and i know it unrealistic to ask them to make it perfect so im seriously just throwing out ideas for them to think about.

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also if you shoot a real bow then you just want to get to anchor, im assuming you know what that is, and after you pick what your looking at, you want to relax your fingers, dont pull away, as that will cause movement in your string and in your bow arm, and you will not hit what you want to hit.

By anchor you mean the drawed bow in correct stance? I have shot several sporting bows (even some compound bows I think) and even some historical replicas a long time ago and therefore I am absolutely no expert, just a person with basic experience with shooting a bow. I was able to hit a target from about twenty meters perhaps?

I think it’s to balance the fact that it deals high damage (even against plate armor) and that fighting doesn’t take place at 200 yards.


There isn’t a way to factor in the years of training needed either.

anchor is where you pull the string back to. its different for different styles of shooting, like i shoot perceptively, if thats the right word. I pull the string back to the right side of my face and anchor my middle finger in the corner of my mouth. When i hit anchor,my shoulder and elbow are locked, and i look with both eyes on what i want to shoot, focus on it, and just let my fingers go limp, keeping steady the arm that is holding the bow. Now there are other ways, that require different anchors and different releases, like olympic, they look down the arrow to aim, and the have three fingers bellow the arrow rather then 2 below and on above the knock. they also flip their bow downwards when they shoot. as for me i just do my best to hold it very still.

Notice how This olympic shooter has it underneath his chin so he can look straight down the shaft.

Yeah but a bow should be a long range weapon. Surely they could find another way to balance it other than it swaying all over the screen like you’re drunk.

Now look at the differences in anchor, this hunter has it in the corner of his mouth, neither eye is looking straight down the shaft, and this is where eye hand coordination comes in, and why its important on focusing on what your trying to hit.

personally its not impossible to hit even with the low skills my character has in the alpha. you just really have to figure out how to aim it. Like when it is fully drawn i aim using the fourth knuckle and elevation of the arrow. killed a couple of chickens from a roof top and knocked out a guy coming down the road.

edit: though less sway would be preferred for more long range shots.
also if the sway is eliminated it wouldn’t make a bow too overpowered due to its draw time and the fact is a the best English long bow only penetrates plate at around twenty yards and its not a one shot kill unless its a head shot.

Ya i agree, i just would prefer a way to reduce sway, because i thought how bad it was was a little much.

I’ll have to agree on that. There’s better ways to balance it out than to have it sway like that, kinda reminds me of how the snipers are in some FPS; impossible to aim.


I am a regular archer, and instructor, and this I agree with, your arm doesn’t sway, it locks in quite nicely, without even thinking about it, if you do have to learn this, it’s pretty much the very first thing you’ll ever learn.

If you lack the strength to draw the bow, guess what? You won’t draw it fully, I’ve never seen someones arm flail about because they can’t draw it, i’d wager that it’s more steady as your trying to use more muscle to draw it. Whenever I try to draw something around 90 - 100 lb longbow, my arm stays straight, I just can’t pull it back far enough for it to be effective. And for holding a shot, you arm still won’t flail about (Common sense would be cancel the draw, failing that you’d end out loosing an arrow.)

Source: Four Years of Experience, as a authentic styled (Bow, string, arrows and all) archer.

Warrior Rose.

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