Will there be ...children?

i think in the end it was decided technical and design issues were too overwhelming to overcome for this problem. because it’s clear the more realistic option is to have children. probably only 5% of players will go around killing children, so immortality is no issue. the problem is just how the npc world must be designed to accomodate these immortal children.

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Sure, for Act 1 the time period is to short to do this. But maybe in Act 2 and/or Act 3?

Yes it seems that this is a lot of work. I’m not a programmer, so I don’t know.
At last I hope that Warhorse will make it true or a modding team will make it happened.

Really enjoyed the Beta today, and riding the horse in the rain along a dirt path with the music was magical.

I was wondering if there will be children in the game? Beggars, and signs of poverty here and there?

It did feel from time to time i was back in the medieval period, but in real life, children and beggars would be in most places,

i know its in beta, but having no children etc will take away some of the realism…

I agree, I hope they aren’t leaving out children because you can’t treat them realistically (i.e. killing them) due to rating limitations. I think we’d all be completely fine with godmode children that can’t die. Maybe if their parents are killed they can be moved to an orphanage or taken in, though. I think an orphanage is easier programmatically than having ai take in other ai’s children

having no children

There will be no children for the game, for various reasons such as:

  1. they cannot be killed due to rating standards as you said. They want realism but if you can’t kill children (i.e. Immortal) then that’s not real is it?

  2. their AI is far too difficult. Imagine an AI currently. Now imagine the requirements for a child: wooden sword fighting, farming, playing in puddles/mud, running around with stick and hoop, pranks, theft. The list goes on and their is far too large a variable for them.

  3. This game is already going to be realistic as possible, so I doubt you’d want to see children burned at the stake, disemboweled, headless on pikes, etc. There’s graphic, then there is monstrous.

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It’s no more unrealistic than no children existing at all

Why do they need to be that detailed? Hell in Skyrim all they did was chase eachother around playing tag and that alone added tons to the game.


Children never played in Medieval times… they worked in the fields…

all you would need is some children here and there working in the fields…

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As far as I am aware, kids aren’t there mostly because of work it would take to make them. They would have to create separate skeleton, motion capture all the movements separately and so on. Plus the AI work wouldn’t be easy, since if you killed the parents for instance, they would have to somehow react to it, move to another household or some such.

I don’t think it’s because of rating, since making them immortal would be simple and probably more realistic than not having them in the world at all.

But yeah, it’s certainly a shame, it would make the world far more alive than it is now.


I have no interest in any way to be able to kill kids in video games.
How ever, I think it’s just complete and utter bullshit not be able to do it if they are in game.
Political correctness is the cuckolding of video games. It has made and will make tons of games lose their balls just because some nations still have traumas from their past.
Eyes - closed, ears - plugged, mouth - shut = political correctness cuckolding.


You could just scale down the skeleton, the same goes for animations if time is constraint. The AI you mentioned wouldn’t be difficult, being sad and changing house is hardly a massive undertaking to code.

@TheKnightinBlack Your reasoning is flawed, as someone else said, you seem to think a complete absence of children is somehow more realistic than them being there, but not being treated/acting like they would have. You don’t need perfect children AI for a boost to immersion.

As for the violence thing, that’s just arbitrary. It can’t be added for rating board reasons, but it isn’t a secret that the general standard people have (including you apparently) is royally fucked. 1000s if adults die horribly in war, perfectly fine to depict in detail, no one cares - One child gets even just a painless death on camera, everyone freaks the fuck out like you just started another holocaust. I understand ratings boards don’t allow it, but please don’t perpetuate that rubbish, it isn’t helping the industry get past it.


In my opinion, a game that sets out to be realistic needs to have children. It is required from a immersion perspective. Why bother going lenghts to make architecture spot on down the last beam and to render plants realisticly (something that 99% of us wouldn’t be able to tell wether it is period-accurate or not) and then ommit children?!? It doesn’t make any sense.


Your reasoning is flawed, as someone else said, you seem to think a complete absence of children is somehow more realistic

Where are you getting that from? All I said is the devs aren’t putting children in for the reasons they gave, which I then gave you. Don’t put words in my mouth that I didn’t say.

You can downscale skeletons and rig a child mesh to them, using the adult animations. This is how Fallout/Skyrim and actually a ton of games do it.

[quote=“Alabie, post:278, topic:8554”]
You can downscale skeletons and rig a child mesh to them
[/quote]Interestingly, Timmy “The Colossus” looks like a child. They could have at least made him a little bigger. I’d also like to see the difference between a 10 strength Henry and a ripped 30 strength version in his appearance.

they didn’t have anavar at this time, so i’m sure the difference wouldn’t be really noticeable or worth the time and effort to implement

yeah but they end up looking piss poor as a result.

Hardly, not if done correctly.

This is what I’m getting it from. You said not being able to kill them isn’t very realistic, but this in response to someone asking if children will be added at all. The way you said, it didn’t sound like you were just giving the official reason.

My apologies.

It’s one of the reasons why. I just gave a summary of a much longer dev response from God knows how long ago.

[quote=“TheKnightinBlack, post:270, topic:8554”]

  1. they cannot be killed due to rating standards as you said. They want realism but if you can’t kill children (i.e. Immortal) then that’s not real is it?[/quote]
    I think the vast majority of gamers would have no problem with such a restriction, just like they will accept the limits for the size of the map, for example. Children that can’t be killed would be still be more realistic than having a world, where children don’t exist at all.

[quote=“TheKnightinBlack, post:270, topic:8554”]
2) their AI is far too difficult. Imagine an AI currently. Now imagine the requirements for a child: wooden sword fighting, farming, playing in puddles/mud, running around with stick and hoop, pranks, theft. The list goes on and their is far too large a variable for them.[/quote]
It can’t be more difficult than the one of adult characters. The don’t have to do much (similar like in Witcher 3), just then being around somehow would help for the immersion.

[quote=“TheKnightinBlack, post:270, topic:8554”]
3) This game is already going to be realistic as possible, so I doubt you’d want to see children burned at the stake, disemboweled, headless on pikes, etc. There’s graphic, then there is monstrous.[/quote]
“Children burned on the stake”? I don’t know why you have to go these extremes. In Witcher 3, we also didn’t see the dead orphans of Crookback Bog. I don’t think anybody had a problem with that.