Let! Me! Save!

Cool. Then make it an optional hard mode: only limited saves, if turned off cannot be turned back on in the same playthrough. The hardcore players will be happy.

The rest of us, those with real lives interrupting gaming sessions, those who get hit by bugs and need to reload an earlier save to fix them - let us have normal saves. It’s industry standard for a very good reason.


I absolutely agree. The auto-saves are too far apart to be useful. If I need to leave in a hurry, I don’t want to have to choose between leaving my xbox on for ages or losing lots of progress.
I get what they were going for, but it honestly doesn’t work for this kind of game.


Normal and ironman modes are not a bad idea. Could make potential future achievements unlockable only in the no save version.


I totally agree.

If you can’t / won’t change the current system AT LEAST let us save on EXITING the game PLEASE!

As it stands now, the saving system is CANCER!.- :-S


Let us not forget though that this save system was described and announced in video reviews and video updates. I wish there was larger response on forums back then. It would give WH time to potentially change things a bit.

Only the part that deals with how to save, the scale of difference in time it takes you to go save is vastly different.

Agreed, i dont think adding an auto save feature will take away from any realism that i feel in the game so far. I actually feel less like exploring when i know im limited in my saves.


As it is now the game does not seem to cater very well to filthy casuals, who are in it just for the immersion and story.

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Ironman mode would be great. I play video games to relax. Having to second guess every potential decision in case I lose 30 mins+ of progress isn’t very fun to me.
I want to be able to explore and enjoy everything the game has to offer, but if it’s so easy to lose all that progress, I just don’t feel as welcome playing.


Another way to improve this could be to just make the game auto-save every 10 minutes instead of at set points after quests. At least then you wouldn’t lose too much progress when you quit or die.

Dark Souls games save on exit, and I would hardly call them too easy. It’s just a stupid decision by the team.


Totally agree with all above, this game needs save on exit!

I have a 10 month old child and I have maybe 5-min to 1 hour time to play this per day, you never know. I don’t want to play the same stuff through again and again just because saving the game is so damn hard. I want to make progress efficiently with the little time I have available.


I agree with all of you.

There was huge discussion on save system few years ago, and limited saves looked like great immersion boosting idea,protecting from savescumming.
But I never in my wildest dreams thought that there would not be save on exit :frowning:

I have 3 months old baby, and I basically play like twice a week this way :smiley:


Wait, there’s no save on exit? Tobi said there would :fearful:
I think it would solve the problem while still keeping the tension. I’m not going to quit the game before every dialogue and it eases life for those with kids and unpredictable lifestyle.


The idea of the saving system is great, but please make autosave after finishing part of the quests and after finishing optional quests, because it is quite common that you have like 3/4 parts done and in the mean time you were doing multiple things and then suddenly the game crash and you are at the beginning of that quest.


I know… When addressing this I was told that it was to prevent savescumming by leaving and coming back or something like that… Yeah, it sounds ridiculous to me aswell. I am big fanboy of this game as you can see, I can even close my eyes before bugs and such, but this decision still makes me scratch my head :smiley:

I also asked for more often autosaves, but this one is interesting - there is in fact some technical limitation on consoles, preventing devs from doing too frequent autosaves. Don´t know any details

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just pause it

CryEngine specifically sucks balls with saving, especially with consoles. Sometimes cryengine would corrupt save data more often when shutting down during gameplay.

This response isn’t thought through.
imagine having a little kid and it has to be brought to bed, you spend about one or two hours bringing it to bed, then there’s something else, then you need to sleep …
Or you are a freelancer and suddenly a client calls in and you need to work asap, not having some game clutter your precious ram …
Are you expecting people to keep a game running for hours just because they don’t have the time to finish combat in game and find a bed?


People are complaining about not being able to save in particular spots where an inn isn’t near and not using the saviour schnapps. Perhaps the ability to set up a camp would be useful

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