Cudity Level: Too Much or Just Right?

Do you know a good source for those old texts and letters and stuff? I would be interested but don’t know where to begin searching ^^

4m 10s of this video. It is a bit amusing


Well, Chaucer wrote a few years prior to KCD’s timeframe so all his stuff has long since been in public domain. You can find it online in many places. Here’s one in the original Middle English:;idno=CT

And another in Modern English:


It’s enough if a few key NPCs use the worst language, common NPCs can use a bit toned down crudity or else the game risks becoming a parody

Do we really need the F-bomb in the game, I think it detracts from the game and takes away from the atmosphere. Yes I know that the F-bomb first started showing up in the 15th century but I doubt it was used as often and in such a manner as you hear it today, and I am sure there our other medieval terms that we can use to be more immersive.

I actually agree with this, maybe because I am American and this is our getto language :smile:

Give me a good medival cussin

Absence or presence of F-words or any other “naughty” words will be dictated by historical accuracy, i’d imagine.
And i think there will be a lot of it. After all, the game is supposed to be realistic.

EDIT: another thing is that it takes place in Bohemia where english was never widely used and therefore your “F-word situation” is just a matter of translation. Which will be probably outsourced.

Translated? I thought the game is written primarily in English.
Hmm or I might be completely wrong. :smile: Which is most probably the case. :smiley:
But I am too interested what kind of juicy words were used at that time. The problem is, I don’t think any chronicler was documenting the language of the common folk. It might all end up in guessing. And should they stick to English swear words used at that time or literally translate Czech ones? I guess it depends on the situation too.

Yep, everything is written in Czech and is later transleted into English.

Scribes may have not written down a language of common folk, but I believe that some examples should be there to find.

Literal translation is not always the best.
But a lot of Czech swear words can be literary translated. The question is what swear words were used in medieval bohemia.

Yeah I would definitely want to hear some examples. :smirk:
It could be quite educational. :joy:

Do we really need the F-word<

we had this discussion in this thread:

Maybe we should bring the threads together… :smiley:

And a litttle bit in this one:

New evidence discovered this year shows it being used as early as 1310. And again, that’s just in a written source.

I’m American, and I don’t live in a getto and almost everyone i know uses it on a regular basis. It’s used more often here then words like damn or shit.

I would also like to know who decided the “F-bomb” was the was the worst cuss word you could say? What makes it worse than the others?

Yes their was evidence of its use back then and then showed up in dictionaries late 14th century (1596 or so), but it does not show up as being commonly used as a curse until many hundred years later.

My point is it is very much a 19-20 century curse, totally jolts me out of the era, it’s only recently that games/movies have tried to use it in that setting.

I’d prefer a different word that has a more medieval ring to it.

That is kinda my point above, the F-bomb is very 20/21st century, it has become the middle school word of choice and that is what I hear, not some medieval peasant.

Where i live everyone uses it, even the elderly.

Well it’s a little odd for Bohemian peasants to be speaking with modern English accents, so hearing a word that may or may not have been used then isn’t really an issue for me.

Right, its pretty much used everywhere in our society now (starting from middle school on up). The only place I don’t hear it is in the professional environment, youth teams I coach etc…

I am not arguing that is it not common, prob the most common used word in our language LOL, that is why it seems so not medieval. Lets us Sard or something :smile:

I agree. The word “fuck” is from the 16th century

they went with a bit different approach, ie had actual american frat boy accent for some of the commoners. wonder if would have been even more shocking if they did a good ole boy midwestern or southern ie texan accent for the low commoners. we’re used to hearing cockney as a representation of it.

I agree Fuck is definatly not out of place in the middle ages, it is or is dirived from a comonly used word in old saxon and other germaic languages of northern europe. As can be seen from the dutch word fock wich is used to describe reproductive breading, a language wich is in many ways similar to old anglo/saxon and old english. As to swearing in the game I think where appropriat there is no way why it should be not in the game. By appropriat I mean usage by less educated charachters would swear quite a lot, more educated or relgiuos people less or in some cases not at all. It would also be accepable in arguments or times of great pain or distress, in battle or even good natured teaing between friends that sort of thing.