Troll cave II

What’s your take on this one?


Thank you, as we were a bit unlucky in the first two times we try to get more creative now to find a solution which will fit to everybody. :rainbow:

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the picture about sacrasm is pretty much true.

At several occasions I tried to make a joke where I peretended I dont know something elementary in a sarcastic tone.
And when others dont notice the sarcasm, there is no way out. If you start explaining that it was a joke, they will think that not only are you an idiot but also a pretentious fuck.


Breaking news:
Russian troops have been spotted in the Czech Republic.

That’s why the “libertarian” thing for you to do, would be to advocate for lower taxes, and less government control. But I’m willing to bet that’s the polar opposite of your views.

Don’t pretend advocating for social programs is the noble thing to do, when it forces people to give up their hard earned income.

I have no issue with drug legalization, ive made this quite clear on multiple occasions.

Do you consume products that were shipped or transferred via roadways?

What about ambulances and police vehicles that use roads to help save citizens lives?

fuck the military though ;).

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Na… I only need one road, that is the road to the supermarked and to work. I don´t care about the trucks who deliver the goods to the supermarkted, that is not my problem, the supermarkted has to pay for it, they want to sell me their stuff, they can do it! :wink:


I personally think our military should just be geared towards defense. Only reason we really need things super carriers is for patrolling areas 3000 miles away which i don’t think we should be doing anyway.

Do you have toll roads in New Germanstan?

I honestly think that i could have giant neon green letters flashing the word Troll, and people would still take the bait.

I totally agree, most of our military expenses are for “invasion/world policing”.

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I’m confused is that the Czech army mobilzing or the Russian invaders .

Then again I don’t think the Czechs have that many men or enough equipment for them all

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This ones, the czech ones would be equipped with beer.

Pretty irritating that we’ve become that. We’re lucky that we have the perfect Geography to be a peaceful nation. No one in our part of the world has been a threat to us in over 150 years, and for some reason we go seeking external threats.

I don’t think you understand the full scale of "defence " the reason we patrol for example the area around Somalia is not because we give a fuck about Somalia it’s because our trading vessels pass through the strait .

A strong navy is needed by all sea trading nations in order to defend their shipping . While the threat of USS Nimitz is close by not to many people are going to be hijacking US commercial shipping.

Defence is not simply about visible terroirty it’s about all aspects of the operations of a country from cyber to economy to sovereignty. It’s all combined and all needs defending .
The US operates in these areas all across the globe therefore it requires a force that can project to all areas of interest across the globe

We don’t need 11 super carriers to protect our trade routes from guys in motor boats armed with rpgs.

Most of our carriers are used to defend our allies territory, like our allies in the South China sea. I don’t like the idea of entangling alliances, it led to the 2 largest wars in history after all.

Something which i don’t agree with. The U.S was founded as a nation were people go if they wanted to escape the politics and wars in the rest of the world. We got too involved in ww1, and we’ve replaced you tea baggers as the world police.

But since we are involved in the world, we do need those things. Hopefully one day we can go back to being isolationists, so until then i want a strong military that has offensive capabilities.

i think, that could be arranged


Shouldn’t you be preparing for the Russian invasion comrade?

Best put on your dress and sharpen your Katana.

The love of money is the root of all evil.