Will Anti-Semitism Be Addressed?

Yeah I’m aware of that, I just don’t think the media and general public are all to clever at figuring out the difference between historical facts and supposed ‘racism’. I’m mostly just saying Warhorse should be careful if they decide to add this into the game and I’d rather see them just leave it out if its not relevant to the story anyway. ie: not worth the risk


You underestimate the media.


You’re right… the media is smart enough to know the difference…they just choose to sensationalize.


Fix’d it. Blow shit out of proportions in the hopes of generating more headlines.

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Huh, I wonder if that would generate more profit for KCD…

So you want a game set in realistic medieval Europe to not involve religion? Lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Take your history book out of the trashcan and please read it.

people need to stop using “but the media will…” as an excuse. if the media had their way, we can’t make games about killing people, as apparently that’s what happens according to them.


This, that’s why there is a difference between antisemitism (religious motivation) and antijudaism (racist motivation). But the differentiation between the two might be more strict in german.

There isn’t one unchanged hatred until ww2 because people in the middle ages had no interest in exterminating all jewes. In the eyes of the christians they have to still be around for judgment day, so that they can be proven wrong and they didn’t persecute people for jewish ancestry in the same fashion as in the 20th century.

Merchants get around a lot more so even if jews where a minority, the chances of meeting them on the road in medival bohemia are pretty good.

Some of you need to loosen up … this is a game. I hope we will see mercenaries, priests, whores, jews, gays, lepers and whatever other “minorities” of that period. This game should be interesting, no? Being Indie (I hope) and European, I hope Warhorse will address issues that exist(ed) in society.

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Including ‘antisemitism’ as the Thread asks would make the game more controversial not more ‘political correct’. But ignoring or misrepresenting a demographic group as large as jews does really messes with the idea of ‘historical accuracy’. Nobility is a minority too yet nobody’s ever saying they are getting to much attention. Sure nobles have influence but so do rich or well connected merchants. Obviously RPG have a greater need for merchants then for peasants (gameplay wise), so they really would have to go out of there way not to include jews. Addressing religious tensions is the only logical thing to do for a game like KCD, as it’s always stressing it’s focus on realism.

You backed the wrooong game…

How in the world would they do this setting realistically without any religion? And stop with the slippery slope argument that one minority or specified category means all must be added and thus ruin your experience. Nobody said anything about adding it just for the sake of adding it. If you can’t see that people are discussing things in the context of enriching the story and setting, you are quite lost here.

People who have problems with minorities, other backgrounds, religions, sexualities, etc. always poorly enforce their arguments with “pushing this rubbish in peoples faces” or “stop shoving this down our throats.” Just because it exists in people’s stories doesn’t make it about you having something supposedly barraging you in media. Nobody said to make the game all about one category and nobody is strapping you to a chair and making you play.

The Jews are a logical part of this era and setting, so your hyperbole attempting to make this into people trying to mess with you politically and socially looks ignorant and prejudiced. So what if there were Jews, or gays, or atheists? Those all exist in real life, quite commonly, and are likely involved in some way in the lives of team members at Warhorse, meaning it could easily be in their creative space.

Stop trying to throw diversity in a black hole like those topics and backgrounds have no business being mentioned, all just because of one category that has a very good chance of being mentioned was brought up.

Jews and Judaism should be a integer part of Deliverance, no it is even a necessary part of this game.
But the big ‘but or however’. The new word and wrongly applied of ‘ANTI-SEMITISM’, is better not to be used in this context. Because the slavic people are less aggressive in these times, than the normal western european against the jewish people.
We could even say, that only due to the slavic and hungarian people so many jews still exist in this world,
some estimations say, that even 80% - 90% of the Jews living in this world, are comming from poland and hungary. When in HRE where the crusader knights killed jews by the 10k, the jews flourished in the slavic countries and hungary.
And one of the major and most known jewish communities was in Prague and measured at least one forth of the population of this beautyful city. Once i heared a statement, that Pragues growth was only possible, due to the jewish support (But i don’t know, if it is so.).
If Anti-semitism is to be expected, then more from the german knights and german clergy, than from the slavic people. The persecution of the jews, in which all jewish inhabitants died (around 3000), was during easter 1389, and was initiated and encouraged by the katholic Prague clergy, with the lies that the jews desecrated the host. This was as far as i know the largest incident, it this countries. (But i may be proven wrong.)
Also it should be taken into the account that in this times in Prague there also lived a large german population, and their anti-semitism is good known, and not the product of recent times. In Krakow only the expelling of the germans, by the polish King, brought peace for the polish and jewish citizens.
The expelling of the jews 1542 and 1561 from Prague, was under the geman Habsburger rule over the Bohemian Kingdom and Prague.

