WISHLIST! What do you guys want from this game?!

ok, I should say that what I am writing here is not an official statement, just my interpretation of the situation.

Also you should now that I am all in for more info to community, but I also see that it is not as simple as it might seem.

In no way I was meaning to say that support of the community is not needed anymore. Of course it is needed, as much as ever, I’d say.

Personally I hope that we will be able to show you more, but that is not up to me.

… gee i have stepped into it, didnt I?

I would never expect a full transparency, I would only expect a short 2-5min video, not covering everything, only 1,2 small examples, like “hey guys, you wanted to have a torch while riding? with the next update, it will has an own key!”. or simply a statement like "sry guys, we won’t be able to give you an update in the next month. but we are already closer to solve this damn save-problem"
to show the community, that their work is appreciated and has some results. as long as you guys document your steps intern properly, you only need to pick a few examples. can be done in 30min (it doesn’t need to be extremely professional or in high quality)
I know, this sounds kinda pointless, but it isn’t, it can be a huge boost for the motivation of the community and reducing complaints. and since it’s an open beta, I would simply expect it.

and no, it wouldn’t push the release date like you said, since this is a job for PR, working with the project documentation, not one developer needs to disturbed for that.


This…Completely agree.

It’s pretty much been building to this sentiment for a while now, but it’s come to a head recently in my opinion. And I’d wager that the general consensus of long time supporters and active members on this forum, would be that we’ve gone from feeling like we matter as backers, to now just feeling like we’re simply another member of the general public.

I mean, think about the anticipation we all felt waiting for new video updates and alpha versions to drop… and the sense of joy and excitement that came with watching, playing and dissecting those for the first time. They created so many talking points, and really were the lifeblood of this community. They collectively made us feel like we actually mattered to Warhorse, like we were special, and were getting restricted little insights into their world…

We’ve had no true video updates on actual game development, and as @McWonderBeast says, the beta in its current state left many disappointed and let down. With no promise of bug fixes or new refined versions. Kind of felt like it was put together to appease us, rather than as a means to help us meaningfully contribute to the betterment of the game.

Anways… you can only retread so much old ground before you become tired. And I think… many of us are simply tired.

At this point, I’m just waiting to see what E3 has in store for us. Hopefully then, like the rest of the gaming world we might have a few more things to talk about in relation to KCD.


Okay, I think this is an important topic here. We are working on a new video update again and this will take some more focus to the game and the development. So you will have some view again on what is going on with KCD.


That’s great.

But point of my initial post wasn’t to force WH hand or put community in charge of development by criticizing every new feature. In other words, I trust WH and don’t want us to become some kind of overseers.
Point was much more trivial: messages and worry.

Beta - in my opinion, at least, was train wreck. While I admire the ambition, quality and scope of the game, when we get… this 17 fps bugfest and Dan is just cheering in the videos - “beta is out, wooo” - and studio goes totally dark after that… I become worried.
I’m pretty sure WH knew too how badly KCD beta handles and plays. How awkward fencing is in reality and how easy it is to break game and quests. So ignoring all this and not discussing it honestly - or rather - at all sends a message. Message that similar problems are “ok” and to be expected from final product too. Maybe in some other form or context, but problems nevertheless.

Community - which is nothing more than end-users who are also hardcore fans for entire project - and myself too of course - trusts this all to resolve and game of dreams happen somewhere down the line.

In other words, I want to know that in the final release, sleeping in-game doesn’t take as long as it would take in real life, that saving and loading will work perfectly, that exploration is rewarded, instead of discouraged by game breaking down, that combat system becomes playable with keyboard+mouse setup, that as a PC gamer, I will see 60 frames per second, and so on. No-one has confirmed any of that!

We got a shock, and we were left with that shock.

And this trust - that things will resolve - doesn’t run on empty air.
Why should I trust this project to succeed, if all I can show for it is broken beta and being in the dark for months now? Why should anyone?
And kickstarted projects are all about trust. Trust, trust, trust. That trust made much of the studio it is today.
If that doesn’t count, I don’t know what does.

Wasn’t one of biggest problems of this game not getting trust from publishers?
So what about people who stepped up and gave that trust? They don’t matter now?


I put some ideas here

Apart from this, I would love to meet some historical characters and also, some historical facts with dates would be fun to read during game load or sleepin :slight_smile: . Visiting medieval Prague is also my wish (like Florence in Assassin Creed ).

  • Being able to posess one’s own house / farm
    But the thing I wish the most is some intriguing story and unforgettable adventure :stuck_out_tongue:

I wasn’t terribly shocked by the Beta. I got mid 20s in very high from modest hardware. (i5 2400, GTX970, HDD), and found the combat to be usable after a little practice.

Sure there are a number of unfinished areas, sure there are problems that crop up with scripting and so on, but you report those that you find and enjoy the bits that work (which is lots in a fairly small slice).

I personally was happy to be able to try the beta, and have enjoyed bug hunting and general game play (hopefully more of the latter in the newer version out this week)…

I have been involved in the creation of complex game software in the past, and don’t see anything abnormal in the current (early) Beta state or the timescales and information that is being shared.


Dark clothing and leather armor a range of daggers , bows and Spears.
Stealth charisma dexderity this means a lot to me. Black leather armor and maybe a dog companion.
and maybe throwing daggers. Tamable Wild animals Like Ravens or Hawks
and Women PC’s My wife made me say that.

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raven, yes :slight_smile:

I would also like to participate in events like the Frankenstein plague in 1606 https://wcieniu.wordpress.com/2012/03/13/2084/
Different times but close neighbourhood and certainly nice idea for the intriguing plot :wink:

200 years is close neighborhood? hahaha lol.

Do you have any other sources for this? It sounds interesting but everything I can find seems to be based on minimal historical references and more like a historical Creepypasta.

I mean area - geographically ; I know there was some documentary by National Geographic but do not know the title.

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Ill keep looking then.

Robert of Talmberk is based on the historical character of Borek from Talmberk, and he is already in the Beta.
There will be more historical characters in the final game for sure.

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Star Citizen has a gazillion Dev Updates yet none of them really make me want to play the game more. Its also rare to see a positive post or thread there as by nature of slow methodical natural growth -fans become bored (and bitchy). Of course now the Dev’s need feedback to calibrate the game and help it mature, but I would say that many others should take longer breaks as to not ‘kill the magic’. You’ll see what I mean the day the game is released to public and the general audience ooohs and aaahhs while the long time alpha members grumble.

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More missions.
Nice graphics on PS4
more Walk
large map

Smithing (in the quality of alchemy now) and jobs like become apprentice and take a request to smith a 100 swords or something for an army and king’s requests (all the resources provided of course) to create beautiful armours and weapons with an in depth mechanism of smelting, heating, hammering, shaping to etching even. I already like the grind stone very much.

Planned feature, though theres been minimal details on its development. Hopefully E3 bears some fruit.

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Multiplayer,I want it

Realistic needs. Eating, sleeping, water, disease. Realistic wounds that need treatment and can get infected. Social interaction with NPC’s. The ability too choose the life you wish. For example, if you want to steer away from the main story and create your own farm/store and home. Realistic economy.