Realism, How far should it be taken

a lot lacks from AC unity amazing game but nothing really happens in the day to day life of the people its all repetitive so i wouldnt take much from unity apart from the advances in graphics

whatever you guys are arguing about realism and specific in game actions: chill out, there’s gonna be a mod for it :slight_smile:

Technically No homosexuals did not exist back then, the term itself didn’t exist until the early 1900’s.

There is very little to zero evidence that people even defined themselves sexually until the 19th century.
History of homosexual terminology, Ancient Rome

During the time period in which our game takes place the Church and its political views were in place so those caught performing same sex acts or other sexual acts deemed sinful were punished harshly.
The Middle Ages, Homosexuality in medieval Europe, Punishment in medieval times

So based on the above information we can develop an understanding of the potential mentality our Character would have had in the time/setting of our game.

A. would not feel a social need to define his sexual practices
B. if he was interested in a same sex relationship he would have to hide it for fear of potentially being killed.
C. would more then likely have be indoctrinated since youth to share the same opinions as the church and the rest of society at large.

the above statement (although insensitive) is very true, especially with the arguments that have been presented by some.


As a concept no then rain would not have existed.

No quite the opposite I proved the point that you are approaching the concept of homosexuality 611 years ago with modern concepts that would have not been applicable to the time period.

Persons in that time who had same sex relationships would not have had a term for it ( at-least not historically recorded ), the church however used the term Sodomite in a derogatory sense to explain those who performed oral, anal, or acts of bestiality.

Any same sex relationships would have been kept away from public attention for fear of persecution.

So no I never said it didn’t exist I merely pointed out your understanding of the concept did not exist.

to what extent we will have relationships in this game is not yet fully known so to argue whether or not we should have the choice to be with a same sex partner is pointless.

I personally don’t care if its implemented I just want it to be historically accurate which means that:

A. it would have been kept so secret its not noticed, thus being pointless.

B. the individuals whose relationship became public knowledge more then likely would have been publicly punished for it, and frankly I don’t think public executions of homosexuals in a game will go over to well for WarHorses PR.

Human rights and equal rights are concept of the 20th century so lets stop trying to be time police.

If you choose to respond I suggest reading these to posts that happen to only be just a lil north of mine.
Post 53, Itdew
Post 55, abinhof


work on your reading comprehension.


This is exactly why it’s importaint that the term didn’t exist because sodomy would not extend to same sex kissing. It may depend on regional costums too but generally a kiss could just as likely be a sign or statment of friendship. There also was no consept of homosexuals meaning people would not definde themself by a sexual orientation. As a result people wouldn’t constently avoide touching people of the same sex or be aware of whether or not they look “gay” doing so.

WH could include characters in a homosexualrelationship and not tell the player about it at any point. It still might be relevent for why they choose to make their decitions, even if there are no clues about the relationship itselve at all.

I don’t think portrayal of homosexuelity is something that makes or breakes the game at all and this definitly is becoming pointless because this is at least the third thread that discusses homosexuelity. It’s countless posts keep reapeating themselves so I doubt WH is following all of this closly. But the discusses itselve can still be fun even if you don’t care how it’s implementde in the game.

Hi. First time posting here (can’t really count the post to test my badge :slight_smile: ).

I think this is an extremly interesting thread with some very thought provoking comments. The main problem I have with the whole concept though is that we are all incapable of seeing a 15th century world through 15th century eyes. I’m pretty sure that there were many things taken as being every day happenings that would abhore us when viewed with our 21st century values. For instance, even using the very baseline of the concept for this game I doubt ANY of us would have the stomach for witnessing, let alone partaking in combat without it having a deep psychological effect on us. If we can accept that as part of the game, then we should also accept that many things we see as unpalatable today would be unremarkable then. I don’t think it’s the acts that are in question, it’s our inability to see it in context for the time period and make our character respond in the correct manner. We are therefore all in danger of taking a carefully crafted world and applying inappropriate moral values based on 700 years of concept based on novels, plays, illustrations and ultimately films to provide fuel for our imagination on which to make a judgement.

It’s really an impossible situation. For day-to-day living in-game I think the best we can hope for is gameplay that doesn’t involve extreme acts, and that it is best left to the imagination, along with all the other mundane habits our character would perform in his virtual existence.

