List of mods that you want made! POST HERE!

I was trying to get my wife interested in KCD. She was really put off by all the f-bombs. Can there be a language sanitized option?
Speaking of language, where’s all the medieval language? Thou art a varlet and scurilous dog! Fie upon thee!

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Sorry couldn’t help Myself :smile:.

If a Modder wished to make this option absolutely. As of the time being there has been no information on whether or not there will be filtered option.

There has been much discussion on this topic, the gist of it boils down to Shakespearean not being used in common speech (people did not walk around speaking like Shakespeare’s characters), Old English can be hard to understand and it is not accurate for the setting of Bohemia, and Old Czech is hard to understand even if you are Czech.

In the end the developers thought it best to go with a more modern English. The dialogue in the alpha is for the alpha only and is not representative of what the final dialogue will be however this game is focused on telling a mature story with adult themes so hat=rsh language is to be expected.

It is also worth noting that many terms we perceive as curse words today were common language in these times.

You read more on the subject in the links provided below.

Keep the Shakespearean language. Your fans aren’t stupid!

Language style: Old or modern?
Voice actors… Who’s voice do you want to hear in the game?
Cudity Level: Too Much or Just Right?

If someone really wants to make a name of them self or even make money from a mod for this game, I suggest making a Game of Thrones mod. or possibly make a DLC for Game of Thrones if HBO allows it, something that would be cool is something like medieval total war strategy play for army battles, but also able to select your man to go into battle.

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Someone must be putting saltpeter in the food. Ain’t no kids anywhere! Or on a different line, no dogs or cats either. And with no cats the place ought to be overrun with rats. Perhaps the Pied Piper recently passed through the area and Jerry welshed on paying him?

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Not sure if I’m thinking too inside the box here lol… but the first thing I wished for while playing the Alpha was the ability to toggle an autoloot setting. That and maybe a wider FOV when sword fighting so you can see your sword a bit better.

But you know that you can change fov from console right?

I would not expect that in full version to work though.

For what reason?

Have you heard Viktor Bocan at GDS 2016? He said that every option given to player is failure on the designer side (or something like that).
Those commannds are for developers and I think they will disable them as they did with flying.

I kind of agree with that. But changing parameters from console is sort of a step from normal menu options towards modding. And they want to allow that so we will see…

Disabling some commands for alphas was done for other reasons I think. They did not want you to cheat yourself a sword when sword fighting was not even implemented to presentable level. As well they did not want you to fly away from the area and show some ugly unfinished graphics… I reckon anyways

Console commands were disabled becuase of false bug reporting.

Highly doubt that they will be disabled in the full version, especially the fov command which still has been enabled (unlikely for it to cuase game breaking bug, or reveal content before its intended release).

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I always thought a StarWars mod like the one Mount and Blade: Galaxy Conquest would be quite cool, if you could become a Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunter, or just a soldier in the Rebel Alliance or Empire, also it would be cool if the characters in it were similar to ones in canon like Darth Vader, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and the Emperor (or even characters from the Prequels or the expanded universe).
I know this would be a major project but it would be so cool!

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Wouldn’t it be cool to have binaural ambiance sounds (3D sounds) like forest, water flows, countryside, etc. ? I don’t know if it’s hard to implement, but I think it would greatly enhanced the immersion while playing with headphones!

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3rd person camera.


The Viking era. Imagine a map set in Norway, or Denmark, and being able to build a longship, recruit a crew, and pound across the North Sea to raid Northumbrian villages and monasteries. Norway/Denmark and coastal Northumbria would be two different maps, and Northumbria wouldn’t have much depth inland to allow the coast to be as long as possible. Crossing the North Sea wouldn’t be easy either, it would take time and risk bad weather and simply getting lost. And perhaps back home in Scandinavia, quarreling jarls result in battle and bloodshed at home.

More of an entirely new game than a mod, though. It would require lots of new assets, all new armor, clothing, and weapons, new combat tactics cough SHIELD WALL!!! cough, not to mention a boat/ship system. But I can dream, can’t I? It would certainly be more refreshing and interesting then a medieval reskin like the Hundred Year’s War or the Crusades, and the naval aspect would be immense.


leaving gameplay mechanics like AI to DEVs and giving new story, era to Modders like Viking era someone mentioned here.

Realistic Blood and Gore, 1,000,000 Gold Currency in Inventory, Better Combat Animations, Better AI, New Medieval Weapons, More Horse Breeds!

Keep in mind you didn’t really have distinct horse breeds in Medieval Europe like we do today. Horses were instead identified by their purpose (IE Destrier vs. Courser vs. Rouncey, etc.) more than their breeding. So what might be identified as several distinct breeds today, during the 15th century would all have simply been considered a Palfrey (a horse defined by its ambling gait, of which there are several modern breeds that would qualify).

The face of Alpha/Beta Henry.:blush: