Religion in KCD

I was wondering if religion played a role in this game. Of course you had to be a catholic at this time as it is before 1555 Aaugsburg convensation. But there may be heathen people who believe in something else. Maybe people who believe in nature. It would be fun if you could help the church a lot and become like a clerk or something, or in some way get support of the church. Is there anything planned?
Also what is this spot? in the buttom right
I checked, it is not my pc that has leds which are broken. Another black spot here

religion has been removed from the game due to sensitive subject material might offend millennials.


Why might it only affect millennials?

Trolling my friend, or did I actually miss a bullshit update?

It’s trolling, my friend. Trolling is coming back to our forums. :smirk:


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Any source? @warhorse said, that they do not want to concentrate yet on the religious aspects of the Hussite war (for now) but I cant recollect anything else atm.

I miss jews, I didn’t saw any jews with the mandatory hat. Jews were actually protected in these years.

I think the question was focused on helping local churches…no need for everyone to play the trolling cards​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

now look what you did

Sometimes threads get outta hand really quickly :joy::joy::joy:

Some good threads.

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