Personally, I would love the game to try to educate the player to appreciate the period, for instance a career choice with all the training and experience required, rather than letting us be a jack of all trades. Surely that is more important than it trying to be a social simulator of the 15th century? :wink:


Greatest first post and is very pertinent to this debate and the point I have attempted to get across.

No they do not, however Words Define concepts and our perceptual understanding with them. the whole Point I have been trying to make.

the whole argument 213 was making that you responded to that I then got myself involved in wasn’t whether or not Homosexual acts took place in the time period, its people applying their modern conceptual understandings of homosexuality to what should or should not be implemented and in what way.

Luckly not in a long time and ofcourse never compleatly. there is better fantasy out there, as there are better sorces for what happend in 15th century Bohemia. Since it’s so hyped i’ve had to hear some quotes before though. But I don’t have to tell you this because

clearly you know better than I what I did and didn’t read.

I know exactly that I was rephrasing and repeating I worte this because I was repeating myselfe possibly even from the same thread, it just wasn’t recently.

When someone doesn’t arrive at the same conclution do you really have to assume they couldn’t have read your posts because your argument is so flawless? Clearly there is always some missunderstanding going on, I just expirienced this myselfe when I read your reply to my post. Rephrasing and further explainations are the only option to get rid of the missunderstanding.

This is exectly why consepts and words are importaint. “Love” is one of the stupid poorly defined words with multiple if not countless meanings. Plus the meaning of words changes overtime and depends on the context. I don’t know or care what is ment here but it could be anything and if it was refering to “romantic love” in the original text that is compleatly irrellevent for medival Bohemia because it’s about two thousend years later.

This is exectly what I mean why the difference between the concepts is so importaint. You assume I was refering to sex when I talk about not avoiding to touch people because it might “look gay”. What I was saying is that sex would not nessecerily have been connected to every physical conntact in everyday live, less so than it is presently where people are aware of homosexuality (in the sense of the actuel term homosexuality) and people are avoiding to “look gay”.

Yeah I have palyed ME1,2,3 and DA 1,2 (and Jade Empire) but I don’t see anything like that happening becaue of the way the Developers talk about the game. The main character already has a personality, they haven’t even confirmed that Henry is fictional as far as i know. I can’t see them including a samesex romance option for the player. They have however confirmed something about homosextual characters. I just wanted to point out above that it can be a relevent motivation for a character and that is importaint even it is subtil as that might be more approperate for the situation. I don’t think everthing has to be a dramatic “save or sacrifice” situation like in Mass Effects Renagade/Paragon system.

samurai were homosexuals

already covered ground here , well and truly covered ground so covered grass isnt even growing there anymore .

conclusion = gay people certainly existed but it was kept secret as being gay was illegal and could end up in you being killed or castrated .


You people just cant be pleased. They already said they were going to put gays in the game and its just not enough for you is it? You wont be content until there are tons of openly gay people in the game and all this political correct bullshit. News flash this is the 1400s.

All samurais were homos? Really? No there may have been a few in their society but the vast vast majority of them wouldn’t be homosexuals. I hope you realize that homosexuals were and also will be an extremely small minority.

Ach all the hate everywhere!? How about Christmas, love, gum drops, peppermint sticks, eggnog and stuff!? :smiley:

But to somehow answer your discussion:

There will be homosexuality in game, because of story related things! So it won’t be there because
 somebody said so
 (you know Dan! :smiley: he does what he thinks is right/cool and not because of any correctness). It just fits perfectly in some part of the story! :smiley: How, where, why
 see yourself at Q4 2015 :slight_smile: until that just speculate 
 but be nice to each other! :slight_smile:


look at that , natural salesmen right there

Yeah it was the 15th century but it was the 1400s there is a difference. Read Daniel Varias interview about gamers gate he said they have gay characters and minorities in the game because he wants a mature strong story. They never said gays were not going to be put in the game. People like you just like an excuse to start complaining before a games even out about the lack of gays. It really makes no sense why people fight so hard to put gays in every video game, move, and show. They are an extremely small portion of our population. There are many bigger minorities that are left out of games but i dont see them complaining.

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EGGNOG!!! :smile: .


Eggnog is the nectar of the gods. Will there be eggnog please put eggnog in:)

There will be some at my flat for sure! :slight_smile: 
 so you decided to be nice to each other again!? :smiley: