Hunting System?

So in E3 D.Vavra said that it was very difficult to shoot a rabbit with a bow… this mean they are thinking about remodeling the hunting system? I also think that is not very realistic how is done in most games were you simply keep running with a sword/bow chazing a deer or something is just ridiculous… if they would think about setting some traps and a more sneaky type of hunting, that would be great! :smile: THIS IS A TOP TOPPING FOR THE FREEROAM GUYS!!!


I doubt players would be willing to sit in one spot for a long period of time (like real life hunters) waiting for some deer to show. Setting out bait to lure animals is illegal or restricted today in my country, but what about medieval times?

About shooting rabbits with bows. I have several wild rabbits where I live and their response is sometimes to hunker down and hope I do not see them. Sometimes I am able to get within a foot of them before they decide to bolt from cover. Most videos and articles that I have read on bow hunting rabbits involve targeting rabbits that are hiding or resting in vegetation. Because of this a short bow is recommended, but long bows can also be used.

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What about CROSS bows? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(sorry, it just felt incomplete without the last major category of ranged bow weapons…)

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is already confirmed that crossbows will be in the game, but to be realistic in-game, they will be very slow to reload, so is not the best weapon for hunting i guess :stuck_out_tongue:

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For hunting rabbits you may only need one shot and accuracy. The added power of a crossbow would definitely help when your quarry is in the bushes.


A crossbow would be the perfect weapon for assassin’s quests actually :smiley:

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they could just modify animal behavior by making them crawl or hide and be immobile for few seconds, or to allow henry to sneak more quietly towards his quarry and not scare it away too quickly.

there is a f2p hunting game called the hunter, it features modern hunting with a rifle, and i think it is quite sophisticated simulation. tracking animals is quite hard, you have to track hoove/paw prints, follow the dun trail, then after making the shot, you have to follow the blood trail.

i think they have bows now, so it might be worth a look how they do it.

when i played it a few years back, it was very hard to play, and in the end i just went to the nearest deer stand, used the scent or the bleeter, and waited for the deer and sniped it.

there might also be some abstraction possibilities. in alpha, i remember seeing rabbit snares in the forest. maybe player will have to learn rabbit foraging location, learn to build traps, and correctly set it. the abstraction part then comes in when you leave for a few days, and if the parameters of the trap were correct, dead rabbit automatically generate in the trap. harder way would be to model rabbit behavior to actually dynamically forage and then be caught.

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Rabbits can be very difficult to hit with a bow. It can take a lot of experience to know where exactly to aim. Even at close to 5 feet you can still miss. They usually don’t run very far away if you miss thought. They usually just go 4 feet from where they were sitting and plop down again.

But if its difficult to hit rabbits with a bow that’s realistic. They’re quite small and they tend to hunker down really low when they spot you. Ive sometimes missed 2-3 shots from a range of 10 feet before. Ive asked experience hunters and they told me that it takes quite a bit of experience to be able to hit it on the first shot.


I the best mechanic for hunting would be to have some kind of bait. Then camp somewhere close (let’s say that you must not be against the wind, or the animals won’t come. That could be checked by the crop and plants blowing arround). And then you can have a good shot or two, until animals dispearse again.

This would offer the best of both initiating hunting at your own pace, and little bit of patience, without it being too annyoing and reliant on random chance.

dude no offence i would love that feature having to wait for animals but yeah :smiley:

I agree.

I hunt rabbits with a 12 gauge semi automatic shotgun.
Given that fact, it requires a lot of perception and reflexes from the shooter to aim and shoot as soon as he sees the rabbit starting to move near him. If the shooter reacts slower, there is a big chance that he will miss because the rabbit usually moves fast, makes sharp turns and you can’t see it very clearly going away in a crop or meadow (natural habitat).

So to speak, shooting this kind of animal with a bow requires a lot of skill and some luck. It should be very hard in the game. I don’t agree that a rabbit will stop after you shot at it, at least my experience tells me the opposite - it will run away and won’t stop as long as it doesn’t feel safe. In game situation, you got a bow and you have to make a single shot on a fast moving small target going away from you and making sharp turns - definitely a very hard task. I hope @warhorse won’t dumb this down.


Well the rabbits where i live don’t fear people. I’ve literally almost stepped on them before, because they just won’t move. :smile: I think it’s due to them not having any predators in the area, and the people ignoring them.

They just crouch really low and start shaking.

If my arrow hits them, that’s when they run like hell, until of course they die.

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Would you agree that there is a difference between the sound of a 12gauge firing and an arrow hitting a ground which may have an impact on the reaction of the rabbit?


Yes, I would agree.
But the rabbits where I live are different breed (visually) from those @SirWarriant posted. I will see to post a picture of one dead, but it may be gory due to a headshot… Don’t know if the forum rules would allow?

Maybe there are other factors as well as those mentioned already, but them rabbits run like the wind here before hearing the 12 gauge shot :smile:

You should be good on that. Ive posted plenty of hunting videos before with a fair amount of blood in them.

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I got quite a lengthy ban for posting picture of Syrian Army soldiers decapitated by the ISIS. (Picture was directly debate related) They are very sensitive about this on the forum. Maybe if you can photoshop the blood into blue color instead of natural red, like it is done on the menstruation adverts, it may fly even with local censors.

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Thank you for your warning.
I won’t take the chance however, there are no odds. As for editing the blood, this may do the trick. But I don’t like hypocrisy either…
I will post a picture from the net - the rabbits here in Bulgaria look like this and are very scared of people.

As far as I understand from wikipedia, the above type of animal is called a “hare” and it is a different breed from the “rabbit”. In Bulgaria, there is only “hare” as a wild animal and the “rabbit” is limited to one of the Black Sea island (St. Ivan), where it lives in a reservate.

Nonetheless, in Bulgarian language both types are called with a common name „заек“, so we don’t usually make difference between breeds.