GTX 1080Ti (390.77 WHQL Driver), i7 7700k @4.6Ghz, 16GB 3200Mhz DDR4 RAM, SSD. 1440p Performance unacceptable. Framerate drops in the 30-40s. Immersion breaking NPC, Object, Textures pop in at max settings, brief load before conversations, Microstuttering

I am running a high end rig with GTX 1080ti SLI ( had to force SLI on through Nvidia Inspector odd thoguht the game was supose to sopport SLI) on x35 montiro at 3440 x 1440 and I get low 50fps with dips into the 40’s in towns on all Utlra. Once I moved post/shader/ and shdaows to high I saw a jump in fps to in the low 70’s and low 60 in towns.

Most new news my rig runs on all settings maxed with a stable FPS of 80’s ( wildlands I was cracking at 90’s) , but only after they patch the game a few times. It seems most new games are not optimized for the 1080ti at launch . After reading this post the the players having issues are the ones running a 1080ti on 1440p. Everyone else on lower res are running just fine it seems, so please keep that in mind when responding to a post.

Hopefully the issue with the 1080ti will get patched soon by either War or Nvidia.

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Im running on 1080p and I also got the problems. I do have a high end PC, everything maxed out and I have ~35 fps in towns and constant 60 fps outside the city as it should be.

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Oh then I take back what I said, by bad XnonameX I guess it’s not just limited to 1080ti users running at 1440p.


Yes by now it is safe to say that it is confirmed that those of us with the highest tier GPUs have been shafted. Ah well I hope that this gets resolved soon. This is a game I have spent £120 on and been waiting for 4 years so I won’t be giving up on it anytime soon. We should post on Nvidia’s forum as well about this.

Not unusual for high end cards to get worse performance / performance issues. A sad but true fact is that many titles run afoul of this. No doubt something quite complicated in the APIs or other bits n bobs required to get pretty graphics. It will get sorted, sooner hopefully rather than later.

Its not an exact reference I know but as I mentioned in other posts, I have other Cryengine games that are technically rendering a higher fidelity of graphics but with a stable and smooth 60 fps at very high to max settings. On the flip side I have also seen other games made with Cryengine that used the engine poorly and/or did not do a satisfactory job optimizing the game. Its only for comparison but games like Crysis 1.2. and even 3 I can run at a smooth stable 60 fps at max settings for the previous 2 and at Very High and some Ultra Settings in Crysis 3. Just as another rudimentary example I play Witcher 3 at a stable 60fps at all Very High and some Ultra Settings.

Windows 7 64bit
Core i7 4790k 4@4Ghz
16 GB Ram

The key point I tried to make in another post was that KC is extremely inconsistent. Largely, regardless of what settings I tweak, even if I go from Very High all the way down to Medium, there is little to no difference being made. Outside away from anything the game likes to hover at that desired 60 fps(Smooth 60fps is all I’m looking for in a game. I run at 1920X1080 with vertical sync and triple buffer on) However when you look at and approach buildings, even Dad’s blacksmith outbuilding, the fps drops a good 10 fps or even lower. Certain areas in villages seem to be like a fsp trap and drop even more severely. Regardless of location, all my cutscenes immediately drop 20fps and remain in the 40fps. Its all just very inconsistent as well as constantly fluctuates between those numbers which is really bad. An game locked at 30fps but optimized well for that target will ultimately look and feel better than something that is constantly jumping 10 to 20 fps regardless of setting changes and location. It creates a very rough experience. By the way I had been using an older Nvidia Driver that had been serving me well and my many, many games so just for the added info when I changed to the latest Nvidia Driver it made no difference at all.

I read that Warhorse apparently has a patch coming in two weeks. I hope they are genuinely looking into these problems and not just going to say they are coming out with a frame drop fix and then not do it and move on. The game also has terrible texture loading issues. It pops up sometimes in the Crysis games but its rare. Its an ongoing and regular issue in KC however. Aside from some jankiness the game within I’m enjoying however, I feel a bit let down and a little burned that after all of this time, especially when optimization was most people’s concern, that the game was released like this. I’m still plugging away with tweaking and pushing into the game and having fun though.

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This guy is having performance problems on a GTX 1070. He lowered everything to HIGH and talks about the inconsistent framerates everywhere in the game with the starting area being the worst. he also talks about the immersion breaking pop ins.

Here is the complete Guru3D performance benchmark :

I think that it will be updated with newer patches later.

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Most here seems to foolish for pc games.
If you can run Witcher 3 smoothly there is no gurantee that every other title will did the same.
KCD looks like the RED engine? I think not.
My game runs more as bad. For me the system requirements are stupid and the optimization atm is for ass!
But as the Mafia disaster… i guess the Nvidia driver is the shity garbage problem!
I’ve installed the latest one too but i have a feeling that he screws everything up.
Time to downgrade to 385.69 and updating step by step to 388.13

Exactly as I thought, the game is a CPU Bound mess. No wonder those of us with GTX 1080 Tis are seeing crappy performance. This game cannot be brute forced it seems. Lol the game barely uses 4GB VRAM at 4k with everything Ultra, you have got to be kidding me… meanwhile CPU utilisation is heavy

“Currently, you WILL experience sudden performance drops and oddities. The developer already announced that patches are going to solve it. But overall, nice gameplay and decent enough graphics. BTW if you want the best quality and need a little more perf? Drop shadows, and set shaders and post-processing to high if you’re attempting to play on ultra. You’ll easily gain 20 fps with minimal visual impact”

Sums it up perfectly and I like how they are suggesting the same fix Jokerproductions did in his video. Those 3 settings need to be optimised. Thank you @lordamaury for linking the Guru3d analysis. I just hope that the patches don’t come too late as there are great games coming out soon.

