Could slavs be added

Could slavs like Slovenians be added there wuld be like the Celje’s counts they wore till 1456 it would be awsome :smiley: p.s. make them a joinable country+could there be armour like on my profile pic tipe,d.bGs&psig=AFQjCNGtB7lim0x34ej4l4AufxIDEFj4Rg&ust=1472234358682935 i’ts a slo. site



Damn, i was really looking forward to wearing track suits and smoking ciggerettes while squatting.


why don’t you agree?

The game takes place in a specific region in Bohemia and it is based on true historical events. It makes no sense to randomly add people from different countries.

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Moreover, please do tell us about distinct Slovenia identity in 1403 (i.e. 20 years before the wave of Czech Catholic priests and monks emigrated to the area with the subsequent influence on Slovenian language, which today is in many ways more similar to medieval Czech than modern Czech is).

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just read this man hope you will be satesfied

i live in slovenia also :wink:

i’ also glad you can fight againts cumans because in our country they f***** up some things in the m.a.

also czechs are slav

This doesn’t answer the question: how would the counts of Celje self identify?

dude i’m like 20 so idk also nobody cares anymore u can do it from now on

Count of Celje (I think it was Herman) was a close ally and father in law of king Sigsmund, as well as a member of order of dragon, but he wasnt in this war, he might have send a few soldiers, but nothing significant. Imagine each of Sigsmunds allies attending every war he fought… Little unrealistic,no ?