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It is true that Jews were much more protected in the lands of Bohemian crown but on the other hand at the same time, while rulers of Bohemia controlled HRE, great pogroms were organized in the whole HRE (expect Bohemian lands). That said the political situation should differ, yes, but the social tensions and antisemitist tendencies should be more or less the same. There was a major pogrom in Prague just 13 years before our game. And then all Jews, among others like Germans and Catholics, were in great danger during the initial part of Hussite wars which happened some 15 years after the story of our first game. I doubt the opinion on Jews should be any more lovely than that in between those two major events.

This is a very long answer, i hope you will read it, but it may shed more light upon my position.
You may be right that Generalisations may be dangerous, but and this is a big ‘but’ in this case, and yes we can generalise in a certain way. (Later i will distinguish between the west slavs and the beast slavs for a certain reason, and help to vindicate some germans.)
Naturally there has been less incidents in the northern Germany, like in Frisland or the dänish lands of Schleswig-Holstein. But this only because off a far lesser populous of Jews in this Regions.
First to the language of yiddish, which is a language that developed from the Mittlehochdeutschen in the years between 1050 and 1350, in that period it was only one of the four languages, besides Latin, Hebrew (only in writen form) and Aramaic, it was only preseved due to the life between and contacts with the slavs (Poles, Czech and Ruthnians), in the west it died very fast out.
(There are several reasons why there was a ‘preservation process’, but even to explain one would take to much time.)

To the events that led to the mass exodus to Poland and Lithuania in the year of 1349 AD.
This events where started somewhere in the south-westeuropa, but it was only that in Germany they took this scale. This events also was not only one case, but one of the largest, and even the Pest as form of false apology doesn’t hold its ground, because this happend way before the Pest reached the german countries / lands. In this year the jews were persecuted throughout the region surrounding Köln.
So it was even that Köln protected the Jews for a certain time, but only to become the death-trap for the Jews.
So was even a chronic by Gilles Li Muisis that there was a battle and a slaughter against more then 25.000 Jews in Köln. The surviving few jews fled to poland, bohemia, hungary and lithuania.
But what about the time before the “Kölner Bartholomäusnacht” in the region around Köln?
1096 AD Pogroms against jews.
1146 AD Pogroms against jews.
1287/1288 AD Pogroms against jews.

Do you think that cloth or the “Judenstern” to distinguish between Jew and Christian is new invention?
Then read the “Fourth Council of the Lateran” in 1215 AD.
Ok that may be not the responsibility of the germans, but the german states were the most eager ones to push it through. The slavic countries never were so eager, in this aspect, like the germans.
Poland has only an anti-jewish policy in the 2nd republic, but even never at the scale of medieval HRE.
So what about the Bohemian Kingdom? We know that the uprising of the Hussites brought problems throughout the region, on all kind of people.
But i do not blame the Hussites for the problems, but i blame all the parties involved in this conflicts. So yes the tragedy has fallen on the Hussites, the Catholics and the Jews. But which Ghost haunted the jews?
Answer is very very simple: The Catholics. And you already know the Austrain case. The Hussites had no interesst in the Jews, the Jews even tried to approach the Hussites.

Now i should mention the problems which suffered the Jews in the slavic states, but mainly in the polish commonwealth.
The largest on the scale is the Khmelnytsky / Chmielnicki Uprising 1660is. The Uprising and the events before the Uprising had a great influence on the population in this region, with around 4 Million deaths.
In the Commonwealth the Jews were a subject of the Polish Crown, therefore they had only to pay taxes to the Crown. They had their own laws, could buy land to settle and had normal freedom like anyone else in the Commonwealth (more or less). In the Uprissing the jews and poles were a targets of the Cossacks, and much more polish people died, then jews by the hands of Cossacks, and despite the different numbers of jews killed by the Cossacks, we can speak, of about 1/4 of the entire population of jewish people in Ukraina raising the number to 50k-100k.
Ok, Poles did kill the Ukrainians, but not the Jews. And the Tatars killed everyone.
So there you even have a west slavic - east slavic differentiation.
But again what are the numbers of jewish deaths, committed by the polish people?
The greatest known incident was in the second world war in ‘Jedwabne’ with numbers ranging between 300 and 400. What happened afterwards?
This led to legal proceedings in Poland, where 22 person were accused of treason against polish state and murder. Out of 22 persons 12 were convicted of treason and one was put to death. But how did the accused defend their deeds?
Simply, some of them said if we would not have done this, then the germans would have killed all. And some bullets have been found there which could have been fired by the Walther P38, a Wehrmacht weapon of WWII. And the polish government was the first to beg for forgiveness from the state of Israel for this.
How about other incidents? Yes there were other before the WWII and even some after WWII. The after WWII was, due to the WWII. (Very complex thing.)
But the incidents before the WWII, what about them? I currently know only about the Lwow pogrom in 1918, where 64 to 73 Jews died, but overall 340 people died during this incident. Which due to the fact that over 25% of the inhabitants of the city were Jews is not a large, but an expected number. So we should not even call this a pogrom at all, but more a rebellious state where the Jews had been caught in between the different parties.
The Polish authorities have arrested over 1300 people (60% Ukrainians, 30% Poles, 10% Jews), with 18 polish officers and 54 polish soldiers.

