Alpha Bugs list

there is a known bug with very High Settings crashing the game.

have you tried it on high?

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This is more finished than Ass Creed Unity.


The WH Team has been working so hard on the update I thought I would play hard, see if I found anything new.

This Rock formation is directly to the left of the spawn point. I have noticed grass/flora clipping through allot of objects tree trunks being the most common.

this formation and few others in the area hover a bit off the Ground. hard to notice unless your in game.

Bow clipping through quiver on Henry and Bow-Master

Close up view bow quiver clipping.

version 0.2

There seems to be a small amount of clipping of all NPCs (including but not limited to Henry and objects) and the ground. Feel that dirt under your toes?

You can RUN UP TREEEES! Sprint directly at a tree and be amused as you run up it. I have managed to get up a quarter the way up one tree. I almost didn’t report this one.

Video Showing the Various bugs listed in this post.

For further review…

The first thing I encountered in Alpha 0.2 is the sky texture blinking - blue to grey and back. I don’t remember that from 0.1. I have a Radeon HD 5850 card.

I did the bow missions, then skipped time to the next day. And now Im not able to talk to the archery guy. He just sits on his bench the whole time, and when I push E to talk, nothing happend

You can still run up trees and the rock formations hovering from my previous post still prevail in 0.2 update.

Every time I pay for the bow I never have it in my inventory, you experience this?

Maybe you need more points? For he game me my money back and some extra money. But he said that he taked the bow back, so I guess we need more points to get the bow

No what I meant was I never got the bow period.

How much points do you get from the shooting?

Cannot shoot never received the bow.

Ahh, now I understand… number 1 button on youre keyboard should bring out the bow, then use youre mouse to aim and shoot.

If that doesnt work, then I dont know…

First of all wonderful work! River AMD bug fixed, puddle sounds, people don’t behave strange or sit in the air anymore as far as I noticed.
Being in a hurry to go on holidays where I don’t have a PC being able to handle this game I just quickly ran through the level to look on it. The world looks extremely beautiful with all the flowers in it now loading much better. I think aliasing effects also became less.

No collision with ground

Few moments before there was smoke which suddenly disappeared.

You can jump through the grips

Fire doesn’t make the soup bubble

Strange looking stones

The laundry brightened up getting closer

Border of ground textures

Very nice work at the loam parts near the water which already get dryer. Here it still looks too wet when the water is not close enough to wet it

I saw few of them already in the first alpha but didn’t mention them.
Flowers sometimes still load illogically so there is an empty area somewhere in the meadow. But I hope other people can spend more time to test the new quests and so on. I’m pretty sure youre already working on some of the bugs.

Nice work, happy holidays.


First i want to share my frame result of version 0.2

Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 2GB DDR5
AMD-FX Six-Core Processor
8 GB DDR3 (1033)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Service Pack 1

Everything is set to Very High
Outdoor: 35-37 fps
In the town center, where the tavern tables are, i’ve got 22-26 fps
with view in direction to archery and the forest behind the training area
Indoor: 24-27 fps

But the improvements are great at all.
I love the new main menu design with his highlighting buttons.
Thank you for adding the Early Access trailer music into the game itself
Lightning system looks much better, especially in the forest.
Mud puddles have own sounds when you walk through them…
that’s one of the best improvements for me :smiley:
The Blacksmith works at the right places.
Now, Henry have long pants at the beginning of New Game.
And his hair looks much better too. Not Final but Thumbs up!
The map is very very awesome and looks very very beautiful.

Advanced bug report will posted too but later!
I still seen some conversation animation problems with npc’s
and a headtracker problem of herbalist woman. (She only looked at the ground)

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Then you talk with the alchemy lady she says thistle is pink. Then when you talk with here later and ask where to find the stuff, she says thistle is yellow

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Bow and Arrow bugs Alpha 0.2

the damage texture normally shown when you shoot an arrow in the stucco? does not appear to be working.

when I shoot NPC’s sitting they never get properly back on their seat, they immediately sit back down wherever they stand up from. Didn’t have time to make a video before work will update later.

Can no longer pick up arrows once fired.

With bow drawn I cannot activate doors or talk to NPC’s.

and for any who may be curious I unlocked the bow after getting 28 points at the range.

Found a guy playing a flute but when he tried to put it back into his ‘inventory’, he stabbed it into his heart. Not sure if healthy


So after my frame report i want to post my “bug list”.
I’m not able atm to play the quests for bug recording
because it is a little bit hard for me to understand the alchemy book
and the herbalisim itself.

So for the best report i think the map from game is perfect for it!
@warhorse, @Hellboy, @TobiTobsen, @Anna or @MadSmejki
I’ve added a downloaded version for you because your forum is limited :blush:

EDIT: Reverd the Request because now i understand the system of the plants in the world and bewteen the mesh harvesting. Hard to decribe for me! :-/
Nettle are a more dynamic mesh which will removed with the camera mode.
And these Coal nuggets and Thistles are more kind of items like swords etc.


maybe there could be a seperate topic about the animations.
I would like it too when you actually see Henrys hand picking things up and not this camera change.
Would be more immersive if it stays in First Person imo