Alpha 0.5 ... little things which have improved

It will not stream for people who do not own the game as well (kinda defeats the purpose) I use twitch.

Almost every house has a pantry, almost every pantry has a bag of apples with 20-30 apples.

As far as I know (so far) there are no other foods items.

You only need a few apples to fill up too.

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I know it says the combat controls were improved, but the combat in general also feels better. I’ve done two tournament fights and both were thoroughly enjoyable. I’ve noticed more counter animations and attack animations that I’m suddenly able to do, while at the same time the enemy combat AI seems more advanced in their fighting, reaction timing, dodging etc. Really good so far. Alpha 0.5 seems fantastic so far.


The combat is way smoother, not just because of performance the animations look more fluid and flow much more smoothly then they did in 0.4.

Best build so far IMO.

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I agree, although I’ve only played 0.4 and now 0.5 to be honest, but I’ve seen the other builds gameplay…
Definitely can see smoother animations, as well. Also noticed that combat seems more fast paced, but also more manageable. Seems like the combat now looks a lot more like the gameplay trailers and conforms to their combat promises than it used to.

we did a lot of changes to the combat AI - both in the scripts as well as the automated moving logic. to be honest, we completly reworked the system of movement to be more fluid. We moved from a ad hoc steering system into a physics and environment based steering system based on static and dynamic environment analysis. the fighting NPC takes mass of objects as well as tactical schemas into account, making a contextual map of the environment.

in simple terms - the NPCs tend to avoid static as well as dynamic obstacles, threats, friendlies etc. it also can take other stuff into account, as weapon capabilities, damage ranges, contextual tendencies (e.g. exhaused NPCs tend to not to be as close to replenish stamina etc)

try to fight with multiple enemies, they will do some basic tactical splitting that is completly emergent based on the environemnt and situation

the weapon tactics are presently script based, but we have some experimental tactical prediction mechanism in the workings.



It shows!

the combat is much more intelligent, Im having a blast trying to take on the whole camp at once.

The arena is also much more of a challenge now which is great.

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one funny thing I noticed before launch is that NPC tend to avoid dead people too - they dont like to trample on dead fellow men.


Horse road magnetism improved. New horse animations.

EDIT: I have only ride on controller so far and it was better. Still I would like more improvements on horse riding in general.


Imroved? Mine turned off : -( My horse just keep going forward not sticking to the road anyway.

Same here, horse does not follow the road anymore.

If continuing the game is not problematic anymore indeed, could we share our saves than? I would love to borrow a save with really skilled Henry and see the difference in combat.

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Its been fairly stable for me and I have been intentionally trying to break it.

@TobiTobsen is it ok to share save files?

Excellent. Looking forward to trying the combat again.

Try pressing B on a controller or Shift on a keyboard while on a road to enable magnetism.

New UI looks awesome :smiley:

Really liking what I’m seeing here guys.

And @WH_Tom great update on combat AI as well mate. Appreciate the level of detail in your post and keeping us all so well informed.


Wait you can get a horse? And fight the whole camp?? WTF???

You can summon a horse by pressing “X”.
There is also supposedly a quest which gives you another horse, but I have not found it.

As to fighting, in the new version you can fight anyone.
Just hit them. (but hit them hard, because they are sturdy bastards)

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The horse has been available since 0.4.

X on KBM Y or Triangle on game pad to call.

The quest that ludmilla in Merhojed gives you you can choose between a horse or money. (I suggest the money since you have a horse).

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Very cool -had no idea :stuck_out_tongue: Games sounding good cant wait to get enough time to delve back in…

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