Inventory Slots

Hello Warhorse Productions.
You said in one of your videos that you are trying to be original in your gameplay, and so far I like what I see. However, I noticed that you are only allowing a player to have two ring, or/and accessory slots. It would be nice to be able to wear more than two rings. Dark Souls II has already addressed this issue, and is allowing the player four ring slots. In my opinion, it is a bit clique to only have two slots, and 90% of the games out their only allow two slots. I also have an idea for this, what if one has to level up before being able to wear three or more magical rings, but beforehand, they are allowed to wear non-magical rings to either fill in the slots.

Thanks for taking your time to read this.
Also thanks for allowing us a bunch of slots for wearing armor, it is nice to be able to wear more than 4-7 pieces of equipment.

I also have an idea for this, what if one has to level up before being able to wear three or more magical rings, but beforehand, they are allowed to wear non-magical rings to either fill in the slots

What? There’s no magic…thank god for that :wink:

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They said that they are allowing the players to wear up to two rings. If the rings don’t do anything, that’s fine. But, if the rings upgrade ones stats at all, or help in any way, I consider them “magical rings” and it would be nice to wear more than two. That’s all I’m saying.

I’m not sure what is going to be the role of the rings, considering it’s gonna be realistic game.

I’m assuming rings will be purely cosmetic. This hasn’t been confirmed as far as I know, but it makes sense considering the direction the game is headed and the devs stated goals. More than two wouldn’t be a bad thing, but it won’t make much of a difference if this is the case.

I guess rings could influence peoples opinion of you? If you look wealthy there may be some things that play out differently? I don’t know!

They mentioned, that expensive coat will change behaviour of people to you, so the rings could have the same use…

But it would be great if ring for example have some bonuses like: faster learning of some skills, better quality of things you create etc

Ring would be cool, it would also be cool if you could customize your armour to have say spikes on it or something make it look bandit look. So long as its lore friendly.

how is that realistic? so you wear a ring that improves your brainpower?

why do people have such short memories? game is going to be realistic, things will have believable properties and boosts. that’s why you pledged. now you want blatant magical elements?

Spikes? :open_mouth: :smiley: I don’t think so

there is no “lore”, this isn’t a fantasy game.

Wearing rings under gauntlets is a bad idea anyways, I guess. :smiley:

Here is a link that gives a picture of the inventory slots,
There are two ring slots. The point I am making is that most RPG’s only give the player two ring slots. It would be a nice change of pace and give players the option to have more ring slots. They said they are trying to be realistic, and having only two ring slots, well you get the picture.

it makes sense, you are not a royal official or diplomat, why do you need so many rings?

In the game one does not start off being a royal official or even a diplomat. But, later as the game progresses, hopefully your character will progress, and you will want to customize the way you want to. So if one wants four rings, for example, than why not? If you don’t want more than two, than don’t equip more than two, but for those who want multiple rings, than why not give them the opportunity?

this game is historical, you will never become a diplomat or wealthy nobleman. those rings probably are signet rings to indicate that you are a member of so and so’s retinue.

Look at the charisma attribute…

Those rings will give you extra charisma or at least show off your rich and might open extra dialog options and perhaps makes it easier to convince someone.


Apparently you did not watch the video. They clearly said that you can customize your character to look as fancy as you like. Historically speaking, one does not simply get most of this equipment being a knight. Your also missing the point. The point is that in real life one has more than two fingers. If one finds three rings, no matter the era, they may want to wear all three, for it is their right. For gameplay, it would just be a nice change of pace than your typical two ring slots. If you are asking how is something like this important? If it wasn’t important, than Dark Souls II never would’ve added two extra ring slots, based on other peoples comments. I am not saying that this will be a game break or deal type situation, but instead a suggestion, that would only improve the game and give players more options.

There are different and interesting types of non-magic rings indeed. A ring to show that you are married (maybe even a selfmade looking ring for the poor), a ring with poison inside, a seal ring you got from a lord to show that you are authorized or allowed to speak in his name… something like that.
And rings working as wearable “spare money”… rings someone gave to you as a reward/to thank you, maybe with a written reminder inside.

I could live with only two ring slots as well as with four or eight… chosing the right rings for the actual social situation might be nice if you can’t wear all your rings at the same time. Would be funny if there were even “false” rings for special situations… when it would be wiser to hide them. :smiley:

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As someone else noted, a signet ring can open new dialogue options. Also imagine if there is an underground faction that is only identified by a certain ring or necklace that they wear. Nothing as overdone as a thieves’ guild but perhaps someone seeking to move against a political or religious group.

Haha, rings can raise your stats without being magical. I can think of a few rings that can boost your brawling power ^_-

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