An update on Alpha?

i hate being that guy but… alpha should be soon right?? i thought it was this month but i haven’t heard much. i guess all im looking for really is a status update.

super excited for just an alpha lol :stuck_out_tongue:

september or october was last estimate

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Everybody is working on it. :slight_smile: September/October is the date to remember, so we are nearly there.


I can’t wait for the alpha :3

Next time you can try to be the other guy, the one that uses search function :wink:


i don’t know why u assume i dint try to search for the answer. i did and found many different things. thanks for not being constructive though u really help the forum with that…

i just used search and found the answer and everyone saying same thing. september or october. so i think you didn’t really use search or paid attention. that’s why he tells you to be that other guy.

Shyte, though… Will have to look over my bank account for some hidden cash to upper me tier and blow it (the cash) over to ye… :smiley:

Edit tells:

Also @Freix:
Or maybe he used words for the search, which you did not use, e. g. because English is not his/her mother tongue (and maybe yours neither) which actually has quite an influence of the langauge’s usage and understanding. :slight_smile:

I won’t argue on that, it’s really pointless. I just found it funny when he used that “i hate being that guy” expression while he could easily find it himself. Searching for the term “alpha” and picking the “when will the alpha and beta come out” topic out of like 10 available options seems like an easy task even for a monkey, but ok, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt…

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i literally cant post the links that i found in the forum because im 100% sure they are malicious seeing as how they say click here to download the alpha (out now) so yeah i looked…

Im sitting and just find myself waiting and waiting, for an update that is. I have no patience.

I also am impatient but at the same time, I understand the developers probably need to make sure everythings working, I just can’t wait to see the work that has gone into this and help contribute to make sure everything’s working.

I hope the next video will come this week since they planned to release one in early september or if its not a video then a blogpost. And for the Alpha: I dont mind if there are bugs cause I assume there will be some. But I hope they are not delaying the release for too long if problems occur.
Yes I know I’m a bit impatient ^^
Nonetheless I think Warhorse should take the time they need and I think everyone here understands that.

just a preemptive disclaimer:

it’s an alpha, ie early work in progress, don’t expect to have your socks blown off.

literally every alpha or beta i’ve been involved with, are people saying in a variety of ways that the game is “unfinished”, yeah i’m not even kidding. that’s literally the most popular complaint about early access games.

proper procedure: see a bug, even an obvious one that you feel should have been fixed, don’t make a thread raging about it. either use the reporting system(if it comes), or make a thread and just objectively state procedures to reproduce it.

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I have alpha/beta tested around 40 to 50 games since 04’ & I would have to agree with 213. There is usually a huge expectation for a finished game during the testing period. The testing periods are meant for finding bugs, suggestions from the testers and in MMO’s to also stress test the population of servers to see how well their systems can handle the multitudes of players.

When testing does start please be patient with the staff, report your findings, make suggestions, follow their disclaimers (if they use them) for not taking unauthorized pictures and/or video footage from the game to post for others to see, and remember the game is in testing not final release.


Since i’m the most rude person around here, i think we are fine, everybody gets it. I would be surprised to see any raging. Just keep your expectations low and everything will be ok :slight_smile:


When the alpha comes out we should all expect the game to be buggy and contribute to helping the devs fix the problems we face in the game, this is just a reminder to people who are overly excited and might not get what they want from the alpha.

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Reminds me of a meme I recently saw :slight_smile:


HAHAHAHAHA wonderful. so your humor is as good as the haircut eei!?

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Tobi there is so much truth in that.

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