Translation for new Video Update!

Damn, what a clusterfuck of things gone wrong. Thanks for bearing with us and telling us.

Real happy you are so forthcoming with this info on just what happened, not everyone got the balls to go out and honestly say what went wrong (or that it even did in the first place), another reason to love you guys at Warhorse. Pity it didn’t work out, but we’ll make do.

Looking forward to the livestream!


Well I have to say, I really dont envy that new video guy :smiley: You can be skilled and talented, but under these circumstances its really hard start :smiley:
Nevermind then, looking forward to livestream :slight_smile:

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Fuck the video - all we wanted were the subtitles.


Maybe next time then.

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So I guess this means no “video update and chill”


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I have some good news! We were quite unhappy about that we had no videoupdate. So we made it a 4th time, this time we are quite happy about it and it will be out very soon. :slight_smile:


What does it mean “very soon”? Next week or next month? :kissing:

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“very soon” is for warhorse 4-6 months :smiley:


Than can happen if you develop a game from 1403… :smiley:

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depnds on who orders, the pizza and when it arrives. :wink:

So finally the Videoupdate is out now, but we still miss Spanish subtitles.

I have to practice for a test but I’m on it.

German translation is done. Thanks for the opportunity! It was fun and an excellent practice for my next english exam :smile:

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That’s a pity :frowning:
I am Spanish, but with my English level I can’t help. I can’t believe how weak is the Spanish community on this awesome project. Even more with the interest that medieval period raises in our country.
I really wish I had better skills…

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Hi guys, this is not really the best time for me since i’ve got an exam in just a few days and i’m quite busy, therefore i fear i wont be able to start working on the Italian subtitles until the 22 :disappointed_relieved: