Needle in a Haystack BUG

It has been adressed in a diffrent post before (Monastary / A Needle in the Haystack - Bug)

But maby he hasn*t been clear enough so i’ll write one too…

Kinda Spoiler down below

Dear developers,

I have a bug even though i’ve already finished the quest “A needle in a haystack” i keep getting the notifications like “go to mass”, “Go to bed”, … It resolved at Vranik when entering the camp but because i messed the mission up i had to restart it and then the “Quest removal” trigger dind’t work anymore!

love FloppyCDdrive

PS: I love your Game it’s literally the best Game in a long time! I don’t mind the few bugs people are complainign about (this one is pretty enoying though) the combat is really nice! thank you, again!

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I also have this but and its so bad! I tried to do that quest with different way but its still same issue… Any updates on this yet? Is there some way to just delete these notifications? Its annoying!

No I haven’t heard anything yet

I managed to delete the quest by going in the monastery with a weapon and they banished me from there, quest failed and disappeared from quest log

So even that i already killed that guy and “completed quest” i will be able to go there again and they will banish me?

I’m not sure about that, I didn’t kill anyone when I was there during the story quest, but it’s worth a shot… They have to banish you so your access there is restricted, then the quest should disappear

@Leckie will you keep your stuff when they banishe you?

You should have them - when I finished the story quest I got a quest update to get my stuff back, but as far as I know your stuff is outside the monastery in a chest if you didn’t get them after the story