Religion, it's role, importance and significance in the story

Well, it goes without saying that religion was THE issue in the middle ages, with the Catholic Church’s authority nearing the absolute in the Catholic states. Should it be implemented in the game as an important factor in the story?



obviously religion will play a part.

Uh, I don’t doubt that, the question is HOW important a part? Will I be able to convert to another, will each religion have it’s own bonuses, will I be able to progress through the game ignoring it completely? We’re creating a legend here, lads, let’s make it right!

If one of the locations contains a monastery (what the published map confirms), probably this location will be included in the main quest.

Will the religion have a great significance? In theory, it should have, but probably it will end up with some little fluff or a priest NPC.

Well as it has been already mentioned Religion should be included cause it was very important part of the middle age life. There could be 3 possibilities - catholic church, member of reforming movement, atheist. Each of above mentioned variants could have their strong and weak sites and when you in the middle of the game decide to convert there can be some restrictions or difficulties completing some of the quests.

Do we really need this conversation AGAIN?

The words Kingdom and deliverance CAN be use in a context that isn’t necessarily religious as does the phrase ‘Kingdom come’. Yes there was a lot of religion in this time period but I truly hope for everyone that this isn’t going to be a game where we end up trying to convert non-believers and singing hymns every morning!

I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a mission or two that did involve a monk/priest/etc but for all our sakes I really hope that religion in this game is played down as much as possible as it will upset a lot of people who may want to play this game.

Also within the Kickstarter campaign I can not remember seeing any mention of any religious content.

Oh and please stop bringing this topic up in new threads there are already a few on the exact same topic.

Don’t forget orthodox, if the game is in the czech republic russia is literally next door.

Religion should of course be very prominent in the society but it’s not the subject of the story and the setting isn’t extremely volatile in this respect (yet). So I don’t think we will be converting from religion to religion. However, I wouldn’t mind brief services or something that increase reputation. A hymn singing mini game would be a little over the top :smiley:. Oh wait there’s a bard class isn’t there. We’ll probably have some singing after all. :smiley: (probably not in a church :violin: :beers: )

I would be very disappointed if it wasn’t in the game. Your going historically accurate. So why not put Religion in here. I am a Jew, but hey I wouldn’t mind riding around as some Noble European that is a Catholic.

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This phrase was chosen because of it’s religious meaning. Church had big political influence and was part of everyday life back then.

I don’t understand how you got that idea. You won’t be priest.

I hope it will show religion in 1403 Bohemia as accurately as possible.

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Where did it state this in the kickstarter campaign and when did the developers ever talk about this. You may include references if you please because I could not find any at all!

Well czech comunity thought that game title seems really weird. Dan Vávra explained that it’s taken from Lord’s Prayer. ( Figth Club Podcast 160 cz only)

He has already mentioned it even in english interview. It’s buried somewhere on their FB page. Whole title of the game has religious undertone.

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Deliverence also refers to the rescue of the king and the main story plot. And the whole thing about “kingdom come” refers to the fact in that time they all believed there’s gonna be an end of the world soon. And according to Dan that’s why hussites started the war, they wanted end of the world and kingdom of heaven to come sooner.

I’m not opposed to there being the mention of religion in the story but as it’s all about the deposed king and revenge then I would expect this to be the main emphasis in the game the title coming from a prayer is incidental and as religion was a major thing back then I fully expect to see priests and things like that suitable for the time but if it is done the way people are ranting on about it in these forums as though it will be THE ONLY thing there is in the game then it will flop.

I don’t envision this to be a “shove religion down your throat” story, but I do believe there will and should be quite a few references to it as it was an important part of that period. I could see there being more religious overtones in towns than in the country as people often didn’t even get to see a priest or brother if they were too far away. I also don’t expect what we do see to be all roses since not all priests/bishops were particularly nice or even religious and their offices were sometimes bought by their families. That being the case, what you may see could actually make people feel worse about the Catholic Church, rather than evangelizing for them. I actually work for the Church, but hope they tell the story as history does, warts and all.


I’m more than happy for them to put religion in the game but I also really hope I as the player have the option to not be a member of the Christian/Catholic faith.
No insult intended in this post :smile:

That’s a really interesting point. I guess it depends on how the story fleshes out. Even though it’s based on history, the character can be whoever they want him to be. I don’t see us choosing his religion or lack thereof and as has been stated before, they are not going to bow to political correctness. I don’t know how many non-Catholics/Christians there were at the time or how they were treated. I guess we will have to wait for the story to be told to find out. :slight_smile:

I am afraid such an option would end your characters life prematurely.

Church didn’t tend to be to forgiving in that regard :sunny:

As a peasant in medieval Bohemia you’re pretty much guaranteed to have been raised Catholic, though how seriously you take it will probably be up to you. OTOH, it’s probably not a good idea to go around openly denouncing the Church, unless you’re feeling suicidal…

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