Modern firearms being included in the game

Only if you didn’t really know how to play it in the first place. FYI, the new AIs of the Forgotten Civilizations pack is really great.

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Yeah i was really good at both games before i got a hold of cheats. The temptation is just too much to handle.

is this a joke to you?

can i have the code to the humvee i need it for emmmm cavary charges?

That is very likely not accesible unless the developers specifically put it in the game. That would make the easter egg of the century though. :smile:

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Type tuck tuck tuck exactly like that and you will enjoy the results.

i have failed you master! tuck tuck tuck didnt work y.y

Hmm try capitalizing the t in each tuck

I’d love to see the reintroduction of cheat codes. I miss the old AoE days when I could spawn mechs and monster trucks to fight legions of armies. Its an individual’s choice, and I usually take my game seriously as designed, but every once in a while I just want to have some fun.

So I vote for modern firearms in the game, just with special item codes in the background.


I love Cheats they are the best for trying to stress test the game.

I crashed oblivion hundreds of times duping items.(glitch not a cheat)

I remember playing Vice city and spawning tanks until the PS2 would freeze.

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did you draw that or look it up?