New graphics card 21

Asus - Essentio Desktop - AMD A10-Series - 8GB Memory - 1TB Hard Drive

ASUS Essentio Desktop - AMD A10-Series - 8GB Memory - 1TB Hard Drive: DVD+/-RW/CD-RW drive; 8GB DDR3 memory; 1TB hard drive; Bluetooth; HDMI output; 6-in-1 media reader; high-speed wireless LAN

Hard to find the power supply on that but it seems it is 300 or 350watt. I am not really sure if its enough. I think you need to upgrade for dedicated gpu.

Sounds like a hassle

Nah. Its few minutes.

Go on YouTube and there are many videos on how to switch GPUs. I bought my first PC last year (an ASUS), and upgraded to a GTX 970. I did the switch myself. I was very nervous because I’m new with computers, but its so easy. You just unplug the old one from the power supply and pull it out. Definitely make sure you have enough power though. I had to buy a new power unit for the 970. Also, with ASUS computers, just know that as soon as you open the case, you default the warranty. If your warranty expired then go for it. I didn’t want to wait so I opened mine anyway. Haha

So from my specs above what power supply and decent prices card do you think?

I’d recommend the Nvidia GeForce 630. This graphics card served me very well, running even Shadow of Mordor on Ultra High Quality with only minor problems. While I have since upgraded, I have a deep appreciation for this graphics card.

However, you’ll need to make sure that the connectors for the GPU match the one you are currently using for your monitor, or at least that you have one that will work with it. If not, there are other slightly different versions of this graphics card that can use it. If your connector is blue, you’ll need a GPU with a blue outlet, and so on.

Okay so from your specs, you don’t have dedicated graphics card which causes you the problem. Go to any graphics card retailer website and find any graphics card that has 2 gigs of memory or more. Whatever graphics card you choose will be stronger than what you have now. You might want to check your power supply first tho. Just look if it include the voltage of your graphics card. Your processor isn’t something amazing, but sould be enough. You might experience stuttering from time to time when the game releases, but still should be playable relatively easilly.

Honest tip for the future. Consoles are in their last breaths. I know you like them, but still. Your PC which would be generally regarded as weak. Is still almost stronger than current gen consoles. You might want to invest in PC.Not even a new PC. Upragade your CPU (4Ghz at least, cca 80-100$), and buy dedicated graphics card (2-4GB, cca 150-200$) And you will run everything on max details in the next 2 years.

I’m thinking about a steam machine maybe next year.
The one I’ve looked at is made by syber I believe. But not going to happen this year. I’m really not an all digital kind of guy. But I also usually sell my games when I’m done. So therefore I don’t lose a lot of money. But if I use steam and don’t pay loads. Then when I get a crappy game then I guess it’s not too bad. I just prefer to buy a physical copy.
But the steam machine would allow me options between ps4 and PC. I know consoles are pretty much done after their next release. But right now they are strong. Sony’s sales prove it. But there is a limited amount of games I want to play as it is.

Steam machine is not a good idea… It is made to be appealing to the console croud. But the truth is, nobody really knows what it’s supposed to be yet. And we know, that you can get cheaper, stronger PC which will run anything steam machine can. Since steam machine is pre-set PC.

Unfortunately consoles are going the PC route. It’s not too long before discs are extinct altogether. Try used, Amazon has the best prices for used graphics cards. I got a GTX 780 Ti for about $140. They are never that low. I think for around $100 you could find a Radeon R9 series. Or R7. I am not a fan of the Catalyst drivers though, they are trash. Nvidia has better support and they never put out buggy computer-bricking garbage.