Troll cave II

I know, that opportunity is still out of reach sadly.

Never gonna let that dream of a select few private steam beta. Its to messy to control but I can dream dammit!

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Don’t bother raising your hand . Use it to cover your mouth next time you cough . Dirty bastard


This will be difficult, Tomas does not speak english very well, so for the QA department it is important that you are able to speak czech.

well, yes. That would be a difficulty, but i think it would not be completely out of the question

I don’t think the Afgans could really fight they way they do now, before the CIA trained them. There would obviously be Czech soldiers ( and troops from other countries) who could train the locals to fight.

To do that, you have to fight them for years, which as i stated above would likely cost a lot in blood.

Better just to have a strong enough conventional force to deter an potential invasion.

Yes indeed how’s that worked in Iraq though ? Not very fucking well .

The afghans have been involved in war for decades long before the US could even locate them on a map .
Tribal wars are pretty everyday out there . They are experts on warfare take no credit from them . They are hardened men .

Most people in the west are soft they wouldn’t last two seconds against a young Afghan male . Let alone a large conventional force . The Czech Republic would be lucky if it lasted a few days against a large organised invasion force .

It would be them down to its allies to take it back . Same
For the majority of Europe to be honest

Not a good comparison. The Iraqis have no will to fight, and they’re not fighting a guerrilla war against ISIS.

And yet trained western soldiers would wipe the floor with them 9/10 times in a fire fight would they not?

You realise we’re not talking about a conventional war right?

You haven’t provided any real reason why the Czech civilians couldn’t be trained to wage an insurgency against an occupying force, other than “they aren’t the Afgans”. Because apparently your ability to be trained to fight revolves around you having a rough child hood.

And yet they were getting thrashed by the Russians until the CIA started providing them with training.

The Zulus were experts in Tribal warfare, and how did they end up?

what about in syria then ? not going well there either .

its very hard to train a force from scratch and reengage them into a very fluid war . it would take months to get any sort of combat effective force together from a bunch of civies with no combat experience . sticking with the czech republic . the country wouldnt have a matter of months . if we were discussing the US then yes because i would have faith that the US military could hold an invasion force at bay even if completely out matched (unlikely ) for some time allowing civilians to be trained and then deployed in support of regular units .

but a small nation like czech republic ? no chance .

its somewhat worked in ukraine for the reason that the entire country is not engulfed in war and its generally a war thats moves a few meters a day rather than miles .

win the firefight yes . wipe them out ? no . generally they just vanish into the country side through tunnels , irrigation ditches etc . then come back and have another go the next day creating an endless cat and mouse .
if we took the gloves off and used our full range of air assets and a attitude to hunt the enemy down and destroy them then yes the taliban wouldnt last long .
that however isnt the case we are/were there to defend and provide security not to wage war . A point that was continuously drummed into you therefore we did not go out seeking a firefight we went out to patrol then return to our previous position . if we were engaged we were to fight them off but not to pursue .

i dont think an invading force would operate in the same manor do you ? any invasion again using russia as an example it would likely go the same as Crimea . they would secure most if not all major strategic position in the first few hours/days then work from there .

they could be however it wouldnt be effective without a conventional force coming behind to secure the country . why would the US for example pump millions of pounds into funding a guerrilla force to fight a war it had zero chance of ever actually winning ? it wouldnt .
otherwise they would be doing it now in crimea .

if they wanted to go down the route of raising a milita then they would do it with the view that it would be there to provide support for a NATO conventional force to come in behind and actually win the war . the french resistance in the 40’s for example was funded because they were of huge assistance in the build up to D-day not because we thought they could kick the germans out of france .

so thats why im talking about a conventional war . without external help 150,000 czechs with nothing more than rifles and pistols is hardly gonna last long against an armoured force with air power supported as well as a trained well equipped infantry force .
they wouldnt win a single firefight .

exactly so how do you expect the czechs to stack up ?

not to bad to be fair to them .

again your going against your own argument , if the zulus couldnt do it with all there expertese how do you expect @snejdarek and his pals to pull it off ?

good news !

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Good indeed. TIme to move forward.

I’ve seen interview with some Iraqi Christians that got relocated here. The guy said that as Christians they were not allowed to be armed so once the government pulled out they were all for taking for ISIS.

Sadly, the interview didn’t go into greater detail about them “not being allowed to own guns”.

But yeah, if the estimate is 5.000 ISIS fuckers in 1.5mil Mosul
 It is beyond comprehension that ISIS could hold it even though it seems that their support among locals is not that high.[quote=“TheDivineInfidel, post:2853, topic:27880”]
what about in syria then ? not going well there either .

Syria is different in that it is sectarian.

Here you have homogenous population that would entirely support any insurgent activity, or at least not stay in the way of it.

That is why Heydrich called Czechs “the laughing hyenas”.

Again, you are still thinking of it in terms of conventional warfare. Think of it more like losing 50 soldiers a day while being able to target a handful of perps a month in return.

