The †roll Cave ®™

I’m actually going to see one of these this week. They do tours.

The combat is so enjoyable as is they could make a small arena and make a standalone dueling game and sell it right fucking now.

Seriously a survival mode where they just drop fighters in every once in a awhile would be dope, like the M&B tournaments.

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prepare the missiles gentlemen

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I especially like this part of the article.

“Here’s a staggering bit of information: Turkey has the second largest fighting force in NATO (WTF are you doing, Europe?)”.

these guys are the bravest men alive a pleasure to serve with . they kick so much arse its unreal . another one a while back killed 50 taliban on his own . killing one with a tripod from a machine gun emplacement .

I have a question for you. How many arrows does it take to bring down one of the cumans. Because when i was playing the alpha i put around 20 arrows into the fucker and he didn’t go down.

Gurkas are fucking insane :smile: So fucking stupid how he got in trouble for taking the bastards head.

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tell me about it . Some good news though our budget was released today . we have pledged to stick to the 2% GDP on defence

they are crazy but not in a stupid way . they will fight to the death . for them dying for Britain is the highest honour

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About damn time. I find it amusing how far Europe has shifted from their roots as the dominent millitary continent to pretty much relying on its child ( the U.S) to protect it.

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I believe your strength is a factor, I trained with the archers over and over getting my strength to 30.

The gut with the open face helmet goes down in four hits, the other about 7.

I have a combat save that I have backed up and keep progressing the stats, I wanna know if I can get a 1 hit Kill.

Good to know. I thought maybe since i stole the bow that it wouldn’t do any damage.

i find it sickening . as a nation we have forgot who we are . are entire history and traditions and culture throughout history has been war . its what we are good at . but these left wing wankers have steered us away

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Nope there are actual stats that develop already but you cannot see your skills yet to confirm those actually change, but I think they do.

My current save says im lvl. 17 with strength of 30, I have gotten the sword skill and defense skill increase notification several times. I can kill the first to guys in the arena almost effortlessly, but if I make a new game I get owned every time by the first level guy.

Damn thats rather disapointing. If bows are really that weak i don’t see any use in them at all.

Did you watch any of the vids i posted about Chinas millitary above? It really shows they’re pretty much North Korea. They have a huge ass army but its terrible.

Its only the current state of alpha im sure, there’s a video from E3 where dan talks about the bow being like .50cal sniper rifle but you will not be good until you level your skill with it up.

Seems like you misread or I didn’t explain well enough you noticeable improve your skills and stats, you just can’t confirm it for some things because its under a section of the menu that is not yet available to us.

You can confirm that level, charisma, strength, speech, and noise change already in current build.

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I see well that makes me feel better.

Like a said I have save that’s only being used to increase my stats Im going to see if I can get 1 hitter by getting high strength.

There seems to be allot of mechanics functioning in the background that just haven’t been tied into the UI so stats of weapon damage don’t change yet but you noticeably become more competent.

In a speech in May 1953, Churchill said: "We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not comprised. We are associated, but not absorbed. And should any European statesman address us and say ‘Shall we speak for thee?’ we should reply ‘Nay, Sir, for we live among our own people.’’