Now to the Habsburgian Emperor Joseph II, he did only do something that the slavic people did all the time, and the polish Crown did it officaly for over 400 years before he did. And perhaps he did it only do because the slavic people have done it all the time?

Germans have a long sad series of periodic occurring genocide on other nationalities. Like:
The Slavs, the Jews or even killing their Own. I do not need to condemn them, it is their history that does this.
But is a normal german, guilty of killing and genocide? NO!!
It takes only a few, to condemn a mass, but it does not make the mass guilty, of committing atrocities. But the mass should always keep the few in order.
I’m a half german, therefore i am more than authorized to call the germans murderer, and also to say you are not guilty, but the guilt runs deep.

Germans should learn from the history, why it is always occurring periodically, and how to stop it.
I will end this long essay, with the last true statement in a poem by Paul Celan (A Jew):
“Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland”

Anitjudaism can be found everywhere, but its scale and details make the whole picture, overall the Hussites have commited many crimes, but this crime is not on them. And yes that is a fact that they were in great danger.

But i have another Suggestion:
How about putting me, in the game or at least in a later chapter? :wink:
No i mean the real historical Zawisza Charny.
After all he defended Jan Hus, he fought in the Hussite Wars on the side of King Sigismund, and was even taken prisoner by the Czechs, and later released for ransom.

Yes the ‘Easter pogrom of 1389’ was an terrible act that costed more than 1500 to 3000 Jews their life, but who committed what?
I accuse always the clergy and in such events, and we should always take the kind of population in the account. So what do i know?

  1. I know that Prague had a major trade center position, and the Jews traded on a larger scale with Vienna.
  2. I know that Vienna was a german city, and that germans also made up a larger part of the population of Prague.
  3. I also know that the Germans were the most devoted Catholics, in this region, before the Jan Hus incident. (Proximity to Bamberg,… etc.)
  4. We should also consider that the germans made up the gross of the craftsman in the region and were eager to controll the trade routes out and into the center of HRE.
    Everything else is only counting one and one together with a little historical knowledge about the ‘Hexenverfolgung’, ‘Ostkolinisation’, ‘Thirty Years’ War’ and etc.

Well it’s been kinda confirmed that Battle of Grunwald might appear in the game and Zawisz took part in it.
So at least in this part he might appear. [quote=“Zawisza_Czarny, post:59, topic:9870”]
4) We should also consider that the germans made up the gross of the craftsman in the region and were eager to controll the trade routes out and into the center of HRE.
[/quote]This is true, however… Germans were slowly loosing their power for the whole 14th century. In most cities they were overwhelmed by Czechs in “municipal governments”.

In 1388 records in the books of Little Quarter - on of the 4 major towns of Prague - are all written in Czech although the official language is still Latin.
In the city of Rakovnik there are 7 Czech and 5 German aldermans in 1374.
City of Kolín - neighbor of Kuttenberg - is completely Czech by that time. … and full of Jews BTW because they were not allowed to live in Kuttenberg.
in 1389(? this record is barely readable, might be 1399 or 1369)the city of Pilsen already has a Czech scribe
In 1344 all judicial manner are carried out in German.

So this is a transition time in its latest phase.
It is also not that much true anymore that majority of craftsmenship was made by Germans. 100yreas earlier, yes, but not now at the beginnin of 1400s. Germans, as Catholics, were expelled from the lands later during Hussite wars in large numbers and it seems that the country was doing quite fine and Czechs were already well able to replace them.
King Jan of Luxembourg (grandfather of Vaclav IV, the kidnapped ruling king of the game) issued a law that all municipal governosrs must be able to speak Czech and that fireigners are not allowed to buy real estates without this ability (they usually had some 2years to leran the language and had to pass a test).