50 a day is insignificant number in Russian terms, but it stacks up over time, especially if you can’t reach the main goal.

you wouldnt kill that many a day . they would kill more of you than you would of them , you dont have the kit to fight a guerrilla warfare do you seriously believe a few rifles are enough to fight a war ? no way

when you are faced with a mechanised column with 100+ troops in support with air support on stand by do you seriously think you stand any chance with a few rifles ? im sure you will kill a few . im sure you’re gonna come back and say how "yea buts its not conventional warfare " correct but at some point you must engage the enemy and win firefights . thats only done by achieving fire superiority .with a few rifles of which very few would be automatic you would find that quite hard .

i would put the effect of your struggle on the same scale as the IRA . enough to cause a headache but nothing more .

you’ll be surprised how quickly people change their tune when the fear of losing loved ones sets in

no im not . however you will be fighting a conventional force who will have the kit of such a force which would be capable of dealing with insurgencies effectively .

modern warfare is generally fought around large population centres e.g cities hence my earlier example of Aleppo . you seem to have a view that an invading force would only retaliate to guerrilla warfare by using infantry . they wont .
they would use whats to their advantage . in such a case would be the ability to spot you before you spot them
example -
the russians would likely be doing a shit ton more of that than ISAF does/did

they would also use IFV, tanks , jets , ships , APC’s , drones and just about everything else in their arsenal . while you have a rifle .

here we see a rare video of @snejdarek going to join up with his insurgent buddies

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Entirely different situation, you’re talking a civil war vs an insurgency vs an foreign occupying force.

They have all the time in the world if they’re occupied. Even if the Czech military were to be defeated, and disbanded, they troops could train civilians to fight. Other nations would likely send in people to help them train as well.

No, i don’t. But they would be chasing insurgents into land that they know like the back of their hands, i think it’s fair to say the insurgents could be armed with AA, and AT weaponry, which would make any force pretty reluctant to chase after them.

They wouldn’t have to “take land”. They would merely have to kill enough Russian soldiers, and destroy enough equipment to make the war unpopular and too expensive.

Granted that would probably take a decade, plus thousands of dead Czechs in order to accomplish that.

Again your comparison here isn’t really that valid. First off the allies didn’t really give them weapons, because they were worried about a potential power struggle in the country after France was liberated. The French Resistances main use was helping downed allied airmen out of the country, and providing intelligence. Sabotage was also something they did, but not as much.

The Vietcong ,and North Vietnamese lost every single major engagement against the U.S military and ARVN (at least while the U.S was helping them) yet they made the war too costly for us.

We would win what normally would be considered huge victories, but the amount of men lost was just not acceptable to the public.

If the Vietcong were able to kill one U.S servicemen and lost 12 men in the process, they would consider it a win.

If they weren’t trained badly. But they have the luxury of having a military that I’m assuming is well trained like most NATO nations. They could train the civilians, and outside sources would help train and arm them.

They lost.

The Zulus fought the brit bongs head on , and as a result 10,000 of them lost to a group of 300 British riflemen. Had they fought a guerrilla conflict who knows? But I’m willing to bet it would have ended better for them.

The U.S military killed far more Vietcong and NVA troops, and I’m assuming the KD ratio for NATO and the Taliban is quite lopsided.

IRA didn’t have the easy access to guns that the Czechs have now, and add to the fact that a large portion of their countrymen did not support their actions.

Just to conclude my opinion. The Czechs could make it too costly for the Russians to occupy them, but it would probably take years, and leave a huge number of Czechs dead or wounded. Which is why all NATO countries should have a strong conventional force.

Airstrikes would definitely kill a fuck ton. But you can’t win on airstrikes alone. Russia also does not have anywhere close the airstrike capabilities NATO has (they still use the B-29 for fucks sake :smile: ) I think a big reason for their airstrike success against ISIS, is due to the way ISIS fights like a conventional force.

I wrote it three times but apparently you didn’t read it.

You are still talking about position head on warfare, I am talking about guerrilla shit.

Anytime there are less then 6 soldiers a bit further from other units, they get cut down.

The moment a sentry forgets to keep a head low he is asking for being shot.

Any time there is less than dozen soldiers guarding a trainload, it burns up.

Any movement of several soldiers without MRAP asks for trouble.

Any time more units show up, they find nobody to fight, just “helpful” and “concerned” civilians all around.

Yeah, it will not lead to enemy’s defeat, but it does make occupation pointless.

Germans killed 360.000 people here, the level of savagery during their campaign was unbelievable - crucifying people, burning them alive in front of their families, etc. Didn’t help them, but to the contrary.

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“I’m hoping to be a history teacher” (guy acts like 99% of my teachers did)

I feel like some of you doubt me when i talk about the bullshit i was taught in school, so enjoy.

“i think diversity is different word if you are applying to political standpoints versus different aspects”


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To what end ? What’s the end goal ? What’s the point ?

I’m afraid you live in a fanstsey world if you for even a moment think it’s as easy as that .

Several soldiers alone outside of a military base ? No fucking chance if the threat of being attacked is present . Even in Ireland British troops were not allowed out in town without a special unit keeping a close eye on them at all times making sure the IRA was not able murder them .

Sentry getting shot from long range ? Possibly but you would have to hit him first time . The moment he is shot at expect airsupport with thermal imaging on station in about 10 minutes .

Unless it’s a special forces unit no unit would be outside of a base with any less than 12 men with the rest of the platoon in constant radio contact and close by . This is generally done like this from a patrol base . Again their position is know at all times and airsupport is ready to be called in if needed .

If you disappeared into the crowd and airsupport could confirm no units seen leaving the area . All fighting age males would be detained if needed your hands would be gun shot residue tested . [quote=“snejdarek, post:2861, topic:27880”]
Germans killed 360.000 people here, the level of savagery during their campaign was unbelievable - crucifying people, burning them alive in front of their families, etc. Didn’t help them, but to the contrary.

That depends on how the occupying force behave . Any human has a breaking point when they just don’t care like what the Germans did to most people .

However when the only time a population is bombed or made uncomfortable is when the insurgents are close by the local soon become hostile .

Think about it , if every time a certain person came into your back yard who was being wrongly pursued for a crime he didn’t do. Your house was raided and turned upside down(not literally:) ) , how long until you begin turning against the guy running from the police ?
But if however everyday regardless the police came and turned your house upside down it wouldn’t be long until you joined the guy running from
The police and started to fight back against the police .