Save / Load Game, when?

Hey Warhorse Team,
are there any plans for giving us a way to save / load the game state in a future alpha? It gets a little old to always have to start all over again, especially for folks with restriced play time. If that’s not going to happen - np; I’ll just wait for the beta (which I fully expect to have a save feature!)


I was hoping for that kind of feature, too. I didn’t even have the time to play through the whole quest. But it’s definitely one of the features I’m looking forward to.


Really hoping we get some kind of save state with the next build.

especially if lock picking is the next implemented mechanic.


Couldn’t agree more!
Starting a new game every time is getting slightly painful.

Bump * couldn’t agree more. I’m a save-a-holic… I NEED to save

@McWonderBeast Did I miss something?!

Be awesome to get another update. I’m hanging out to find out what’s next.

Yes, in the dev. update it was mentioned that lockpicking and a stealth system would be introduced in the next update. :smile:

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I hadn’t seen that… Stealth AI mechanic possible in next release.

That’s gunna be hoooge.


It would help a lot it finding quest glitches. I think I found a few in the Alchemist table but resetting and getting all the herbs and talking to everyone just to confirm is getting a bit much. Love the game anyways. Keep up the awesome work.