Weekly Torch - the barrel of questions

How many properties / parameters must the AI per NPC process? (As moody, always hungry, curious …)
Did you think about a global fallback if a NPC runs in an undefined state? How will the AI deal with an logical exception (Like a shepherd how lost all his sheeps)


Hi, before Tom replies to your questions I though you could find some answers here.

Unfortunately he is on vacation right now, so it will take a few more days till he will be able to answer.
But that does only mean, that you all have even more time to ask him some questions. :smiley:

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How do you solve the issues when what one NPC does affects the goals/states of another NPC(s)? To my layman eyes this possibly can create a long chain of cross-interactions between various NPCs that can affect the game in unforeseeable ways. Seems mind-boggling to work with this when also having the player change the world by advancing quests. As far as I understand this was why Bethesda ultimately trashed their Radiant AI system they tried to implement in TES: Oblivion (at least that’s what they said :slight_smile:) . Is this an issue or have you guys solved this somehow?


Oh, thanks. That video looks really interesting from reading your subtitles. It would be awesome if they translated it or did an english livestream with Tomas Plch.

Now you can ask questions to Marek “Hitman” Černý from Quality Assurance and to Tomáš “Vegeta” Plch Senior AI Programmer, who is still on vacation. Please mention the name to who you want to ask the question to. :slight_smile:

Had a question about currency, how will the economy be determined in kingdom come? Also it was my understanding silver was actually more valuable than gold during this period, any treasure hunts or purpose?

Thats not true. Europe had more silver than gold and most of the gold europian mint used came from Africa.

Something you have to trade for is more expensive under normal circumstances.

Do you speak russian? (to both)

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Interesting thanks. Maybe I was confusing peices of 8 which maybe came later?

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@Marek “Hitman”:
What have you done before you started to be the master of disaster?
What kind of bug do you prefer? Bugs Bunny or Lady bug? Buggy or bug(beetle)?
Someone at WH found out your true identity. Have you silenced him? In which way?
Which is your favorite episode? In SW, in GoT, in HM?
You get money for killing (bugs). Why did you not learned anything sensible? Killing… mosquitoes?
How many errors have you sorted out? And how many are back again?
Can you laugh at bug jokes? Really?


You have questions to Martin “Athert” Antoš? Good, just ask and he will answer them. :slight_smile:

@Marek , any suggestions for someone looking to get into making games? How does one even think of where to start or the different career paths ?

Will we have cart races in the game?

You like options, I like options. Is there an option to play the game without follow the main quest? Or will be there events/scripting to bring back the player to the story? What will happen if I live in the woods and don´t care the time?

Can you explain how your script tool works? Do you have to learn an extra programming language? Or is it just a “klick” script?

Which minigames we will see in the final game?

Which “parts” of the beta have you made?

Is there a current game with impressive scripting? Something really cool?

“Many people told me that to work in a AAA game studio I would be
required to have years of extensive experience in the field… so look
where I’m writing from now!”
You have bet on the right (war) horse… :wink:
Good luck for the future!


Now you will not only find the answers of scripter Martin “Athert Antoš” in the Weekly Torch, but also the answers from Tomáš “Vegeta” Plch too! Enjoy :slight_smile:

  1. Is it true to say that your AI system consists of a web of interconnected entities? …And that these entities are in fact villages, NPCs, animals, beds, doors, fishing rods, and everything else including Quests too? Each of these entities are created by scripter who forms existing ‘logic boxes’ into a structure of a branching tree. And so every entity has its own tree, which is actually one big script which tells it what to do and how, depending on what branch is being executed. Than all of those entities are actually programs that run separately at the same time and they communicate with each other? Also if an entity does not know how to do something, it can request and receive new branches from another entity. E.g. an NPC asks a Village how to do some fishing in the area? Or NPC would ask quest entity if it needs to act some role in a quest and than saves this new behavior to itself as a new branch? Do I get the idea?

  2. Than what knowledge does a scripter need when injecting quests and implementing ‘living world’ in the AI editor? It appears that he ‘only’ needs to know how to assemble all of those ‘logic boxes’ together (like a lego). Or does he still code some parts manually when scripting quests and events?

  3. I like that you plan to share your work as PhD thesis, but is there even a chance of releasing the AI editor for modding community in some shape or form later? I do not expect you to announce any official WH plans for mod support, only your personal insight point of view… I imagine that a lot would have to be solved first before releasing something usable for modding… But still, I wonder because being able to mess with the world in such AI editor sounds interestingly powerful… (but probably naive…)

  4. Anyway, Where can we learn more about it? (I though something was published already) .

Good luck and thank you for all the hard work!



I will try to get some answers anyway. But now you can ask for the next weekly Torch if you want to :slight_smile:

Now you can ask questions to Adam J. Sporka, he is very open and communicative. So don´t hesitate: :slight_smile:

Hi @AdamJ ,

and an orchestration of a death metal song<

That sounds interesting! What death metal song is in the game?

Which new (PC) game have you played this year (not KCD!)? Do you enjoyed it? Which will you give a try?

I just finished porting Sequence Music Engine on PS4.<

Do WH have experts for porting stuff to PS4/x1, who helped you? Or do every programmer porting his (part of) software to consoles?

The king didn’t like my harmonic progressions. He said they were too
baroque and that I should check back in 200 years. I was going to tweet
the hell out of this incident but my smartphone couldn’t get any

Was the king Vavra? :slight_smile:

What do you think about the soundtrack of Enderal (mod for Skyrim)?


Hello @AdamJ,

Everything about music from the Alpha and Beta sound really great. Will there be authentic pieces of music too? A hand-organ, for example, might have existed in Bohemia 1403.

The music in the game will surely have great significance. Have you ever thought about making a “Setting” of how often music is played in the game? Never, rarely, often; …
What I actually mean by this is how do you never get too much or too little music while playing the game . Sometimes the forest with its noises without music is more intense to enjoy.

By the way… What musical instruments do you master?