Some thoughts about the Forests

Goodness I can’t seem to keep away from those gorgeous forests. I’ve pretty much stopped fast traveling so that I can walk through them. Wh has created a masterpiece. It just keeps pulling me towards it. What about you guys and gals?



In every RPG I have ever played (most of them) i much prefer being in the safe towns, near the NPC’s admiring the town/village etc.

However I love just wandering through the forests, hunting and enjoying myself in KCD. The reason, I think, is because there are no monsters to frighten/ambush me. I can finally enjoy a game world without watching my back for some abomination. So refreshing to me :slight_smile:


Until they patch in wolves and bears xD

I’ve spent so many hours in woods… Either travelling between villages or just slowly walking through them, searching for game to hunt…
It’s even more immersive for me because of fact that I have actually walked through these forests and meadows in real life. Only last summer I went from Český Šternberk (we’ve visited another nice castle there, to this day inhabited by its owner, one of last living nobles in Czech Republic) to Ledečko (along the river Sázava (Sassau)). It’s all captured so well in game.

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Damn mate, I’m jealous. After playing this game, I feel the urge to visit Czech Republic atleast once and spend my time walking around the woods and visiting castles.

I agree with you and I really enjoy forests but you also should look here if you haven’t got the chance to play the beta version of the game. you will see other pictures of what forests were before :slight_smile:

Yeah, I have played both Alpha and Beta.

And I remember that I had to get on knees and find my jaw when I first entered forest near Samopše in alpha version. It was so gorgeous.

But fact is, that it was also incredibly demanding on hardware. I believe that it had to be “optimized” by downgrade because of both console versions and actual overal complexity of game, therefore it’s very demanding even for average PC.

Despite that, it’s still made very well. Don’t forget that this is actually first game many of Warhorse employees actually worked on.

They did used to look better but not everyone has 2x1080ti’s to run those forests :smiley:

Yeah I’ve played the beta too and I was completely awestruck then but I already knew a downgrade was on the way since it was way too hardware intensive even for good pcs and of course impossible for consoles. But what they’ve achieved now is pretty amazing as well


Agree i play on ps4proo and i love those forests especially when i fight someone or hunt

I too find myself slowly strolling through the woods. Every new area feels different, the lighting always changes, the foliage too. I just wish there was more to do there. Shooting rabbits and deer becomes dull after a while. The woods themself are perfect. I live in Europe myself, the colours and lighting and type of foliage are spot on.

Forests are great, very very realistic, and will be even more after some optimization, UHD texture pack and other great shaders and modding on top…

Only things to add is more wildlife diversity, even without real interaction like more birds and little things all around, of course wolves (bears may be very rare), speaking of wich why not some insects like bees, scarabs and so on ? :stuck_out_tongue:


WH nailed the forest/understory aesthetic.