nice rhymes (not sarcasm, i thought it was actually good)
Thanks, I always put all my heart into my lyrics.
Most companies that make a product fund the product themselves meaning they have to recover the cost of development through the price of the product… warhorse don’t have to do that because the cost to develop the product was paid for in advance by people paying for the product so yeah… they are making profit without having the risk of investing themselves. I’m sure they did actually invest some themselves of course but nowhere near as much as a triple A developer.
Saying they charged AAA money because they WANT to be an AAA Dev is hilarious.
i wanna be a world leader but I don’t charge a world leaders wage and that somehow magically makes me one? Lol
How do you know they are listening to the fan base? I’ve barely seen a question answered… in fact most are complaining about the lack of responses and crappy communication when they do give a vague response…
Charging the same as a AAA game means they make the same as one, meaning they in turn can hire more devs, more technicians, so-on. Also they did risk something, maybe not money, but support. If the game that people backed turned out to be completely horrid, all support for them is gone; that means that if they tried to release a new title, nobody buys it, they lose money and go bankrupt, so there was risk involved.
^ They listen
*Edit: Also, where is your proof of people complaining about devs not listening? Please provide it. Thank you!
80+ hours and I’ve encountered numerous bugs and numerous crashes on the X. That being said, this is one of the best games I have ever played and the bugs and crashes are annoyances compared to the joy I have with the game.
But that is what’s happening. A huge portion of console players won’t buy another game from them or support them now because they did release something horrible for us.
The community manager himself a week after release admitted they released a game they weren’t happy with and they knew it wasn’t ready… but where was that transparency at release? If they knew it was bad then why charge the money? Are you trying to say it’s up to us to fund them fixing the game? I thought I was paying for a working game? It was never stated that I was buying an unfinished game that needed my money to fix it? They had no right charging AAA to do that without stating it first. It sounds like your making random excuses for them that don’t add up.
They charged AAA because they wanted to be AAA so they could use the money to actually fix the game… that’s the basics of what your saying and it makes zero sense and isn’t consumer friendly.
Sir Divine’s point is perfectly reasonable and correct here. The developers have not dropped the game and then flew to the Cayman islands.
Nobody is satisfied with the speed of the fixes. Assuming the developers are not unhappy with the speed of fixes must be based on ill will stemming from unhappiness, or a lack of reading on this forum about the developers giving updated info for those who care to read it.
Wow 2 comments from the community manager on the forum… I’m not screenshotting every person who says warhorse has had crap communication from launch because it’s common knowledge. It’s always vague non answers to some of the most severe bugs.
Please quote so we may read it
The point was made that it was not being done. getting mad that you were proven wrong is pointless.
Dude I’m on a phone at 1am and it’s a post from a week ago. Honestly can’t be bothered to figure out what post it was in. I’ll have a quick look tho
2 comments from the community manager. That’s 1 person to manage EVERYTHING that’s happening here, and I have no doubt that the devs look here too to find the bugs and work on them, just because they’re not responding doesn’t mean they’re not listening.
pants are the worst possible exaple. washed with stones, abused with wire brushes and sand paper, cut and sliced and frayed and sold at premium prices as “designer” items…
I can’t tell you’re on a phone though
Thanks for looking
I’m sure I didn’t take any drugs today, so I can’t figure out how I know what you’re talking about.
Edit:(actually for me too, it’s 2:30 here ) IT really is to late, 2 people Reading your comment wrong directly one after another
i should Go to ned now
He’s responding to neon saying that if he buys something broken he should be able to return it, and that he is buying something so that he doesn’t have to understand it but still have it.
Edit: Read it wrong, you knew what he was talkin bout just not how you knew, my bad
havent had a single bug and I’m 60hours in (PC)
the game is better than expected
only issue for me is performance