Hunting and Skinning?

The arrows in the game are very powerful, i’d just hope the enemy cant 100% aimbot accuracy with it at like 1000 yard range lol

Now that I think about it, on a kind-of-a-sidenote…
I would also like to see some depth in the game, but from a different point of view. Namely, I’d like to see some “educational material!” I mean, I am not really interested in point-clicking on the animal’s leg, taking my hunting knife out of the inventory, make an incision etc…, but I am interested in some actual facts about the medieval working process, of course, optionally, like - I don’t know - findig some books about it, having able to discuss their profession with the artisan in the game, or just able to see ingame how the tanner works with the leathers. There is so much interesting stuff around the world, I have talked to a group a few weeks ago, and they are going hard on natural and historical dyes, for example! Seriously, first it might seem like a dull and pointless hobby picking flowers and arguing over natural bleaching processes of canvas shirts, but on a second blink, what they are doing on research and experiment, it is pretty damn amazing and interesting!
What I am talking about is that it is probably a huge amount of research behind this game, and while I do not really favor having to micromanage everything (although at unique events I don’t mind at all, just don’t get too repetitive), I would be really glad to be able to acces to this knowledge directly or not-so-directly ingame. Being able to learn or watch little, but nowadays for everyday people absolutely not evident and forgotten things would really spice the game up for me.


“If skinning had any sense in an RPG, it would have been done a million times already.”

Isnt it strange premise while talking about mechanic in realistic medieval RPG? :slight_smile:

Would be interesting to see similar minigame as alchemy has to highlight the fact that hunt is not just about killing (but rather about getting resources I would say).

For love of god … saved the king? King wasn’t someone who was walking around between ordinary people. I bet most of the people never saw him. And lands didn’t belonge to the king, again, there was higher and lower nobles.

They already have a pee simulator.

I like this idea very much! I’d love to get to see some of their research really shine through and actually learn something while playing! I love learning things in videogames they always stick with me and I’m never bored of it. It’s a great medium for some actual education.


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True, this one must also stay with the facts. Today, everything is discussed, which would, could, should, but maybe …
A game could represent facts and ask this nonsense heads to defend their arguments successfully in the game. That would be something …

You mean playing a poacher? It opens quite a nice possibilities. But you are (at least at the beginning of the game) probably playing a kind of page-boy. It is definitely possible that your lord will send you to hunt in his own woods although he would probably still have his own specialised hunters.

In fact land did belong to the king who granted fiefs to his (not in every case hereditary) vassals. But the fief was still a property of the king if I am not mistaken. The only other subject who really owned property was probably the church and maybe urban population of the royal towns.

I love the thought of skinning it could go with the skills needed for leather crafting or atleast the leather straps and sinew you need in blacksmithing.

Yeah skinning and ingredients collected from animals is a must. If I’m walking from one town to another and don’t have much coin but have a bow, arrows and a knife I would be using that to get some food so I don’t die and making bone arrow tips for the ones that broke off in the carcass. this mechanic is in many games today and adds to the immersion of those games Skyrim Mod Frostfall, DayZ, theHunter, The Forest, Life is Feudal, The Stomping Lands etc. But that’s my opinion.

Aaah,yeah, about that…
I’m sure someone already brought that question up, but isn’t on these lands in this time period hunting illegal for commoners?
Edit: This does not mean of course, that the game can’t include the ability for hunting… :smiley:

Can that answer mean that there is a little chance of hunting in 0.3?..:stuck_out_tongue:


that would be awesome!

Im more exited to see more wildlife then anything else.

I hope they add a realistic skinning system I’ve yet to see an rpg that has done it well.

This another one of those things I would like to see but we more then likely will need to have modded. I want everything to be as realistic and fun as possible but making in depth mini games is allot of work.

I would love to actually get to use the tools myself v.s. watching a TPV animation.


Yeah that would be awesome, and something I hope for. Im really looking forward to how hunting will be, I know I will use alot of time on Hunting…

But as you said, it takes allot of work to make all these mini games, like alchemy. And we know blacksmith will be a mini game, and they hope to get cooking in a smilair way to alchemy. So just have to wait and see what they plan for hunting…

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Im waiting to see how the modding tools will be, I personally will never be satisfied with any build (Im waiting for the Matrix reality) but this game will have the best core out of any other before it.

Some of these mini games may be easy to break down and alter to become whatever feature we want.