Will there be ...children?

But how will other npcs react? Do they think you wanted to kill or do they behave like nothing did happen???

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Well, in Skyrim, they behave like you attacked someone. So the bounty on your head raises and guards attack you until you pay your bounty.

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And would you think that this is something like the “barbie-nudity solution” in the nudity thread?

At least it is some kind of reaction at all (the Skyrim method).

What do you mean by that?

What I tried to say is this: Both threads have a problem. And in both threads people arguing, if there have to be realistic causalities or if there has to be an unrealistic solution.
What I tried to ask is this: Do people think, that the “skyrim method” for this problem is just as unrealistic as the “barbie-nudity method” for the other problem?

Well, the thing is that the problem is different. Nudity can be a problem to some people and a blur option for people offended by this would be a good thing. Here, we are talking about something considered monstruous. You can’t really “blur” the death. You can just delete it or not.
The “Skyrim method” is unrealistic, but it is the best there is. Other solution would be no children or killing them. The first one would cause a serious realism problem and the second one would cause a bannishment problem.


It’s exactly as unrealistic, but as Tangae said, there isn’t any obvious solution - except removing children altogether, which is even worse. Maybe just have all the children run away (really fast) the moment the player draws a weapon? The alternative is to just say ‘screw you’ to the rating agencies and include it anyway (which would be my personal choice, but…)


I would agree to say “screw you” to the rating industry who’s doing a bad job anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
But the problem is that the game must be sold in order to make some benefits. If the game is banned from several countries because they made it possible to kill children, then it is not worth it.
The solution of children running away very quickly (Maybe also hidding in some places impossible to access for adults) would be quite nice and realistic!


Just a little (adapted) quote “If you try to run, I’ve got several thin friends in my quiver and they can all run faster than you can.” :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Tangae, post:37, topic:8554”](Maybe also hidding in some places impossible to access for adults)
They won’t be able to hide from the player’s crossbow! :smiley:

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For ranged weapon, you can just stop the player from releasing when aiming at a kid. If the kid hide under something, you won’t be able to shoot him from afar so the dev would just make it impossible to release when a kid is in the crosshair. (Or maybe something like your character lower his weapon saying “No, I can’t do that”)


As long as during siege’s and raids etc imagining some battles will happen inside towns that children are grabbed be some adult character and dragged off into the forest to hide or into a cellar etc

Ok, here’s another what if:
What if they hide in an unaccessible place like some wooden structure, e.g. a house.
They player can’t enter the house because it’s locked but he can lay fire to this building. What’s the plausible solution for this? :slight_smile:

I like this idea! It could work :stuck_out_tongue:
With that said … You’re sadistic, mate ahah

No, no, I’m not. But since you and other people came up with solutions I just tried to think into the other direction: “What situations could arise.” :wink:

Well, we were looking how to not kill them … You were looking how to kill them
But your solution might just work … Since you don’t see the kid die, it doesn’t interfere with the stupid local laws.

Ah, now I get it, I delivered the solution myself. :smile:

Yeah, that’s usually not my play style.
But I tried to put myself in the shoes of such people who want to try out everything in a game’s world.
“Can I do this?”, “What will happen if I do this?”, etc.

I still like game crash. No dying and nothing unrealistic. Just a bug. :slight_smile:

Killing kids in skyrim is fine because they’re ragdolls. If you actually animated slicing them up though it would be disturbing.(killable children mod) I almost believe they put kids in the game simply to annoy people, because they didn’t act very much like kids.

Another alternative is implement a system similar to the one in Bioshock 3 where Elizabeth scoots out of the crosshair everytime you aim in her direction and is generally impervious to damage.

So you could shoot all you want in a kids direction but they could zigzag away until they reach a safehouse (like others have suggested, an area the player can’t enter like a house or maybe up a tree). Zigzagging away from a person firing at you is a perfectly valid tactic IRL as well, so it wouldn’t detract from the realism.