Pledge information

You have to create new account on our pledge system with the same email you used on Kickstarter. Sorry for that.

Your tier on forums is correct now. Thank you!

thanks, all working now

Damn mine still isn’t showing :frowning: Maybe I just need to wait a while for it to show? I’ll check back in a day and see.

What email did you used for Kickstarter, please?

For everybody with title problems: Please check if you use the same mail here, as the one you used on kickstarter. Otherwise it’s impossible to transfer your pledge successfully. So please change it as the case may be.

I changed your title to the right one!

Woohooo, thankyou Mr.Tobi ^^ and you JiriRydl. I understand you must be getting a lot of these messages and am truly impressed with your activity and level of involvement on fixing any community issues as soon as they arise. Now I get to strut around the forums with my true title haha

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Thank you for the nice words. We do our best! :slight_smile:

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Either someone fixed it or you do have your badge now :smiley:

Or do you just mean the image?

I got it :smile: 

Hi there. Got the same problem. I’ve registered with my Kickstarter email address but I don’t see my title and I can’t login on the pledge site. It say that my username oder mail address does not exist.

@rocksamuray: When you go to the Pledge Website, just click the “Forgot password” button, you’ll receive an e-mail to reset your password, you can use the one you had earlier and then it should work. If it’s not working, just write an e-mail to to get it done. Or let @WH_JiriRydl know via PM, he’s dealt with such issues in the past. :smiley:

@WH_JiriRydl, I believe I have the same problem as @Joruto had before.
I backed Kingdome Come though KS where I logged in with facebook, but used another email address here on the forum. Actually, I see a “Knight” under my name when I post, but when I log in to, I only see my email address.

The exact same also happens to me. Is there a way you can check if my KS pledge is linked to my forum account, or do that for me? Thanks a lot!

The linking is already done. Since you have the Knight badge, it’s all okay. What you need to do now is log into the pledge website with your forum account. Also resetting the password on the pledge website might help. Please try and give feedback :smiley:

Yuusou, I already did log in to the pledge website before, and I only saw may email address. However, i did just try again after changing my password, but no change. However, this confirmed that the pledge website and the forum website use two different accounts. I now have to log in to the forum with my old password, and to the pledge website with my updated password.

Were you able to see your profile (in pledge section) please?

I am not quite sure if I understood your request, so I made screenshots of what I see after I log in to the forum section and the pledge section.

As you can see, it look like it looed for @Joruto, and not like the screenshot that @YuusouAmazing provided in his post from Jun 3rd.
Thanks for your help and suggestions!

Everything seems fine. If you want to see your profile on Pledge, please klick on Profile button in the menu on the right (in Pledge section).

Oh, now I see what you meant with “profile on the pledge section”, sorry that I missed that before. However, I doubt that everything is fine here, because if I view this profile, I see this:

So, there aren’t any paid orders