Changes to Saving + Lockpicking are coming

Mad because bad is what we call that symptom

I am on a PC and the 1.2.5 version enables to save whenever I want.
Thanks a lot WH !

why? you still cant save whenever you want the patch for exit save isnt even out
you can save whenever you want with saviour schnapps like its always been

Well, when I press Esc while in the game, the menu offers a line ā€œSauvegarder partieā€ which translates to ā€œSave gameā€ and it does save it.
Which version do you have ?

sure thats how it always was but it does cost 1 saviour schnapps like I said
version 1.2.5

WH should stop listening whining about saving and lockpicking system and finnaly fix major problems with freezing and optimizationā€¦

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I got a patch last night on xbox. . I donā€™t know if it did anything, but it did give me a warm fuzzy feeling

I will say, I absolutely hated lock picking at first. Iā€™m on PS4 and the first few levels are an absolute nightmare. But the mechanics do get easier once you acquire the durable picks perk, and even at level 9 I havenā€™t broken a pick in a long time. I thought it was a major QC oversight, but itā€™s just part of the natural learning curve.

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Yup, you get a lot of new abd harder mechanics thrown at you in the beginning. But if you stick with it it all gets easier

Lock picking doesnā€™t get easier! I have been trying for like 12 hours now and still cant pick one Fing lock. when i try to get my lock picking skill up i cant because i donā€™t have enough lock picks and vendors donā€™t sell them. the vendors that do, i cant use because i didnā€™t finish the lock picking quest. Cant finish the lock picking quest unless i cant pick a lock. None of this was thought through. This game is over for me. Maybe they will fix this in a year or two.

they fix this with the patch 1.3 which is not out yet
I assume you are playing on console?

yea playing on PS4, and we have patch 1.3 and it says nothing about fixing lock picking.

no you dont have patch 1.3 the version you have is 1.2.5 playstation version says 1.03 but thats not 1.3
1.04 would be the version where lockpicking gets fixed (1.3)

wow ever worst like 15 more patchs and they will fix it. So like 6 to 12 months. Bye crazy hard game, it would of been fun if lock picking wasnā€™t the hardest thing i have ever had to do in any video game ever!

you only have to wait 1-2 weeks for the patch not 6-12 months

YOU HEARD US!! fix the terrible lockpicking system!! and you say to make more realistic!! WHO PICKS LOCKS IN REAL LIFE ??? ARE YOU A BURGLAR THEN-CAUSE MOST OF THE WORLD

then whats the point in buying the game when it comes out- release it later - duhh!!

I bought the game 4 years ago :stuck_out_tongue:
you know that patches are a common thing today?

its unreal they know it ruins the experience on console yet they do nothing I should of bought the game of ebay for a fiver 6 months after it came out maybe the lockpicking would be resolved by then

they didnt expect that lockpicking would be so hard for many players
be happy that they reacted so quickly and that they will make it easier for controllers in the first real patch