Didn't realize... RPG != MMORPG

(sigh) I couldn’t understand what the last guy said too well, and I think the guy before him may have said something similar, but I shall say this: Their are already multiplayer games that feature medieval style combat, play those, this doesn’t need any multiplayer at all. The end. Their is no need to add something like that, an arena style thing would be pointless, because of the other games that exist (all 5037 of them), and large scale multiplayer (like co-op or an MMO) simply won’t work with this type of game. People must realize that not everything is made better by letting multiple people play at once, those games already exist.

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There are a number of incorrect assumptions at work here… first and foremost, not everyone that arrives here comes via the Kickstarter page. In fact, I would wager that a significant number of new arrivals in the last month are coming from Steam (as I did).

And, to underscore something important: Steam put this game on my recommended list for MMOs. So the assumption that I (or others) showing up here only to start talking about MMOs are deliberately injecting the topic to disrupt is just erroneous. This should also be highlighted as one (if not the biggest) contributor to the whole “why not add MMO” tangent because, as mentioned elsewhere, MMO players have been slavering for an MMO that offer realism (not just graphics, not just “medieval style”) for at least 12 years.

In context of me - I not only didn’t know this was a standalone when I got here, I only discovered it as I began engaging. It was a natural reaction to ask “why” and, of course, to suggest that there is a huge demand for it. Eventually, I settled in to accepting this wasn’t going to be the game I’ve personally waited 20 years to play… but it demonstrates that such an idea isn’t entirely off the radar of possibility.

So I’m sticking around to support it. I’ll let my guy play the standalone so the backing doesn’t completely go to waste. I’m certain that this choice will garner additional backers for Warhorse as my guy is highly engaged in stand alone games.

Does this make me some manner of “second class citizen” here? Perhaps. I’m ok with that. If nothing else, I get to keep an eye on this game and see how it progresses; because, after all, regardless that it’s standalone, it’s the best chance I’ve seen in a while for the notion of realism to get into the gaming ecosystem long enough to influence its direction.

Don’t worry:D In decade when we have perfected virtual reality, their will certainly be a realistic MMO. Think Sword art Online style.

Sorry, I guess that my reply wasnt much understable due to my english.

You said there are multiplayer games with medieval combat. I said that those arent similar to what Kingdom Come seems to be in future. I played Chivalry, War of Roses, M&B… I think that Warhorse combat could be better and offer different multiplayer experience and absolutely not pointless.

Its like asking why people wants IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad multiplayer when they can play World of Warplanes, H.A.W.X.2 or fly a kite with friends… (and other 5038 options to fly).

I would love to be able to fight a duel aggainst friends — even if limited to a tournament or a small yard or something. And I believe Im not alone.

Large scale multiplayer is something that wont work. I agree.

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This is probably the most brilliant point made on the topic that I’ve seen on this forum.
That’s all, folks.

I am sorry, I don´t want to offend you, but I cant stay quiet. Again I am sorry, but:
You have a King status, you payed a lot of money… A lot lot of money for a game you knew nothing about? I mean there wasnt any trick that would make u think this is MMO. In many videos the team clearly proclaimed that they dont want to make an MMO. Are some kind of millionare who is throwing money anywhere he wants?

You don’t understand there are people who have so much money they don’t care what they spend it on and how much it is? There are plenty of them.

She said it was listed on Steam in the MMO section.

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Oh I see… I didn´t know that…
Yeah I dont understand it im just a poor boy :(.

Well, I’m definitely not one of those, so the reality that I haven’t withdrawn should tell you all something. I’m sure a few of you could have fun with variants on “what that something might be” (and will do so regardless what I say), but, for the record, it’s precisely what I said previously:

You are confused because you think that no one will support something that isn’t exactly what they want. In reality, I thought it was one thing, discovered it was another. But even so, can still see the line from “what it is” to “what I want” as a future possibility… if not for this group of people, then some other who get inspired by them.

And I happen to believe that likely enough that I’m willing to “king up” to do my part toward seeing that day get here.

