KCD tourism anyone?

I’m thinking about doing a trip to the area this game is set in. Looks like awesome landscape and interesting stuff to check out. How awesome would be to walk and recognise some of the streets from KCD.
Well, if I’ll do it I will with my girlfreind, so getting laid with czech Barbara Straisand looking peasant women would have to be out of question, but the beer there is pretty much the best in the world.
Lucky me lives close by in Austria, so it’s actually right next door.

If you look at a picture of where Rattay is right now you can still see the shape of it, miller is still there too, aswell as the Rathaus (City hall).

I did. And I was just there in-game looking for the stone mason dude…those buildings are pretty much as they are in the game.

Sorry, I was thinking about Sasau

can some one send a picture of modern rattey?

Yes, they tried to keep everything as historically accurate as possible, so the landscape had to be 100% spot on, duh… of course some things might be off in the story just to make it more likeable but everything else is the same, they themselves went on the different sites and took pictures and such, the monastery is what i’m the most impressed with, to be fair.

The name is rataje nad sázavou, as for the monastery, just write Sasau monastery.

This is the back entrance of the top fort of Rattay (not Pirkstein) for reference, the guy is standing at the end of the bridge and behind him he’d have the arena, it’s noticeable by the fact that it’s square and very similar, also that wall is very much the same and that house is where the ditch is… which is still there…

The only pic I found for reference…


I hate to nitpick but… KCD not KDC

OCD *or is it ODC :smile: is driving me mad

WOOW thats so nice I mean i knew the game was accurate but i didnt know it was THAT accurate

it’s fixed…too fucking late here, I sould be sleeping tbh

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Good lad :wink:

Now off to bed with you!

I knew it was pretty accurate. What is surprising me is, that looks like that it’s not scaled down or not much. The whole area covered in KCD is probably smaller than some of the bigger cities around.

This pretty much sums up everything that isn’t Sasau or Rattay :smiley:

being scrolling in this forum for a while now made some topics and met some toxic people this is the coolest thing i saw today in this forum. thank you

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I made a video from alpha few years ago. I compared locations and villages in the game with actual places.

Cool video m8. Makes me wanna watch a Menzel movie…with subtiles :wink:

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I was thinking of a trip too, but maybe ill be just sad about how ugly it got. its like an inverted evolution to such a once beautifull region when you now see cars, ugly 1960s and later buildings and scrapyards :frowning:

True that, but you can just pound a few beer potions and open up your imagination.


Better suggestion: Ill drink saviourschnappf before the trip, so I can come back if I dont enjoy ^^