I have a 1080ti with a 6700k and 16GB ram at 2400, but in the first town alone i’m getting dips into the 20s range and it sits at 30fps. I’m playing at 1080p with Very High settings, and nothing anyone here has recommended has really worked for me.

Does anyone have ANY ideas on what i could do? Or did I just get crap luck with my GPU?

My GPU is running at 100% in task manager and my cpu doesnt go up very high either, so i have no idea what it could be.

the ultra high and very high settings are future proofing features. you just have to accept that you need to turn down the options

Even if that were true(and I don’t think it is, given the performance many many many others have had with even beefier systems), compared to various other benchmarks I’ve seen on youtube as well as comparing my stats to other people who have shared their experience, dipping into the mid 20s and idling at 30-35fps while in the first town just seems ludicrous. I’m not inherently blaming the game here, it very well could just be something on my end, but I would appreciate some insight.

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I am sorry mate but you do realise its a 1080 Ti we are talking about here right? A high end card that costs considerably more than the lesser tier cards and blows them out of the water effortlessly in virtually every other game than this unoptimised mess out there. To have to lower settings to “High” is almost insulting when this game looks like dog poo poo next to a heavily modded Witcher 3 and even Skyrim with 4k textures, new effects, new ai, new animations. “Complex Ai” is not really an excuse for the performance issues. Skyrim’s already decent AI can be heavily enhanced through some amazing mods and tghe amount of NPCs drastically increased yet performs smooth like butter.

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Man, the game has issues period. Do not listen to folks here who are trying to tell you that it is your fault and that the game is flawless, how they are having 60+ fps on their gtx 970 at Ultra with no drops whatsoever. The pros like Jokerproductions, PCGamer, among many others have all confirmed that there are inconsistencies that happen frequently and that in its current state the game needs to be optimised. These guys analyse frame by frame and pick up frame drops as they happen. Most people here don’t even know if they are seeing frame drops/microstutter. I would take the pros’ word over anyone else here if I was you.

I myself thought after reading some comments here that my rig was probably unoptimised and that the issue was on my end so I reinstalled GPU driver, reflashed Bios, etc etc and guess what made no difference whatsoever and meanwhile all other games and especially CRYENGINE games perform flawlessly…

So to summarise, a great game with top notch mechanics and system which is unfortunately marred by terrible performance issues for those of us with the highest tier GPUS i.e GTX 1080 and GTX 1080 Ti

Do what I did and just hold on a bit longer. Hell I spent £120 on the Duke Collector’s Edition and backed the game from day 1 on Kickstarter. 4 years later and it is now out in this disappointing state. To me, there is no point in playing the game in its current state as I am elitist so I might as well wait a few more months until it is HOPEFULLY patched :slight_smile:

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Alright, thanks man i’ll keep holding out. My big concern was just that I either have a crappy 6700k or a crappy 1080ti, definitely gonna hold out for a while and hope future patches will improve it, I have been SUPER excited to play this game.

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Nah bro, if your hardware has torn through other recent games at max setting with no problem AS IT SHOULD and has survived brutal stability tests to check for unstable overclocks, then your hardware is perfectly fine.

My 7700k and gtx 1080 ti have made short work of every game out there. This game has had issues since its alpha. MASSIVE issues which still have not been ironed out now in the final release, while looking less pretty (which I can forgive if the performance is fixed). Once the issues (performance, pop ins, lighting bugs, animation bugs, unnecessary loads) are fixed, this game is a solid 9/10. It’s the type of game that makes casuals and console peasants run away :smiley:

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IGN’s official PC review:

TJ Hafer: “To maintain a stable framerate in ALL situations, I had to turn down graphics settings to the point where level of detail pop in was distracting. My GTX 1070 powered PC can run the Witcher 3 with everything cranked up so this was a little bit surprising.”

This is from the official IGN review. Those who are claiming rock solid 60 FPS with a GTX 1070 with every setting at Ultra, you must be using a GTX 1070 from the future. :laughing:


I’m having lots of graphical glitches and textures not loading during normal gameplay and cut scenes and of course fps drops.

Win 10 pro 64bit
I5 4690k 3.50ghz OC to 4.4ghz
AMD Sapphire Radeon Nitro+ 580RX
16GB 1866mhz RAM
3TB Barracuda 7200RPM

I know my processor isn’t the fastest but at my OC it gets the job done. I know I don’t have a solid state or fastest ram either but I was told I will be able to run game on Ultra especially with my video card

Game have loads of performance and optimizing issues across all platforms and hopefully Warhorse is working on tweaks and performance updates.

All we can do is wait for fixes, until then we gotta report these issues.

Everyone experiencing bad performance, you’re not alone !

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Win7 64bit
Nvidia gtx1080ti x2
Intel I7 7820x
64gb 3200 ram
Samsung 860 Pro ssd x4

60fps constant drops to 55fps during high load times
about 5-10 seconds of loading when starting to talk to a character, the fade-in fade-out screen takes longer than the load time and the load icon is already showing loaded before the fade-in is done.

All specs on Ultra except shadows because they look too unreal.

For anyone using a SSD your issue might be stemming from having too many things running from a single SSD or your CPU bottlenecking the SSD performance, for instance I have a entire SSD just dedicated to KDC which is a overkill but I can do it so shrug don’t see a reason not to.