Hi everybody, long time lurker first time poster.
Now after playing the latest update, 0.4, and trying out the combat I too have a cunning plan!
Like many have said the aiming crosshair should be tweaked to make it easier to direct blows, someone suggested adding a little crosshair inside the crosshair to show where your mouse is going on top of simply lighting up the “spikes”.
Now, I know it’s still alpha etc. etc. but I think the lock-on in combat is a bit silly. As of now it works thusly:
-Draw sword -> locked on, you cant turn your view to engage or look at other enemies or run away from combat. In a way this is a cool tunnel vision simulator which gives the combat an interesting aspect, but still I think it is very clumsy.
What I dream off is something like this, behold my MS Paint skills in all their might!
So basically what I´m proposing (or dreaming of or whatever) is that having your sword drawn would not lock your aim at the nearest enemy, instead it would bring up the sword aiming crosshair but you could still move your view freely (to run off or aim at other enemies). When having your sword drawn thusly you could then press MB1 to initiate a strike, this would lock your aim onto the enemy and when you now (keeping MB1 pressed) would move your mouse it would aim the strike.
Release MB1 and the selected strike would be dealt, now your view would be unlocked until you again press MB1 and repeat, or move your view quickly to another enemy to engade him, or turn and run with sword in hand.
The mousewheel scrolling through opponents just feels so very, very clumsy to me.