Ingame Nudity ?!

And the exact same can be said about killing people.
If I don’t like soccer/football I don’t play Fifa xxxx
If I don’t like violence I don’t play First persons shooters or other game with violence
If I don’t like nudity I don’t play a game with nudity…
Iam sure you get the point…

The Puritans didn’t exist at this time… Don’t confuse ideas from later Protestant “cults” with how things where in the 15th century.
As I already mentioned frescoes in churches showing nudity was common… Here in Denmark they where chalked over… in the 18th and 19th century… (and not with the reformation as many think)

Age limit:
Kickstarter require that you are age 18+ so naturally the target group of this game must be 18+


Dude just play skyrim if you want nudity. Don’t try to give me that oooh realism crap.
Your a horny male like the rest of us but for some reason your gf is not enough or you dont have one.

Yep, it´s natural…

I am totaly agree with OP.
It always seems soooo fake in rpg when you strip down the armor\clothing, and see same underwear on everyone. If you wont do nudes, at least make different types.
But it would be great to make some in-gameplay nude scenes (not just strippers or hookers, maybe drunk nude man lying on the street, or gambler that lost his pants, just for lulz), and normal sex (not fade-in kissing).


Do you ever watch movies without nudity in them? Do they feel less good?

In this day of large hard drive space I’m not sure why more games don’t include a more detailed set of options on what people will and won’t see… I’d love to see it as a setting in preferences to that people can opt in to have nudity. It would also be nice to have several levels of gore settings so that people can dial up and down how graphic the violence is.

Allowing people to play the game that they want to play shouldn't be an either/or proposition.


or maybe just make one version of the game and stop wasting precious development time because some people don’t know what “mature” rating means.

the biggest video game market in the world(usa) has never banned a game due to nudity or violence. why is this such a big concern?

You are conflating an individual player concern with a target market concern.  That the largest game market in the world has never banned a game because of nudity doesn't address the players concerns that this will be a game that they don't want to play.

As for the resources to add a nude texture..  as a 3d graphic artist the overhead is not that great if done during the creation of the textures.   A gubbins (or the like) attached for the male nude characters doesn't have a large overhead either.  Since the adding alternative textures for characters is a fairly minor addition I suspect that an option to turn on or off nudity is a good one.

Your point about the development time is a good one, though I feel adding what is being asked for is simpler than you think.    But your point about the video market really doesn't address the individuals objection.


Boobs aren’t the no-no subject. You could drown yourself with the number of games (or other 18+ entertainment media, such as movies and TV) with boobs. It’s penises that most people want to discriminate against. Men should be free to stand with pride! Men should not feel shame for being naked when women are worshiped. We demand equality for penises!

Please don’t take me too seriously, this is mostly a joke :wink:

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Yes when they go to a bath house or suana (like james bond) then yes it’s less good. I would have loved to see Bond naked ^_- or even think of Bedazzled. The scene where they both look at the guys penis and gasp. I would have loved to see what they gasped about. Or Starship Troopers. You see the women’s breast in the shower with a bunch of men, but all of the men’s private areas are “cleverly” hidden in the full scope of the scene. This is the case in the animated movie as well. So to answer your question, when an appropriate situation comes where one would expect to see someone naked not seeing them naked makes a movie less good.

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There is nothing wrong with nudity as long as it’s done tastefully and fits in with the story and setting. What I don’t want to see is nudity for no other reason than… “Hey look, BOOBIES!”

@boojumbunn I agree with you on 100%.
Suggested the same thing on another topic about another thing.
“Make all controversy themes optional” - this is the only proper thing to do. Why either/or?
Even if the game reaches 50GB in space, so what? Who exactly won’t have 20-30-60 GB free space on his HDD in the end of 2015? Better make a product which everybody can enjoy based on their preferences than limiting it to a certain auditory. Most of the time, the chosen auditory is immature, childish or softcore and I strongly hope this won’t count for Deliverance.

I think there will be enough nudity.
Tbh have you ever seen a medieval RPG without nudity ? :wink: :smile:

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Yes, pornographic movies without nudity feel less good. No, actually they suck… haaard. :lollipop: :stuck_out_tongue:

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People I think what we all want mainly is a fun game to play with realism, and yes it would be realistic to see male/female nudity.
But let’s think about this a bit more… would you want so much realism that you have to go and take a piss a couple times a day that you just have to stop riding your horse, go to a tree and take a virtual penis out of the pants? Realism is limited.
Aside from that, I don’t really care. If I want to see boobs I look at my girlfriend. If I see boobs anywhere else it’s just natural. Does that mean I’m against nudity in the game? Not at all, the more realism the better, but my goal of this game is not getting virtually laid.
You’re all (officially) mature, maybe just act like it instead like sexually frustrated teens.

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omg your girlfriends has boobs…
What a lucky guy you are :wink: I thought women don’t exist and are just a marketing scheme, that we buy expensive jewelry, go to the gym, aso.

Don’t get me wrong but your way of argueing sounds a hell lot like a sexually frustrated teen. This is the www, nobody cares about your girlfriends boobs. And most of the backers (this is an educated guess) are me included older than 18 and we probably all have seen a girl/guy naked. Ive nudepatches for skyrim installed, mostly because of the better textures but i dont mind seeing my hero(male) naked when he dresses. I’m from germany and some of us (me included) like going to fkk (no textile) beaches. We don’t go there to see boobs, tbh.

Your argument is invalid Sir!

Movies without nudity are just fine, if the theme doesn’t include nudity, that’s cool.

It’s the movies where there are scenes with supposed nudity but not really, that are silly.
The scene: the morning after a one night stand and the people involved get up from the bed and somehow the camera angle is just in such a way that nothing can be seen or something else is strategically placed so it just censors the genitalia of the actors.
That is just silly and only drives more focus on the said genitalia than if they would just be seen for a second like it normally would.

Movies where they stick boobies in your face every 10 or some such minutes are just as silly, because it’s only point is more of ten than not, well, the nudity itself. Think American Pie etc.

Unnecessary nudity is just as stupid as unnecessary censorship.

I’m sorry I was irritated by the whole discussion. What I just meant is that I wouldn’t mind nudity, but it also wouldn’t matter if it wasn’t there. Nudity could have it’s value in the game, my apologies for my indeed unnecessary rant.

Make all controversial themes optional? People will be burned at the stake in this game (as seen in screenshots) because that sort of thing actually happened back then. As stated in other threads, Warhorse is not going to be timid about “controversial” things that happened in history, their goal is to make this the most authentic experience possible, it’s not for the faint of heart.

Put another way, giving the player the option to cut so many things out will dilute the vision they have for the story and game as a whole. It’s the same problem that a lot of sandbox games have, you lose emotional impact when you give the audience too much control over their experience. This is why there won’t really be any character creation, because that gives Warhorse more control over the drama of the story.

So long story short, you can either have a powerful game/story experience not everyone will like or a bland experience that tries to cater to everyone.

-Getting on topic, I approve of the devs’ approach to nudity. If it appears during sex scenes then the assets will be there, modders can handle making that nudity more readily accessible to those who want it.


I would prefer that any nudity and language for that matter, be optional myself so that the game can be fun for all demographics and not strictly mature players only.

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