Poll: What should be our next stretch goal? What about 3rd person camera?

Think about bow usage in games, why you go in 1stP/ironsight-because 3rdP in general won’t allow you to aim that well…If in this game the position/hight you keep your blade matters, for example.
It would be the same story:Aim would be very important…
The enemy NPC would easily start to bypass your blocks and defence attemps when in 3rdP,they can mislead you making a move left, but attacking at the right side,…
And because you don’t have the precision/aim required in 3rdP to execute all the accurate techniqus,
thats the reason you’d be placed at disadvantage in 3rdP.
Ofcourse,only if the combat is really that complex in the first place…
If not, 3rdP or 1stP wouldn’t matter…I just hope they won’t dumb 1stP down to make room for 3rdP…
I’m excited to learn more about the combat…

Yeah. With customer ready version of Oculus Rift… I would perhaps speak differently. Really looking forward to. Though sudden involuntary moves (like we saw in combat video update when Henry gets hit) makes me a little bit sick already in 1stP… hope one can use to it.

Shooting and melee is something different. 3rdP suck in longer distances but you wont fight at 10 meters at melee.

Also most of the 1stP precision cmae from crossair and fact it allways aim to the center of the screen. Both is pretty unrealistic and if those two are not present and that precision is lost (free aim without crossair).

Combat stays the same, nothing will change becouse of 3rdP

Think 3rdP might suck for very accurate martial arts too,where its all about aim and positioning
(just like the bow but ofcourse, shooting and melee , 2 different things)
If you actually need to keep your sword at a certain hight or angle to ward off an incoming blow
Good luck in 3rdP with a fixed ,or even free moving camera
Doubt one would be able to lift a sword at the right hight or angle

I’m cool with that,although I’d think anything added that was not planned innitially would be a change :smiley:

But aiming at already set, short distance. And that is pretty possible in 3rdP.

If its gong to be authentic, them you make techniques rather than controll yoru sword freely (like Die by the Sword).
So low-left block will be just low-left block aggainst various attacks comming that way - without setting exact coordinates and degree of your sword.

Yes sure but I guess you get what he ment :- )

I´d rather have 1st person only because I don´t think it´s done by just implementing it - I think there would also be need of adjustments regarding the fighting system cause I doubt it would work out of the box in another perspective.

And I dont wanna see some washed out fighting system in the end only so it will work in both perspectives.


Why it shouldnt work out of hte box, i.e. without adjusting, tweking or changing the combat system itself?

Games have been holding hands too much lately with auto targeting and all that…
Would prefer free aim,and you can improve over time by practice,eventually mastering techniques.
At first the moves you do might diverge form what the techniques should be,but practice makes perfect…
Perhaps its Oculus Rift support I’ve been dreaming about all along xD where exact coordination and degree of your sword matter.

Well auto-aim is one thing, but learn real fencing using gamepad (or even K+M) is something totaly different, and impossible I would add. That would be incredibly complicated so any realistic simulator would look like UGH :slight_smile:
The Clang tryied to do something like that but that was ment to be foccused only on duels using motion controller like Hydra Razor.

Your exact sword position does matter, but that is something hard to controll no matter if 1stP, 3rdP or Oculus.

They can only try to make it as realistic as possible…and they are doing an excellent job it seems…
well they’ll indeed have a “block all incoming attacks automatically button” more or less

Here is an official video about [the combat basics][1] I haven’t seen yet until now…
in this video is also mentioned that if you find the system too complicated you shouldn’t worry…

"you’ll sometimes meet more than one enemy and then it will be very complicated"
I bet if you go at it in 3rdP you’d turn out to be puctured like a cheese with many holes xD
Ofcourse you can take companions…
[1]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3_9RlucvtE#t=169

I would bet otherwise :- ) 3rdP is superior in surrounding awareness, which is key factor when facing multiple oponents. But we get to the point in this discussion where we have to wait untill we get combat in alpha I guess…

The game looks great, if you would like to have 10,000,000 more fans I recommend adding the optional 3rd Person Perspective option, 1st Person fans always complain but, I think the bigger issue outweighs their tiny concern, the bigger issue is will there be tons of players wanting to play this game? I just heard about this game today, thought the trailer was awesome but immediately ruled it out if there was no 3rd Person Perspective option, many will think the same, so add it or don’t but adding it will guarantee more players period.

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thats why 3rdP would would suite the large scaled siege battles where stategy/tactics are important.
but when it comes to aiming precision 1stP is king,if the combatsystem is complex at least…
But in the video they mentioned that people shouldn’t worry about tit being too complex…so I guess thats a hint
that combat won’t be too complex after all…Which in that case would mean it doesn’t really matter in which perspective…

Pure speculation, dude…imo just exaggerated by a GREAT margin.

Pure speculation :slight_smile: But yeah, I think it would actually bring more people to pledge though the question is how many.

Sure, about 40.000 people backed the game so far but with 3rd person it will suddenly be 10.000.000. Just a pointless number.

And the argument isn’t really strong anyway: turning the game into a military shooter would probably really bring those numbers of new people to the game but I guess we can agree that nobody here wants THAT.

Fans shouldn’t be concerned with economic issues and we surely shouldn’t request features because of economic reasons. We as consumers should be concerned about the quality of the game and about the fun we have and every additional feature should make the game better. It’s Warhorse’s job to get enough people to buy their game, not ours.


uhu…some people only love 1stP some only love 3rdP,some love both…whatever,lets leave it at that
Whoever wants to miss this game is wrong though xD

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Well I actually kinda agree with you. Only that in this case its more like that they feel they could do this and then consider pros and con. It is not aim, but considerable side-effect.

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no its not its a fact that 3rd person wold bring more players and ading 3rd person wold not change the game only give a option for ho dus like 3rd person if some one dont wana use it dan just dont use it

Careful with facts there…

it might help to have a list with the pros and cons

I think the biggest one is
-great situational awareness
-checking the aesthetics of your character

-Less immersive than 1stP;you feel like you are looking down on a puppet instead of being in the surroundings yourself
-Less aiming precision begs for a simpler combat design


-with the right FOV it makes the game very immersive
(some players might count it amongst pro that they don’t always know whats happening behind their back)
-Aiming precision in complex combat systems

with a bad FOV though, it can feel very constricting;limited situation awareness,motion sickness

oh and feel free to add to the list, if meaningful…