Yet still at this time the worst situation was in the crown cities like Kuttenberg where they pratically ruled the otherwise Czech majority.


@Zawisza_Czarny I already deleted my post before I read your response because I realized that it was much too aggressive and using the word ‘blame’ could be disastrous to the thread. Your post looks like it was a lot of work sorry I made that nessesery. I now better understand how you mean it, I think i mostly disagreed with how you wrote it. Of course the tradition of Pogroms is an important basis for later Antisemitism in Germany but ‘the Germans’ are barely one completely unified people in 1401 much less the same people from then to the 20th century. There has been too much history with ‘Nations’ as actors as it is.

Edit: Focusing on made up nations (because there all made up at some point) means that Class Religious and other motivation get less attention. The peoples alive in Europe in1401 have more in common with each other than with their modern-day counterparts regardless of there shared name.

And once again a very long essay, to show you and other people, a larger picture.
I did not percieved your post as negative or aggressive, quite the opposite. You have asked in a way for an explanation of my critical statement. And to be sceptical is a good character trait. I had to write it, in a way to show the larger picture. But what is the larger picture?
That the antijudaism in this countries (Czech, Poland, Hungary …etc ) is not the same as it was in the western nations. Not in scale, organisation and expression. Even nowadays. And one can surely say that this lands were the most safe places, during those times for the Jews.

And nowadays in Poland, jewish people feel safer than in Sweden, England, Germany or Holland. In Krakow (has a small jewish community) every year, there is even a jewish music festival (Klezmer), with culture and everything. I recommend to pay a visit, because it is one of the largest in its kind, and it is the only one that is sponsered with over 1 Million euros, by the city itself.

It may sound so, that i condemn ‘the evil germans’, but that is false.
I tell only historical facts, and how i think the things are, based upon my knowledge of history, science and rational thinking. And yes i do simplify many things, because else one may be caught in the details and not see the larger picture.
One short fact about me: Most and the best of my friends are germans, also my wife and my child. And certainly i would never accuse them of being against Jews.
But as my Username suggests i have to tell the truth, and sometimes the truth is very inconvenient. What has been done, cannot be undone, only prevented in the future.

Some words to my last long essay:
The research work, was trivial, because i knew already all this things. I needed only to look this things up again and validate it. And the writing work was also not so tiresome. I have also written this essay, not only as an answer to your question, but also as a work that everybody can learn from.

But a critique is on german historians for a lazy nationalistic “Darstellung und Aufarbeitung der deutschen Geschichte”, especially against the slavic nations. This can be only understand if one reads this part of history, from historians of other nations like: Spain, France, England and etc.
Therefore a word of advice: Do not read ‘german history’ in connection to the slavic nations form a ‘german historian’, despite your easy access to it and especially not the websites. Search for historians and books from different countries, that are neutral.
Because Bias is a very evil thing. That has even lead to nationalistic statements, told by the ‘german’ historians. Like that the own name of slavs is derived from the medival lative word ‘sclavus’ or or byzantien greek ‘sklabos’. In German: Slawe gleich Sklave.
Despite the clear evidence of the words ‘slovo’ (word), ‘slava’ (fame) and ‘nemec’
(not speaker, mute, mumbling or perhaps the nemetes tribe for all germans) that are in all slavic languages, and the very close proximity of ‘a’ and ‘o’ in old slavic or Proto-Slavic languages, that is still preserved today in the east slavic languages. If it was so that the slavic people, would have been traded as slaves, on a larger scale, then it would have left, genetic traces all over the places. But i did not. Neither in the people living today, nor in the remains of dead ones. The modern genetic research, reveals the ‘lies’ of past ‘german’ historians, and seems to validate many of the statements from polish and czechian historians and archaeologists. Even about the thoughts of the ‘Lausitzer Culture’.
And draws a very very different picture of true history by elevating the slavic nations.

If you want to learn something about Polen and the polish Commonwealth and the Jews inhabiting this lands, then read Norman Davies, his books ‘God’s Playground’ are very good for a brief overview. Despite the critic made on this book (but only to the years after the WWII) and Norman Davies, i think it depicts in the most realistic way, the jewish polish relationship, at least till 1947. And in a way i think this position, can be even a positiv influence on the jewish polish relations. Sadly i do not know such a historian for the Bohemian / Moravian Kingdom.

