How do you guys like the forest in Kingdom Come?

The forests look like a current-day forest in the region, sans the coniferous monocultures.

Do you think medieval forest looked like this?

I always imagined, deep, dark forests with centuries-old trees. But then again, those people needed wood, they were logging, and maybe younger forest that copies look of current day forests is close enough.

What would you like to see in the forest? I notice the majority of trees are birches and beech trees. I would like to see more oaks, ashes and lindens - as if environment artists are not busy enough. And some trees that are fallen, rotting or split, covered in moss or mushrooms. Natural forest is not forest full of healthy trees, after all.

I think it was stated a while back by Warhorse that medieval forests did not look like this. Free roaming livestock would have stripped the vegetation down. The beautiful, lush fields and deep forests are a compromise made for the game.


Hey there,

I think a very good summary of medieval forests can be found in this video:

In short, quite the opposite of deep dark forests, but rather highly cultivated… at least around settlements.


That is absolutely great on-topic video.

@Forbidding is absolutely right here. :slight_smile:

I do certainly recommend this channel. It explains a variety of history-related topics, often things you would otherwise hardly give a thought, is well put together and usually entertaining at the same time. My favorite videos are the movie revies which are focussed on historical accuracy of costumes, sets and combat.