As for $500, it’s not that much if you really think about it, roughly:

  • 50 fast food lunches
  • 1440 packs of cigarettes
  • 71 specialty coffee drinks
  • 1 night partying your ass off (evil grin)

I suppose it just depends what you find important and how you choose to look at it, eh?

My point is that this shouldn’t be that game. I’d like what you described as well, but anything that distracts the devs from the main game doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.

But lucky for me, warhorse doesn’t seem interested in adding multiplayer. they want to make an amazing single player game.

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You know, if they do announce they’ve changed their minds, I’m rather going to enjoy watching your brain pop. You are the only person I have seen on this forum who treats every, single statement like it’s some dire threat to “what you want”.

It isn’t. Everyone but you seems to understand this. Even me. It’s amusing, really.

Dire threat? They’ll make what they want, their really isn’t anything else to it. I’m just happy that they don’t want to waste time on things like muliplayer, in an rpg. (IMO, mutiplayer and rpgs don’t mix)

Is it wrong to be happy that for once, their is a studio that doesn’t want to simply cash in, on as many markets as possible? Sorry if you dislike people having alternate opinions, but not everyone wants the same things.

I’m fine if they add multiplayer, but I just don’t see how it would work in a story driven game, with a single main character:/ Maybe in a few years, they will make an MMO. I won’t play it, but only because I’m not into the genre.

Wel… thanks!

Depends on reader :slight_smile: In Prague, you would have cca 75 lunches at fast food (or rather cca 350 beers in pub) for example.

Thats why I wrote at the start of my first post that I want Warhorse could make the game how they want — which means singleplayer RPG. All after that was rather “what if?” + my wish that they may find a moment to add some simple duel MP - perhaps in Act II or III.

There’s always this if you’re interested - take a look at the feature list. Is it any good? I wouldn’t know, I can’t stand multiplayer. Now just to wait for 213 to get one of his urges, waltz in and go “But it’s not realistic!”

You haven’t read my posts, so it seems :stuck_out_tongue:

7$ for a coffee, not bad :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just hoping that the planned tournament mode will support multiplayer
cause I like playing with others. Especially fighting and challenging one another in a tournament would be cool
But I think its good that warhorse concentrates on singleplayer

I love it when he proves my point and doesn’t even realize it. :slight_smile:

Will have a look tonight and tell you what I think. Thanks for the thoughtfulness of a recommendation.

Yep, at certain points I even went on to skip whole parts of those older threads when I started to feel too tired of the the discussions seemingly not getting anywhere. And with lots of posts cumulating there further anyway I may have missed a lot. :smiley: Sorry, maybe I will try to catch up on them later…

But the comparison to IL-2 vs. World of Warplanes just blew my mind and made me laugh out loud. It just fits perfectly. KCD’s combat system seems a bit too unique for “go play something else” actually being any sort of solution.

Without having the urge of sounding like a d*ck, I admit that the reason “it will be just the same as other games” is - in this form, as a statement - false. …but why is it less plausible than “it will be SOOO awesome, that everything else will look like arcade crap”? Gentlemen (and ladies :smile: ), let’s face the fact that you cannot find one single game where the PR said “it will be roughly the same as always, maybe it will look nicer”. You just can’t. You always heard “this will be revolutionary”. Right? Right. Every damn time. Again: I am not stating that KCD won’t be revolutionary - as a backer, i have my twenty cents in the game as well, so it is in my interest that this game should be awesome in all terms - but setting this as a default expectation is pretty much delusional and out-of-this-world in my opinion. It is like falling through the same horse, just on the different side.
Also- subjectively - I cannot imagine the system far too revolutional, when we are speaking of melee combat with a mouse and keyboard, so as of WoW it is rather Shovel Knight than Warband. Or Elder Scrolls, tops.
But hey, then again - I wish you guys would be right and this will be a totally other dimesion! :smiley: It’s just, as in my country it is said, “I’m too old for being a clown.”

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What is your point? It cant’t be that I’m threatened by others wanting different things, since I explained that already, so do you mind telling me, I seem to have missed it.