Erratum / Corrigedum:
I have made a small but significant mistake in not pointing out, who established the equality for Christians and Jews in Poland.
It was Władysław I the Elbow-high (Ladislaus I of Poland) with his general laws in the years of 1320 to 1322.
He lived since 1261 to 1333, was Duke till 1300. Became Prince of Krakow in 1305. And was King of Poland since 1320. And yes the (blind) John of Bohemia was his Rival King, for the Crown of Poland and fought some wars against him.
But Kazimierz III Wielki (Casimir III the Great) has paid John of Bohemia, well off (a gigantic sum of 1,2 Million Prague groschen), to drop his claims to the Polish Throne and Crown. Despite that even John had not the means to push his claims through. If i was a christian i would state that his hand and mind was led, by God himself. :wink:
But even before Ladislaus I made the Laws, there was Bolesław the Pious (1224 / 1279), who granted certain rights (General Charter of Jewish Liberties) for the Jews, known as the ‘Statute of Kalisz’, in the year of 1264. The Statutes have been only slightly changed, but has been confirmed by Kazimierz the Great in the year of 1334. By Kazimierz IV Jagiellończyk in the year 1453, and by Zygmunt I Stary in the year 1539.
So yes it was over 500 years before, the germans did something similar.
And since the year 1580 the Jews, had also the right, granted by Stephen Bathory, for self government with great autonomy under the ‘Council of Four Lands’. Yes this was like a nation within a nation, and with the power to commit certain activities, that were divided into four branches:

  1. Legislative, 2) Adminitrative, 3) Judicial and 4) Spiritual and cultural.
    So yes they could make their own Laws, Judge themselves, decide about their Religion and collect Taxes. Naturally they had also to pay taxes to the Crown.

Like Benjamin Netanjahu and Ariel Sharon said, in a way:
Poland is Isreal ( meaning that Poland is governed by the will of Yahweh ). And Poland and Israel ( Medinat Yisrael ) must support each other. Such statements would not have been possible, if there would be a ressentiment. They have been made, because of the knowledge of the past common history.

But what about Bohemia?
In Prague the jewish lived in between the slavic people and in their quarter. But not between the germans, where they had been forbidden, to live. Karel IV has gave them the yellow Magen David on the red flag in their honor in 1357, but in other parts of HRE, the Jews were killed. Also i think that, there is quite a bit of difference in to forced only to wear, a long hat or a yellow ribbon in Bohemia on your cloths, or to be killed in the rest of HRE.
The Jews were forced to leave Prague, by the ruling germans, several times. But still they managed to reach around 25% of the Inhabitants of Prague in 1708. And this would be not possible, if the Czechs would have hated the Jews and attacked them.

Now let us talk about some numbers for pre WWII states of Czechoslovakia, Weimar Republic and Poland by their census:
Weimarer Republic (1933):
All Citizens: 65 Milion; Jewish Population: 500.000; Jewish percentage: 0.78%;
Czechsolovakia (1930):
All Citizens: 13 Milion; Jewish Population: 356,835; Jewish percentage: 2.66%;
Poland (1931):
All Citizens: 32 Milion; Jewish Population: 2,8 Mio; Jewish percentage: 8.7%;

I will end now this long treatise with a jewish/polish Joke from the times before the WWII.
Kowalski goes to Moisze, to buy himself a new trousers. Moisze says that in two weeks, he can pick them up.
After two weeks Kowalski asks Moisze.
Moisze. Why do you needed the two weeks for this trousers? God needed for the whole world just one. Moisze answers.
Ahh Panie Kowalski. Take a good look at this shit world. :frowning:
And now on this ‘fine’ trousers. :slight_smile: :wink:

After this long post i will write a separate post to you, to make a good answer. But consider what i have written, and do not put on the anti judaism shoe on, because this is not a problem of the slavic people.

This is the end…

I can agree with you on the slavic portion of Prague, but the Germans will not. :stuck_out_tongue:
Because, they always state that only in 1860s the Germans lost the inhabitants majority, which they had since the medieval times. And this everywhere i looked at german description for “Prags Bevölkerungsgruppen und Mittelalter”, but they do not state the sources or any valid facts for this statement. Seems like a copy and past word by word from a bad source, that is even at the german wikipedia for ‘Prag’. And the worst thing is that some czech domains, has this copy and pasted also word for word.

