Cannot Reinstall or Uninstall or even Play the game!


I have been trying to figure this out for a while now. I downloaded the latest launcher and it isn’t doing anything.

The problems:

  1. Can’t play the game; whenever I hit ‘Start Game’ from the launcher, it gives me the error: “Failed to launch the game: The system cannot find the file specified”.

  2. Can’t uninstall/reinstall the game! Whenever I attempt to reinstall by either clicking on the cog button and then choose ‘uninstall’ or by uninstalling it as a software from the Windows Control Panel - I get this error: “An error has occurred. The uninstall cannot continue. The specified account already exists”.

Please, solve this - or I might ask for a refund.

Abdullah J.

Hey @abd_1995,

I’d like to ask you to send us your installation logs so the guys can take a look and figure out what’s wrong :slight_smile:

The installation logs can be found in your temp folder, the route should look something like this:

C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp

You can also simply type %temp% and press enter in the file explorer to be redirected to the desired folder immediately.

In this folder you are looking for a log file named: KCD_Beta_Acces_(date_time)

Possibly ZIP them, upload them, and the guys will have a look :slight_smile:


Great thanks you guys! You responded very quickly! The logs are attached to this reply.KCD_Beta_Access_20160518004617.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003715.log (3.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003417.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003159.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002553.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002335.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002553_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002333.log (2.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002328.log (2.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002322.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003417_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001629.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001131.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003159_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001059.log (8.1 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002335_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001059_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175539.log (9.3 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001131_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518004617_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175523.log (8.3 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160427101229.log (17.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175539_000_GameLauncherRemoval.log (77.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160427101229_001_GameLauncherRemoval.log (84.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001629_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160427101229_000_KCD.log (133.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175539_001_KCD.log (154.8 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175523_000_GameLauncherRemoval.log (77.4 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002322_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

Hm, unfortunatelly, the curcial log we need seems to be missing. Any chance you remember when was the first time you installed the game and if it was ever updated? (if you originally installed the game before 15th March or after).

I’m afraid I truly do not remember if I installed it after or before the 15th of March. Will that be a problem?

It would help with figuring out what might have possibly gone wrong as the crucial log is missing. The root of the issue might date back to the day when the launcher wasn’t providing as much information as it provides after the date I mentioned :’( . Were those really all the logs that were to be found in the mentioned folder?

KCD_Beta_Access_20160520160411.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518004617.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160520155542.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003715.log (3.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003417.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003417_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002553.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003159.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002335.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002553_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002333.log (2.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002328.log (2.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160520160411_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518004617_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002322.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001629.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001131.log (7.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003159_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002335_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160520155542_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001059.log (8.1 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175539.log (9.3 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002322_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175523.log (8.3 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175539_000_GameLauncherRemoval.log (77.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001059_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175523_000_GameLauncherRemoval.log (77.4 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160427101229.log (17.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001131_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160427101229_001_GameLauncherRemoval.log (84.9 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175539_001_KCD.log (154.8 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160427101229_000_KCD.log (133.2 KB)
KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001629_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

I think these are all the files; I uploaded them again to make sure.

Hello there, any news?

Hi @abd_1995,

there is a fix on the way which should be ready before the end of week :slight_smile: , your launcher should update and then you should be able to proceed. If by any chance the issue is not solved with the updated launcher, please be sure to let us know :slight_smile: .

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I’m really glad to hear that :smile: You guys are top notch in everything you do, you really are. Best customer support I had in decades! Please, keep it up :thumbsup:


Hey @abd_1995 ,

go give it a shot, the update is up. In case the launcher doesn’t want to update itself, download the launcher anew and you should be possibly able to run it now :slight_smile:

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I tried the new launcher but now it gives a new error midway through the update: Error: the specified account already exists; or something like that.

I’m re-downloading that update now to double-check.

Awwwww :disappointed: , here we go again. Could you send us the logs again (The ones created on the day of you attempting the installation? The KCD_Beta_Access…)

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No problem. :slight_smile:

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526235649.log (2.2 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526235708.log (12.0 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526235924.log (17.4 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526235627.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526232244.log (17.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526004254.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526235924_000_KCD.log (229.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160520155542.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160520155542_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518004617.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160520160411.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003715.log (3.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003417.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518004617_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003159.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160520160411_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002553.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526004254_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002335.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526235627_000_KCD.log (155.4 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003159_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002333.log (2.2 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002328.log (2.2 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002322.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001629.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002553_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002335_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001131.log (7.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518002322_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001059.log (8.1 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160526232244_000_KCD.log (229.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175539.log (9.3 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001131_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001629_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518003417_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175523.log (8.3 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160427101229.log (17.2 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160518001059_000_KCD.log (155.5 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175523_000_GameLauncherRemoval.log (77.4 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160427101229_001_GameLauncherRemoval.log (84.9 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160427101229_000_KCD.log (133.2 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175539_000_GameLauncherRemoval.log (77.2 KB)

KCD_Beta_Access_20160507175539_001_KCD.log (154.8 KB)

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Any updates?

Hi @abd_1995 ,

can you please confirm that the issue is still present with the latest version of the launcher or you are able to run the game?

UPDATE: We managed to reproduce the issue, please bear with us little longer while we work on the fix :slight_smile:

Thank you

Hello, since months ago i cannot play because i have no propper deintallation. I see that your problem isnt solved yet.
If you have no deinstallation after that i be able to reinstaal the game please give me a list of all folders, i have to delete for make your luncher download working.

I deeply apologize for waiting for this long. I realize that you’ve postponed the release date because of this, but I’m afraid I didn’t have access to my PC, and I still don’t, at this moment. However, I got my hands on another PC of mine but with lower specs. I cannot provide you with any updates regarding the bug at the moment, but I’ll install the game on this other PC and report-back to you its performance or any bugs if any exist.

It’s great news to hear that you’ve managed to recreate the bug, any chances you managed to produce a fix?

Again, I apologize for making you wait for so long, I hope that bug doesn’t take away time from the release date.

Best wishes & good luck

@abd_1995 You have a PM :slight_smile: