►Kingdom Come: Deliverance | What to expect at E3 2015?! (My E3 Predictions)

are Warhous gonna go with a big publisher or are they gonna be presents the E3 trailer for them self?

I’m not quite sure what is happening. I know theyre doing something in the business area of E3 so i dont know if alot of non press will get access to it. but they are having a fan meet up which will probably contain a showing and some testing

Since no big publisher is involved in the production, they’re doing the marketing and presentations themselves. Maybe they have a deal with Crytech, but I’m not sure about that.


Well I wanted to say that I expect the game to look visually better than Fallout 4, but after the F4 trailer release today, that’s not an expectation, it’s already a FACT. :sunny:


Dear god that trailer was unimpressive in my opinion.

I will more then likely end up getting it (because I have a gaming disease), but am I the only one who was thoroughly unimpressed?

The textures on that dog were brutal, even if its supposed to be in gameplay quality.

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in a way its the better way to do it so peoples expectations dont get to ahead of the game . then hopefully when the game comes out and the graphics are improved everyone appreciates them more :slight_smile:

either that or its just gonna have really pants graphics :slight_smile:

That would be great if its truly the case but Bethesda has a history of engine recycling.

For the most part I didn’t feel I was watching a F4 trailer but a trailer for new FNV DLC.

Either way this game shall be played.

Tbh i think the game still looks great. not amazing but its a fallout game. FALLOUT 4 finally is confirmed so I had to fan boy out to the trailer. thousands of hours in the future gone in the blink of an eye.

Don’t get me wrong.

I will be playing this and I don’t think it looks bad. I guess I was just expecting more from Bethesda they have a huge team and a titanic amount of money, you think they would start stepping up their game by now instead of making marginal upgrades that are just different enough that if you compared it to its predecessors you would say look it looks better then the last.

Also if thats what it looks like now whats it gonna be like when they downgrade for consoles?

It wont be downgraded for consoles. I hope not, because thats running the next stage from skyrims engine. the newest creation engine isnt much better than what skyrim used as you can see. yes pc will have the ultra settings which add a few extra specs of details but it shouldnt have that wide a gap for this game. the previous games i noticed near to nothing without mods- only the armour textures and loading times in nv were different in my opinion. I’ve played like 1300+ hours on xbox and like 200+ on pc for modding.

Well now it is the E3, but as i understood it? It is going to be shown in closed rooms. So i guess we ain’t gonna see anything before tomorrow or in some days from now?

I believe it is, they havent revealed that they are apart of any conference and tobi told me they dont have a presentation, however they have a booth and will be showing the game of at a meetup (in 0.4 update)
and dont worry it will be all on youtube if they show anything of, which will defo include a trailer! :slight_smile:


I hope we will see something soon, I am so impatient and curious.
I think we don´t will see stealth, even if it was planned right after 0.3 to get on 0.4, but it was quite silent about stealth during the last weeks… but maybe this is the secret about stealth.

Anyway, I am curious about sword fighting and new area, which kind of atmosphere will it be? How will soldier-camp be? I hope we will see soon…

Im just eager to go bug hunting, Im really excited to test some new features work on getting the kinks worked out.

Im also curious to see which direction the map expands.

Oh… a weasel exactly know in which direction the map expands :smiley:
You know where Henry is at start of alpha? This is where it will expand, in northern east, here:


Aside from some modifications that map looks familiar :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Which reminds me Im gonna have some work to do with the update.

Its yours? Do you had made it? :smiley:
I mean, you use avatar about it…

That is the map I made for all the people having issues with finding everything for the alchemy quest.

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And now I have used it to help all the people who are struggeling with finding exit of alpha 3.0 area :smiley:

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