I would also conclude, that from the plagues in years 1357-1363, 1369-1371, 1380 and the migration of the rural populus into the city, would have led to a slow diminishing of the german majority in Prague. Naturally afterwards the Hussites have done their share in 1420s to1430s. But this a realm of speculation and is not really fertile.
So yes the Laws issued by Jan of Luxembourg, the writings in czechish language and the listing of the aldermans are an strong evidence for a developing of the Czech majority in Prague in this times. It would been great to have also the arguments for the opposite side, if there are good ones. And to find any good argument, one has to dig deeper, than i have done, in my lazyness.

The Bohemian / Moravian lands was doing fine, in the aspects of art, artisan and craftsmanship, even in the 19th century. But the ‘heretic’ belief, weakened the Bohemian Kingdom, to attacks coming from the Hungarian side. Without the support of any catholic country or the HRE. And because of this, Bohemia lost parts of its lands to Hunyadi Mátyás (Matthias Corvinus) of Hungary, and never recovered to their former strength, till the last breath in 1620s Bitva na Bílé hoře. Its greates victories was its downfall, in my opinion.
But in the years from Přemysl Otakar II (Ottokar of Bohemia) till Vladislav Jagellonský (Vladislav II) Bohemia had its Golden Years and was something special. And in Mediaval Total War I and II Bohemia was clearly neglected.

One of the best thing that hyped me up in the Kickstarter, was the rewards: The Coins (Copper, Silver, Gold), the copper engraving (Kupferstiche) on the handmade paper, the swords and the hand painted shild. Made in Czechia.
But: Honestly i would have prefered a written Document in Latin, with the gothic minuskel on a handmade paper with a corded seal, than to have a copper engraving and a tin figure.
The copper engraving is a good thing, but not the tin figure. In my opinion.
A handmade oak barrel with the drawing of the sign of a traditional bohemian brewery and filled with beer, would have been also a good add on. ( Not so serious. ) :wink:

Other thing i wanted to ask is, because ‘The Battle of Grunwald’ is confirmed as you have mentioned. Can i or should i open a thread where i could elaborate the Czechian participation in the battle or would i spoiler to much?
Example: Jan Žižka z Trocnova, Jan Sokol z Lamberka.

Well, there definitely are towns and cities where Germans are majority (like the the crown city of Loket and surrounding areas - Carlsbad - which was nearly 100% German all the time until end of WWII). Generally the situation in western-ish borderlands was always more in favor of Germans. It is however interesting that some cities, initially, although Czech by majority were ruled by Germans. And it seems that during whole 14th century the situation was getting normalised and the composition of municipal administration more and more respected the proportional national composition of local inhabitants. Which still means that Germans administered German cities by majority while Czechs got to rule over Czech cities. Of which the second was not the case ever since the coming of German colonists and craftsmen in 12th century when they were drawn in by the ruling Czech monarchs. Although Germans we expelled from the lands or forced to accept hussite religious principles during Hussite wars they quite quickly came back.

Of course you can write about and elaborate on historical events.

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Historical accuracy is important I agree, and I speak as someone who is a descendant of Jews, the issue is, are/were Jews a big part of history during that time? Or more a unknown people? It appears that the developers had mentioned that the particular area in Bohemia I believe is not centered around Prague, I am not sure about Bohemia during this period with Jews, but most countries restricted Jews from living in the country side and they primarily lived in urban environments, and so with that in mind, it may not make sense to add them into the game and would likely not affect or make much sense as part of the storyline or the particular area.

If Jews are included, then I would imagine it would have to have something in another act perhaps if Act 2 or 3 took place in Prague, the issue then comes down to what role would Jews have to the storyline? One thing that is interesting is that Jews received a flag from Charles IV in 1354 which is when the Star Of David first became in use by the Jews, however none of the Jews were part of the knight hood, and I think it was rare for conversions to had occurred during that period. I’m not really sure how a social change like that could really influence or make much of a different to the storyline, i’m not a expert on the history of Bohemia or the Jewish community there though.

In regards to pogroms, there was one I believe in 1389 on the Jews and I think Ferdinand expelled the Jews in 1541 so I don’t think this would fit into the storyline of the game.

In regards to people being offended, it’s history and I don’t think history should be censored but I don’t think that the issue about Jews being in the game has anything to do with politics or being afraid of people being offended, it’s just that I don’t think Jews were much of a focus during that period and were more involved in city life than in the rural areas.

Anyways I look very forward to see what this game will bring and am already satisfied with what I am seeing presented. If there is some sort of history I am not aware of with the Jews, or the developers decide to include something that is historically accurate, I am all for it and am happy to see presentation through the developers eyes and creativity.