I got a broadsword

yes but he said 52 at first… idk^^

heres me wearing footwraps with leather, no pants, red long sleeve tunic, red hat and a bastard sword equipped

and here with leather shoes, red hat, green hood, red long sleeve tunic, no pants and sword

and heres my sight with it:

what now warhorse :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Here is henry in full peasant gear.


He looks rather pissed.

They have. If you kill sheep by a bow, you can even “kick” them.

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he encounters a red man


I just tried the broadsword and that’s so funny trying to kill people and animals while they don’t defend themselves lol, it’s pure evil!
Thanks for sharing guys!

I adore when the player has the possibility to kill any NPC in the game. Even if this breaks it and the player should load a save or start all over. It is just so much more realistic that way! I hope Dan would keep his word about this, backed by our previous vote. The killing faction won by far :smile:


Quite impressive thief on the left side. :slight_smile:

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Anybody who can confirm the right code for the bow?

The only person i could kill was the blacksmith ironically that seems to be the one person everyone else cant kil:)

wh_cheat_additem z5 give you longsword but there is no texture in game and is not ready yet
i discovered another command wh_weaponSystemReload (number) but i dont know for what is this

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when I type z5 in it doesnt crash but It doesnt do anything else too, dont see anything concerning a longsword.
But I guess when we wait a little we get functioning swords and everything we dream about :smiley:

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Apparently some destruction could be done with sword even on the plaster on oven and walls inside the house, although only short term…

I GOT THE BOW!!! gonna test if I can recreate it then I will update you all!

dude just tell us already :smiley:

Haven’t been able to recreate it so im not sure exactly what caused it.

Oh you tease. Tell us your secrets.

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Finally got it to be repeatable.

start up the game, ounce your loaded use console command wh_cheat_money 999 (gives you money so you don’t have to do quests).

then use wh_cheat_additem 05 to get the broad sword.

go to the archery range stand inside the four posts. draw your sword and swing at the posts until you have a score above 20.

use t_scale 10 to speed up time until the archer shows, use t_scale 1 to set time back to normal.

let the archer finish shooting and talk to him when he is collecting his arrows.

during the cut scene the bow and quiver should spawn on your back.


At the end nothing other than already known way over the quest or?

what do you mean by “swing at the posts until you have a score above 20” ??
I am swinging at posts but I don’t see any score.
I tried to swing many times anyway but I dont get the bow during the cut scene.