I can't see quests on map

Hello, I bought KCD and playing it, but i have one problem. I found reeky’s treasure and in quests i have only:
’‘Find reeky’’ and on map isn’t anything what i can do with this quest.
Is it normal or bug.

Thanks for answers.

Hi, have you read through you journal?
I believe there could be some hints.

Also try speaking to people of Talmberg, they might know something.

OK, but where can i find journal

Journal is a Quest log, and you open it by pressing “J”
Or by opening inventory and choosing an icon with a quill at the top of the screen

OK, thank you :slight_smile:, now i looked it and there is only: ‘‘Find reeky’’ :confused: , when i looked on the videos i saw they have designation of this quest and i have not. Think you i must reinstall game or what?

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This is actually interesting, because you cannot set an automatic tracker at the beginning yet, right? You really have to press ‘m’ and fin those stars with quest locations on the left. Then you can set a manual tracker which does show on your HUD.

That’s strange.
At what stage of the quest you are? What have you done so far?

I can’t see designation of quuest on map when i press ‘‘m’’

I dug a treasure of Reeky and now I must find Rekky, but when youtubers on videos dug treasure they saw quest designation of next quest and they knew what do. :confused:

Perhaps they talked with somebody you didn’t?
There are some various informations from several NPCs you can get. And most won’t tell you the exact location so you won’t have marker on the map.

I saw in videos, they dug trasure and saw quest designation near the tavern

Can you post the video please?

video from youtuber?

I fear that just digging out the treasure is not enough.
The important part that will make you progress in the quest is actually investigating. That means talking to NPCs.
Try asking at the spa right at the edge of Talmberg

Yeah, the video where you saw how the youtuber dug and get the marker.

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That Q marker is there because of this part of the dialogue

You do realise that this video starts at a certain point in the quest where other things have already been done? This is late in the third video in the series and he will already have talked to some of the villagers and sufficient progress made with the two leads available to finger the innkeeper as a link to Hynek in his own right.

If you haven’t the talking skill to get this information elsewhere you can intimidate Hynek senior to force open the dialogue line, or confront him with the bloody gambeson to complete the necessary investigation.

There are multiple ways to obtain information about Hynek’s location in the village and speaking to the innkeeper isn’t actually even necessary to get another line of enquiry that will take you directly to his hiding place. I always do because talking to everyone who has new dialogue options, making as many skill checks as possible, buying and selling and haggling for the price all add to the player’s skill in speech, which opens new options in some of the side quests, one of which needs a skill of 16 to pass, but it is entirely possible to just find and scout the fortified ruins where the bandits have camp and not talk to anyone except Robard to launch the attack.


Thank you, I wasn’t watching this part because I wanted have spoilers :wink: