Herbalist Map - V1

I have created a very crude and simple herbal map with where most of the herbs and ingredients are.

Feel free to help me expand this!

The PDN so that you can edit it.


I think the 5 pieces of charcoal at the charcoal huts south-east of the village are missing on your map. They were added with V 0.4

I just found 6 there, thank you!

looks like our threads were posted on the same time! :grin:

It’d be best to use yours.

How do I delete thread?

I can close it for you if you really want it closed.

I could use some help with the second village if your interested.

There are herbs there? I would be more than happy to help.

And yes please close.

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Oh yes sir, there is huge abundance of thistle there and nettles are everywhere.

There is also all the territory between them.

If you dont already have them @rataj compiled the maps already.

How would I go about helping?

Well can give you my raw .PSD or .PDD of samopesh and then you can use the assets there to make one for Merhojed.

Overall the locations of the herbs is the most important, I have been busy with combat so I haven’t explored the new village or the extra territory to much. The only reason I got the other map made so quickly was because I only had to update the one I have been working on since 0.2 update.

That would be good, I will work on it soon.

Did you want me to upload a .PSD? Idk what software your using Im running Photoshop 7 and gimp.

I use PDN but I am sure it can convert, yes please.


Just out of curiosity what program are you using?

PDN Paint.Net. This will reach the limit


I looked it up and there is a plugin you can get for Paint.net if you don’t already have it, to open .PSD.

Gimp is also free if you havent used it I prefer it next to PS.

Yeah I said extra stuff because of the minimum limit, and I have the plugin. I used PDN before Gimp so I lean more towards it :P. Thanks for this I will get to work on it soon!

:confused: I’m Lost?

Awesome man so glad your down to help this frees me up to work on my Impressions thread update.

Ill close this thread now and you can send me a PM if you need to later.

Anything you get done I will add to my Alchemy thread and I will of course credit you.