How much will the second and third act cost?

Just curios how much it will cost me to play the second and third act.

That is actually a question that I asked myself many times too. I think they didn’t mention it yet

I bet around 40 USD!

Maybe more if act 1 have wonderfull sales!

It depends on the commercial success of act one whether there will be any acts two and three at all…

So it’s maybe a bit too early to ask for the price of these possible future games. Just rest assured that act one is planned to be a full and satisfying experience. :wink:

I hope there will be some discount for owners of Act 1.


I can’t recall any game series so far in which you could buy a new entry for less money if you already own the predecessor…

Of course it would be cool but I don’t see it coming.

For example Witcher 3.On GOG you will receive discount if you have already Witcher 1 or 2 but I didn’t mean some big discount just 5 dollars for example :smiley: but I will buy Act 2 and 3 definitely.

Ok, point taken. But that’s the ONLY game/company doing that. :wink:

I’d bet Acts 2 & 3 will be priced right around standard RPGs. Perhaps $40 to $50. As pointed out by other above, Act 1 has to be a success for us to get the other two acts. That’s why I hype this game to my friends every chance I get. KCD is really looking to be something special (and rare for RPGs) so I’d hate to not see the end of the story.

they already gave price. it’s not 40/50

I am not too sure, but I beleive that it was said that you will HAVE TO OWN act1 to play the next one. It was also confirmed that act1 will have proper ending so you should not have a feelinng that someting is left unfinished. Thus I assume that next acts will be kinda addons where the story gets another unexpected twist and you will basically continue playing same character in the world as you left it.

It is definitely too soon to name a price, but I will do everything I can to support our original backers.


Actually it was already announced by Warhorse that the new acts will also feature new game worlds/areas (if they ever see the light of day). So it’s not just “playing some character in the world as you left it” but a bit more than that… :wink:


Support our backers? Alrighty We’ll all have some cookies and hot chocolate with our purchase of Act II & III please :stuck_out_tongue:

Warrior Rose.

I know that. I just meant that I dont thing its going to be standalone where you create new character etc. but rather continue playing same one in one expanded world where actions you made in previous acts will transfer to next… :smiley:

Well maybe they are using crowd funding for the additional acts? So that you get early access to Act 2 Alpha for a higher price?

Probably the only thing that matters now is the quality and especially the success of the firs Act. If it will be a success the investor would probably gladly fund the second act. Or maybe even Warhorse would be able to find some publisher (CD Project armed by pockets full of Witcher 3 earnings?)

Make it a good game and I would gladly pay 40-60 USD for the second act (the usual price of AAA titles or a pleasant “nostalgic” tedium like Wasteland :wink:). Make it the game I want to play and I will pay even 100 USD for the second act. Make it boring or nonsense etc. and I won’t pay for the second act.

Ahh, i did not know that other acts are going to cost… :confused: If they will cost, i hope they are like new game with same mechanics etc…

Yes sir, three different Acts like three different episodes :slight_smile:

Okay! That is relief to hear, phew… So is there any price range to those acts?