Nudity, Blood, Swearing (KC:D suitable for children?)

Today I saw little Isabelle playing the
Alpha 0.3 and I was just wondering of an OPTION to turn the game into a lower
Parental Guidance level. A kind of children’s game. The same game, but only
beeped out swearing. Or it could be cut out. The same applies to nudity and
blood. I am not saying no blood and swearing, but just the crucial amount
needed for the story. Compared to other stuff they play, I think this game
could be at least a little educational for them. But it can’t be excessively
rough. Also it could make the game more attractive to parents buying this game.
I have no idea if it easily achievable. But it could be released later on, with just a
few people devoted to cut out the harsh stuff and replace it.

I believe this was discussed before. You have to look at this game differently to lets say Call of Duty franchise or any other big company that has a lot of money and time to finish their product. Warhorse has limited budget and limited time, it would take A LOT to have game for 12 year old kids. This game is for probably for people age maybe starting at 16 and more likely at 18 because of the way the game has been from the start. This game will not be parent friendly, neither will call of duty be but you still have 12 year old kids killing people and sleeping with my mom :frowning: so you will probably have people who are interested in history and medieval combat playing this, which means probably mature audience.


your mum must be quite weary

what would be the point ? its a violent game so with or without swearing it wouldnt be suitable for children. so it would never get that age rating .

with or without swearing i would take a punt at it being rated for 16+ . Same with your other suggestions in regards to blood , you’re still killing people in the game so it wouldnt make a difference . i would imagine though if they went all out on blood and gore (please do ) it would push the game up to 18

so no i doubt warhorse would be willing to spend the money on implementing such an option :slight_smile:


So far it looks like WH are not developing with specific target rating in mind, but I doubt this will be much of a family friendly game. So far it is pretty clear that the game will contain some swearing but we don’t know yet how much gore will be included or if there will be some nudity present. However I think that there will be quite a lot of non kid friendly content, so making an option to lower the parental guidance level would be a hard task for the developers…

Dafuq did I just read?

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Taken out of context? Y Dafuq wont you read everything in the first place to understand the whole sentence?

I think he is wondering why twelve year old are sleeping with your mother.

Theres full context and its still says 12 year olds are sleeping with your mom. Google Translate at work?

This game was intended for a mature audience I would really hate to see it nerfed.

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Well in Call of Duty multiplayer one often comes across apparently very young individuals that have nothing to tell you other than something along the lines of: “n00b I fuked ur mom last nite lol blaze it faggot !11!!”.

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All games these days are made for multiplayer, and where there’s multiplayer there’s 11 year olds saying they banged our mothers last night. CoD is just a machine made only to have money thrown at and spew out crap games that have really nothing good about them. Well, World at War was one of the few good games from the CoD franchise as of lately.

Personally, I’m glad Kingdom Come will get a high rating, be historically accurate and be devoid of multiplayer. I can buy any game with crap single player storyline but dedicated to multiplayer but this? This is THE game I’ve been waiting for since I was in Grade 3.

Umm no google translate at work, Im from England. And ‘‘12 year old sleeping with my mom’’ or ‘‘everyone I play against sleeps with my mom’’ its a gamers saying for kids who scream to their microphone and bash on someone who is better than them.

you read it correctly sir :sunglasses:

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tell me about it , feels as if my mum has fucked everyone under 10 in america

ohh boy have you opened a can of worms . may myself a native of these fine islands enquire into why you have chosen to spell the word “mum” incorrectly by using an “O” where under no circumstances does it belong sir !
please explain to the jury of disgusted Englishmen why you have committed such an act .

They taught me to spell it with O and not U

where ! who ! :slight_smile: how dare they !

now write it again and again until you learn


Well, if his mother was doing to him what he has suggested until the age of 12, teaching him wrong spelling may be dismissed as a minor issue, don’t you think?

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In my school they taught us to spell it that way :open_mouth:

It is helpful to your 12 year old to learn how to spell correctly “a dirty harlot doing who-knows-what while decent folks are asleep” - if not for other reasons, then at least to impress her classmates. And when you get invited to the principal’s office for a discreet conversation about your daughters reading habits, at least you will know where it came from: Prague, Warhorse, Hellboy


British person- “Hey lets shorten mother to mum.”

American person- “But Mother has an o in it not a U so why not shorten it to mom”…

British person- “America is fat”
